econext asking Newfoundland and Labrador’s municipalities to help it build climate change action project list

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

econext is seeking input from municipalities across Newfoundland and Labrador to help it build a list of climate change actions that they are hoping to pursue.

These actions can range from climate change mitigation projects (e.g., initiatives that help decrease greenhouse gas emissions) to adaptation projects (e.g., infrastructure improvements to protect from changing weather conditions) to other environmental projects such as wastewater treatment and waste management.

With more information from municipalities on their climate action priorities, econext can work more proactively and deliberately to support them on a one-on-one basis to pursue partnerships and funding.

Interested municipalities are asked to fill out the survey via the link below. Questions about this initiative can be sent to econext‘s Executive Director, Kieran Hanley, at

Click to Participate



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