econext and MRC Members Roundtable – NL Renewable Energy Plan

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

In collaboration with Marine Renewables Canada (MRC), econext will be hosting a virtual roundtable on Thursday, October 28th to collect input on the development of Newfoundland & Labrador’s Renewable Energy Plan from the perspective of marine renewables.

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has launched a consultation process on the development of its Renewable Energy Plan and we are aiming to provide a submission that includes the province’s opportunities in marine renewable energy and recommendations for supporting the sector.

Background Info

Roundtable Format

The roundtable will consist of a presentations from Elisa Obermann, Executive Director of MRC and Kieran Hanley, Executive Director of econext on potential marine renewable energy opportunities in NL and some additional background on the NL context including the consultation process. Attendees will then be invited to provide input via a roundtable discussion.

Roundtable Details

Date: Thursday, October 28, 2021
Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm ADT
Location: Virtual (via Zoom)

RSVP: Please RSVP to Amanda White at to confirm your attendance. Once you’ve confirmed, an email with Zoom meeting details will be sent to you.



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