Centre of Excellence in healthcare cybersecurity at Eastern Health (COE) – Skills Development Feedback request

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.


Eastern Health is undertaking ground-breaking work to create a Healthcare Cyber Security Center of Excellence (COE) to secure healthcare digital assets in the face of growing cyber threats and increased global demand for digital health services.

The COE is a ‘first of its kind’ concept that addresses the challenge of cybersecurity in healthcare systems through an investment in technological capacity, an integrated approach to deployment, and a systematic approach to knowledge transfer and development of local skills and innovative capacity.

Thus, this investment is expected to result in spillover benefits in innovation, education/skills development and, overall, in the province’s economic development. The COE is not intended to only identify and address current technological gaps in healthcare cybersecurity but will be a means to address multiple associated needs inherent in cybersecurity across the provincial economy. Thus, there will be a positive spillover effect on the economy of the province and the region.

This is a mission focused, game-changing approach with global impact. Since 2018, Eastern Health has facilitated strategic discussions with Israel’s world-leading cyber ecosystem as well as other global and local innovation partners to develop, refine, and promote a new approach to healthcare cybersecurity.

At the heart of this new approach, creating a cybersecurity Centre of Excellence (COE) proposes a change in how healthcare IT systems finance the security of digital assets by addressing this through innovation and regional economic development policy. The COE is a first of its kind concept that meets the challenges of cybersecurity in healthcare systems through:

  • An investment in technological capacity.
  • An integrated approach to deployment.
  • A systematic approach to knowledge transfer and development of local skills and innovative capacity.
  • Expected spillover benefits in the province’s economic development.
  • Building local skills and technology capacity.

Newfoundland and Labrador’s education, training, and skills development ecosystem will benefit from:

  • Our colleges and universities becoming centres of multidisciplinary courseware in cyber-health.
  • Our education system producing graduates with sought-after technical skills.
  • The COE as an epicentre of healthcare cybersecurity specialized training.
  • The COE focusing on knowledge transfer, offering opportunities for the province’s youth.


The planned Centre of Excellence in healthcare cybersecurity at Eastern Health (COE) will bring specific opportunities for skills development that can meet the cybersecurity needs of NL companies. While these skills will initially be developed in the context of healthcare cybersecurity, they will also be readily applicable to cybersecurity issues in other sectors within the digital economy. In that context, we hope you will be able to answer some or all of the following questions:

A – What cybersecurity skills gaps do you foresee over the next 2-5 years in your specific sector of the economy and for your company?

B – What areas of cyber security skills specialties (eg: monitoring & design, incident response, penetration testing, threat intel & forensics, cloud security, etc.) are needed and could be addressed through the COE capabilities?

C – Can you prioritize the needs in terms of timing? ( ie: when will shortages become critical?)

D – Any other ideas for skills development in the cybersecurity and / or IT space?

E – How can the COE’s Management Team best ensure integrating with the local high tech community, thus maximizing its relevance to the community needs?

Feedback is due before Wednesday, 20 April, 2022.

All returns can be send to paul.ryan@mi.mun.ca



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