Developing a New Climate Change Action Plan: Recommendations for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

econext has released a series of recommendations for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to consider in the development of its new Climate Change Action Plan.

Embracing proactivity in the pursuit of net zero can ensure that decarbonization is not something that ‘happens to’ NL, but rather it is something NL is helping to design, lead, and benefit from.

There are many different activities that NL could take to fight climate change. econext has attempted to focus on a small number of direct actions that can be taken that will have the greatest positive impact. econext considered environmental and economic impacts, aspiring to arrive at recommendations that were likely to achieve significant results for both.

In developing these recommendations, econext engaged its membership, leveraged the different areas of expertise of its 13 full-time staff, and was guided by its Board of Directors.

econext arrived at 19 recommendations spread across 7 distinct themes:

  • Ensure long-term access to clean electricity;
  • Maximize domestic clean fuels opportunities;
  • Assist heavy industry in its decarbonization;
  • Support businesses to contribute to net zero;
  • Include buildings as part of the solution;
  • Establish strategic regional partnerships; and
  • Define the negative emissions opportunity.

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