EOI – DeepSense and Mitacs have partnered up to help you grow and innovate in the ocean sector.

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

The future of the blue economy demands cutting edge technology. Are you ready?

DeepSense and Mitacs have partnered up to help you grow and innovate.

Together, we unite the next generation of AI and machine learning experts with companies that want to harness the potential of data and become leaders in a smarter ocean economy. By leveraging cutting edge technologies, companies can more easily use data to make decisions, optimize operations, and create new products, processes or services. All with low cost and low risk.

Mitacs has long been a pioneer in Canada’s artificial intelligence ecosystem, and we’ve built strong research collaborations between industry and academia for over 20 years. With our experience and networks, Mitacs enables Canadian companies to be at the vanguard of artificial intelligence and create a vital talent pipeline to maintain Canada’s leadership role in the innovation ecosystem.

DeepSense supports cost–effective collaborative projects between academic researchers and businesses in the ocean economy to drive innovation, commercialization, job creation and economic growth. Explore the type of projects we have worked on in the past.

Submit By January 31, 2022 At 5pmAST

Learn more and Apply here!



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