Community Climate Resilience & Adaptation: Building Capacity & Expertise Collaboratively

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

Climate change has had and will continue to have significant impacts on communities across Newfoundland and Labrador. Planning for these impacts is daunting, but necessary. This interactive workshop series aims to bring together municipal and provincial staff and elected officials, engineers, planners, and other professionals, academics and interested individuals, to facilitate effective communication and collaboration across disciplines. We must all be on the same page to build the resilient, low-carbon future that we need.

This virtual workshop series is part of the ongoing BRACE initiative funded by Natural Resources Canada (Building Regional Adaptive Capacity and Expertise). BRACE project partners include Memorial University, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Professional Engineers and Geoscientists NL, Engineers Canada, Municipalities NL, and the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Professional Planners. Fundamental Inc. was engaged to assist with the development and delivery of this workshop series. The workshop content has been informed by a series of surveys conducted throughout 2022.

Sessions will consist of short presentations and facilitated breakout room discussions. Main sessions will be recorded and made available.

Session 1 – Monday, Nov. 28th – Climate Data for Decision Makers

Session 2 – Tuesday, Nov. 29th – Community Vulnerability Assessments

Session 3 – Wednesday, Nov. 30th – Engineering Solutions to Climate Challenges

Session 4 – Thursday, Dec. 1st – Planning & Policy Solutions to Climate Challenges

Session 5 – Friday, Dec. 2nd – Making Connections & Moving Forward

There will be one 2-hour session each morning during the week of November 28th to December 2nd. Each session will build upon the previous so participants are encouraged to attend as many sessions as they can to get the most out of the series.




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