Municipal Climate Change Practitioners Networking Event

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

CLIMAtlantic is bringing together municipal climate change practitioners from throughout Atlantic Canada and we are hoping you’d be able to attend! Your perspectives would be greatly valued, and we hope you will benefit from a better understanding of how CLIMAtlantic can support your work. This will also be a networking space for practitioners to discuss their current work and needs, as well as meet fellow practitioners, set up supports, and get to know each other.

CLIMAtlantic facilitates access to data and information to support adaptation to climate change in Atlantic Canada through collaboration, networking, and partnership.

Date: January 12, 2022
Time: 10h30 – 12h30 NST

10:00am Welcome
10:10am Presentation of CLIMAtlantic and our work
10:20am Questions
10:35am Round of introductions
11:15am Breakout rooms to get to know each other a bit more
12:00pm Finish


Please fill out this registration form by Jan. 5, 2022: CLIMAtlantic will be in touch with the Zoom link closer to the date.

Please contact Sepehr Khosravi, Climate Services Specialist with CLIMAtlantic and econext, with your questions at



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