
econext‘s Ideathons provide an opportunity for students to gain real-world experience by tackling challenges and opportunities hand-picked by industry leaders that are present in Newfoundland and Labrador’s green economy.

How do Ideathons Work

Ideathon prompts are informed by econext members and industry leaders. These challenges/opportunities are presented to students, who then proceed to build teams amongst themselves to in a competition to present the best solution. Throughout the event, students participate in workshops hosted by subject matter experts on relevant aspects of the challenge and industry mentors are onsite or available to answer questions and help students brainstorm. At the end of the event, teams pitch their solutions to a panel of judges who pick the Ideathon winners and award the grand prizes. econext ensures that prompts selected have multi-disciplinary applications, ensuring that students from a variety of backgrounds and programs can participate.

The Benefits

Ideathons present students with an opportunity to apply their education in real world scenarios, meet with industry experts, and engage with event sponsors and potential future employers. From an industry perspective, awareness of specific challenges and/or opportunities is created within a community of individuals who will soon enter the workforce, while providing invidual companies with the opportunity to meet with potential future employees.

Past Events

Are you interested in partnering with econext on a future Ideathon? Please contact Alex Rumbolt at



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