For Immediate Release
February 23, 2018
The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) was pleased to join NATI, the CME, ACADA, and the provincial government at the technology summit on Friday in announcing its technology sector work plan. The work plan includes actions that each of the partners will take to achieve the collective goal of growing the technology industry and stimulating new private sector employment.
“There’s opportunity in Newfoundland and Labrador to increase commercial activity and create new jobs in the area of clean technology adoption and development. The world economy is driving towards greater stewardship on carbon emissions and environmental impacts, and technology is in the driver’s seat. Those of our industries that capitalize on this reality in their operations here at home, or by exporting their expertise and services abroad, can achieve competitive advantage and growth. Unlocking the opportunity involves applying the right supports at the right junctures, and NEIA feels the technology work plan is a step towards putting that idea to practice. NEIA appreciates the opportunity to put a clean tech lens on the development of this work plan, and we’re looking forward to putting the plan to action with our partners in government, academia and industry.”
Alex Templeton – Chair, NEIA
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