DEI Training Part 3: Allyship

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

Join us for an exciting online event where we dive deep into the world of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The DEI Learning Series is your chance to expand your knowledge and gain valuable insights in the world of DEI.

Part 3: Allyship

Date: March 6, 2024
Time: 10:30 – 12pm
Cost: Free

econext welcomes expert facilitators from the Women in Resource Development Corporation (WRDC) to provide this training. By attending this training, you’ll develop valuable skills to foster a more inclusive and equitable environment in your workplace.


This training focuses on the significance of allyship and what it means to be an ally in the workplace. Participants gain insights into different types of allies and acquire practical strategies for acting in allyship with groups and communities that experience discrimination and exclusion, both socially and economically. Real-life case studies are used to facilitate these learnings and key takeaways are shared for immediate implementation.

This is part 3 of a 3 part DEI training series offered by WRDC and econext. Missed the first one? Can’t make both upcoming sessions? Don’t sweat it! Attending all three sessions is encouraged however it is not required.

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