Accelerating Cleantech Innovation in Oil & Gas Program

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

De-risking investments in cleantech

Canada’s oil and gas sector has ambitious targets to reduce emissions and be a global leader in producing clean hydrocarbons for energy and other uses.

Clean technology companies across the country, internationally and on academic campuses may have little direct experience with the regionally concentrated oil and gas sector. This creates a technical and cultural communications gap that can make collaboration challenging.

Similarly, young professionals outside of oil and gas are not aware of the extent and pace of innovation within the oil and gas sector, or of the opportunities for material beneficial environmental impact through professional work focused on the oil and gas sector.

Canada Cleantech Alliance’s “Accelerating Cleantech Innovation in Oil & Gas” program, a collaboration with the Clean Resource Innovation Network (CRIN), is designed to de-risk investments in clean technology for oil & gas companies. It will mobilize and support cleantech innovators to deliver and successfully commercialize innovations that can reduce the oil & gas sector’s emissions and footprint from source to end use.

The program consists of six components:

  • January 2022: Program launch
  • January/February 2022: Application period for cleantech companies with solutions (TRL 2-5) in one or more of CRIN’s seven Technology Theme Areas. Apply here.
  • March 2022: Innovation in oil & gas training for selected ventures (in collaboration with Foresight Canada)
  • April 2022: Pitch Training for short-listed ventures (in collaboration with Cycle Momentum)
  • April 2022: Pitch Session
  • May 2022: Mentorship Program launch (in collaboration with Foresight Canada)

Learn more and apply here



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