NEIA Moving on Up… Stairs

The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) has moved its operations up a level – literally. Effective immediately, NEIA has moved its offices from the first floor of 90 O’Leary Avenue… to a brand new space on the second floor of 90 O’Leary Avenue.

As a result of NEIA’s move, staff phone numbers have changed. To get in touch with NEIA staff, please see our new contact information here. In an effort to reduce paper use, NEIA will no longer be using a fax number. Once we are settled in, we will take you on a virtual tour of our space.

With new surroundings and an environmental sector carrying great momentum, NEIA is looking forward to the possibilities of 2013.

Stay tuned for some exciting new initiatives for the environmental sector, and some new NEIA developments!



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