NEIA celebrating Rivers to Oceans Week with FREE Sediment and Erosion Control Workshop

For Immediate Release
June 5th, 2014

ST. JOHN’S, NL – June 8 – 14, 2014 is Rivers to Oceans Week in Canada and the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) is partnering with the Northeast Avalon ACAP (NAACAP) and holding a free professional development workshop exploring sediment and erosion control.

Rivers to Oceans Week is dedicated to creating an understanding of the connectivity of Canada’s water and what everyone can do to protect and keep it healthy for people and wildlife.

“The northeast Avalon region is experiencing significant population and industrial growth, and with that comes an increase in land development,” says Ted Lomond, Executive Director of NEIA. “With development – when the ground is disturbed from its natural condition – there is the associated risk of silt and sediment laden waters affecting local waterways.”

The environmental impacts of sedimentation can include the loss of aquatic habitat; the loss of wetlands; and can even contribute to human health concerns.

Working Together for Responsible Erosion and Sediment Control is a free workshop delivered by industry targeted towards professionals, contractors, municipalities, and the public. “The workshop includes a review of the environmental need for control; an overview of development regulations; and a look at industry best practices in the field,” says Lomond.

“From wetlands, ground water and springs to creeks, streams, ponds, rivers and oceans, our water is connected,” says Lomond. “The workshop presents an opportunity to share knowledge, experiences, and to foster working relationships between stakeholders to ensure that sedimentation of local waterways is avoided.”

More information on the workshop can be found at

NAACAP is an environmental non-government organization (NGO) that works with all sectors of the community, to protect and enhance the aquatic environmental quality of the watersheds and coastline of the Northeast Avalon region. NAACAP works with the communities, government agencies, university researchers, volunteer groups and businesses to protect and enhance our natural surroundings.

NEIA is a not-for-profit association of businesses that promotes the growth and development of the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador. The organization offers a diverse range of expert knowledge and support services for members working to grow economic opportunity while respecting the natural environment. NEIA is The Business of the Environment, and has over 160 members.

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Media Contact:
Kieran Hanley



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