Are you a business in NL with smart grid technologies and/or services? Participate in a survey to help map out the supply chain in Atlantic Canada

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

The Smart Grid Innovation Network Canada Inc. (SGIN) is carrying out a project to identify supply chain participants in the Smart Energy Sector in Atlantic Canada. With federal funding support, they plan to use this information to create a publicly available on-line directory of the businesses and organizations associated with this evolving and rising part of the drive for a lower carbon future.

They will classify and summarize participant roles and activities and provide publicly available contact information. They will use this information to promote the organizations for trade and sector development purposes. As part of this project, they are also developing a program that would be specific to the sector’s needs for exporting their products, technologies, services, and knowledge.

The link to the survey includes a discussion of what is considered part of the Smart Energy Sector supply chain including all those who provide technologies and services (including consulting on an ongoing or a project basis). If you believe you may be part of the sector that supports the building of a smarter, lower carbon energy system for the future, please click here:



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