Request for Expressions of Interest: Infographic Design

The objective of this Request for Expressions of Interest (EOI) is for econext to assess capabilities and interest from firms in the provision of graphic design services to create a series of infographics that demonstrate climate change / clean growth concepts in Newfoundland and Labrador.

These infographics will be used to educate stakeholders and inspire action towards mitigating the effects of climate change and growing the green economy.

econext is asking interested parties to consider the following factors with respect to one infographic in their response to this EOI:

  • Firms will be provided with all information required for the infographic;
  • Firms will be relied upon to provide guidance on how information should be presented in an infographic based on best practices and the target audience;
  • Infographics should be designed to be 8.5 x 11 in size (plus bleeding and crop markings) as to allow for printing;
  • Infographics should be delivered in PDF format (vector-based); and
  • Firms will provide the source design files for the infographic created.

econext will draw from the pool of designers submitting responses to this EOI for future work.

Reponses to this EOI should include the following information:

  • Cost per infographic designed and delivered;
  • Estimate of timeline associated with infographic delivery, assuming you have been provided with all required information; and
  • Examples of relevant design work.

The electronic copy of your submissions should be in a single PDF document and sent to Kieran Hanley at Questions from interested respondents can be sent to the same address. The deadline for EOI responses is March 22, 2023.



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