Regional Climate Workshops: Summary Report

As part of on-going efforts to both inform and learn from community members across the province, the Harris Centre – in partnership with econext and CLIMAtlantic – hosted a series of regional workshops in 2023 to discuss the impacts and adaptation opportunities associated with climate change in Newfoundland and Labrador. These sessions built on Forecast NL, an 18-month initiative by the Harris Centre that brought together key stakeholders for a province-wide discussion on the question: How can NL create economic and social prosperity while mitigating and adapting to climate change?

The primary focus for the 2023 regional workshops was to:

  • Provide an opportunity for community members and stakeholders from different NL regions and sectors to learn more about climate adaptation strategies potentially relevant to their region and the climate impacts they are experiencing.
  • Hear directly from community members and stakeholders about experiences with climate change and how their communities/region have begun to consider or adopt adaptation strategies.
  • Create a forum for community members to explore the needs and opportunities for adaptation strategies to enhance the resilience of their region, and to highlight the types of technical assistance or other supports needed in order to pursue these strategies.
  • Generate useful information for local and provincial organizations to inform their planning and provision of technical assistance resources toward climate adaptation issues and strategies of highest interest, priority and need.

The following report is a summary of workshops held during 2023 in Grand Falls-Windsor, Port Rexton/Trinity East, Bonavista, Port aux Basques, Codroy Valley, and Pasadena.

Download the Report



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