Energy Innovation Program – Clean Fuels and Industrial Fuel Switching

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

This call for proposals under the Energy Innovation Program will target industrial fuel switching and production of clean fuels for use in hard-to-abate sectors, focusing specifically on three technology areas.

Focus area 1: industrial fuel switching

This focus area supports projects that have the potential to enable the substitution of lower carbon fuels or feedstock (including electricity, hydrogen, biomass, biofuels, and gaseous fuels) in the following industrial sectors: chemicals and fertilizers, iron and steel, smelting and refining, and cement. Completed projects are expected to achieve the following broad objectives:

  • Understand properties of lower carbon fuels and their impact on existing industrial processes and systems.
  • Advance innovative technologies or processes that enable the future uptake of lower carbon fuels, including retrofit or redesign required to adapt to the substitute fuels.
  • Use lower carbon fuels or feedstock in existing industrial processes to reduce energy intensity and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Focus area 2: clean fuels production

This focus area supports projects for the pre-commercial development, advancement, and piloting of technologies that reduce the capital and operating costs of producing clean fuels. Completed projects are expected to achieve the following broad objectives:

  • Develop new clean fuels production processes.
  • Improve the process and efficiency of clean fuels production using advanced feedstock.
  • Advance the usability of waste or underutilized feedstock.

Focus area 3: hydrogen codes and standards

This focus area supports projects that advance knowledge towards the development of codes and standards related to the production, transportation, storage, and utilization of hydrogen. Completed projects are expected to achieve the following broad objectives:

  • Advance knowledge towards the update, harmonization, and/or development of codes and standards for the production, transportation, storage, and utilization of hydrogen.

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