econext Electronics Recycling Day

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

Recycle Your Old Devices Responsibly This Summer with econext!

Join us and EPRA for a day dedicated to responsible recycling! Bring your old laptops, tablets, monitors, cords, and other related devices to be properly disposed of with secure data handling for your peace of mind. CFS-NL will also be on hand to accept eligible computers for refurbishment and donation to schools and other organizations across the province.  So join us for responsible recycling, complimentary refreshments, and the chance to win a fantastic eco-friendly prize pack—each recycled item earns you one entry to win!

econext member EPRA is the only regulated and approved entity in our province to collect and handle end of life electronics. They are an industry-led, not-for-profit organization that operates regulated recycling programs across Canada. They ensure that end-of-life electronics are handled in a safe, secure and environmentally-sound manner. To learn more about the importance of recycling electronics, visit recycleMYelectronics.ca/NL

CFS-NL refurbishes computers donated from government, private business and individuals for use by schools, libraries, registered not-for-profit learning organizations and Aboriginal communities. CFS -NL is a registered charity and is affiliated with the national Computers for School Program.


Date: Thursday, August 29th, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Location: Sobeys – Howley Estates, 10 Elizabeth Avenue, St. John’s

What can I bring?

Take a look at the Electronic Products Recycling Association’s list of accepted electronics!

What Can I Recycle?

Wondering what Computers for Schools NL will be accepting for refurbishment?

REUSE Level Electronic Equipment

Computers not meeting eligibility will be recycled appropriately




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