CRIN-carbonNEXT Carbon & Hydrogen Innovation Showcase | February 2, 2022

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

Feb 2, 2022 09:00 AM in Edmonton

Join us for a deep dive into methane decomposition & hydrogen needs in the Canadian oil and gas industry. Topics include:

  • Industry needs: The Clean Resource Innovation Network (CRIN) will welcome attendees, provide an overview of the webinar, and discuss how CRIN addresses industry needs related to methane decomposition and hydrogen.
  • Panel Discussion: CSV Midstream and Nu:ionic will discuss their collaborative project that is providing hydrogen for bitumen upgrading and methane reforming.
  • Venture showcase: Listen to pitches and Q&A from leading cleantech solution providers in methane decomposition and hydrogen including:
    Ekona Power
    NewWave H2
    Hydrogen in Motion
    Proton Energy
    Aurora Hydrogen

This is the second webinar in a series of three events hosted by CRIN and carbonNEXT, an initiative of Foresight and Carbon Management Canada. Through three innovation showcase events in November, 2021, February, and March, 2022, CRIN and carbonNEXT will connect oil and gas producers and energy service companies with pre-commercial carbon capture, conversion, hydrogen, and methane decomposition ventures to accelerate cleantech adoption.

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