Clean Energy Initiative

The Clean Energy Initiative is a collaborative project led by econext – in partnership with College of the North Atlantic, Memorial University of Newfoundland, and Trades NL – to prepare Newfoundland and Labrador’s workforce to support and succeed within the province’s emerging clean energy industry.

The Clean Energy Initiative is guided by a steering committee which includes broad representation from governments, post-secondary institutions, trades, Indigenous groups, and industry.

The project has five components which are being pursued in tandem.

Identifying Workforce Capacity Gaps

econext is undertaking comprehensive research to identify the jobs and skills that will be required in Newfoundland and Labrador to support wind energy, hydrogen, and other clean fuel projects, as well as electricity grid investments. This analysis will compare the projected workforce needs over the next 10-15 years, in terms of both quantity and qualifications, with the current resources available in the region. The results from this analysis will support industry’s workforce attraction and retention strategies including upskilling and training initiatives.

Meeting Short-Term Workforce Needs Through Attraction and Retention

Building on the findings from the workforce capacity analysis, econext is developing a comprehensive attraction and retention strategy to ensure that the workforce is available (and ready) to support clean energy developments in NL.

Help Meet Short-Term Workforce Needs Through Upskilling

In collaboration with partners, econext is defining and developing targeted upskilling programs based on the workforce capacity analysis to prepare the local workforce for emerging opportunities in the clean energy sector.

Develop Hydrogen-focused Post-Secondary Curriculum and Courses

Based on the results from the workforce capacity analysis, econext is working with post-secondary education partners to explore enhancements or additions to program curriculum to ensure that NL’s workforce is equipped to meet future demands.

Create Greater Awareness of Job Opportunities and Requirements

Leveraging insights from these initiatives, econext will lead an education and awareness campaign to encourage the workforce to participate in Newfoundland and Labrador’s clean energy industry.



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