As the fight against climate change intensifies, as does the importance of creating and supporting green jobs. There are a variety of national programs available to businesses and organizations in Newfoundland and Labrador to help subsidize the creation of a green jobs – particularly for students and youth.
This list is updated regularly. If you have an interest in creating a green job, but the programs below do not seem to apply, please contact us as the econext team may be aware of other supports that meet your needs.
Some program descriptions contain definitions or additional notes which are outlined in greater detail at the bottom of this page.
Student Work Placement (Co-op)
ECO Canada
Details: Up to 50% of wages to a max of $5,000 for eligible employers to hire students currently enrolled in a STEAM or business program.
AGRI Talent
Details: Up to 50% of the wages to a max of $5,000 for each net new placement OR up to 70% of the wages to a max of $7,000 for each net new placement for under-represented groups including women in STEM, Indigenous students, newcomers, and persons with disabilities, visible minority as well as first-year students.
Green Jobs
Project Learning Tree Canada
Details: Up to 50% of wages to a max of $6,000 for a placement with a green job employer.
Details: Up to a max of $30,000 in wage subsidies and training for a placement in the natural resource sector.
Destination Trade
Details: Up to $5,000 in wage subsidies for an apprentice in a construction or manufacturing trade.
Discovering Potential
Details: Up to $24,000 to employers who create relevant and meaningful internships or on-the-job training programs for youth.
Green Jobs Internship Program
Clean Foundation
Details: Up to 75% of salary to a max of $30,000 for a position in the natural resources sector (closed to employers, intern applications open).
ICTC Work Integrated Learning Digital
Government of Canada
Details: WIL Digital provides 50% of the student’s salary up to $5,000, or 70% up to $7,000 for underrepresented students.
Small Enterprise Co-operative Placement Assistance Program (SECPAP)
Government of Newfoundland & Labrador
Details: Up to 50% of wages ($7.80 per hour total) for Memorial University co-operative education students.
Jobs NL Wage Subsidy
Government of Newfoundland & Labrador
Details: Designed to connect employers and employees by providing funding to employers to create sustainable long-term employment or seasonal/short-term employment.
Career Starter Canada
BioTalent Canada
Details: Up to 50% of wages to a max of $15,000 for a placement with a bio-economy employer).
Digital Skills for Youth
BioTalent Canada
Details: Up to 80% of wages to a max of $24,000 for a digital internship with a bio-economy employer.
Digital Skills for Youth
Details: Up to 80% of wages up to a max of $18,000 for environmental jobs that require digital abilities such as programming, data analysis and website development.
Empowering Futures
Details: Up to 70% of wages to a max of $7,000 per placement in the electricity industry (including renewables).
Gearing Up
Mining Industry Human Resources Council
Details: Up to $7,000 in wage subsidies available to employers in the mining industry.
Science Horizons Youth Internship Program
BioTalent Canada
Details: Up to 80% of wages to a max of $25,000 for a STEM placement with a bio-economy, healthcare, or environmental employer.
Student Work Placement Program
BioTalent Canada
Details: Up to 70% of wages to a max of $7,000 available to a biotechnology or healthcare employer.
Natural Resources Internships
Career Launcher
Details: Up to 75% of salary to a max of $30,000 for a part- or full-time placement in the Natural Resource sector.
Youth in Natural Resources
Details: Up to 75% of wages to max of $30,000 for a placement within the natural resources sector.
Science Horizons Youth Internship
Details: Up to 80% of wages up to $25,000 and training to hire young professionals for positions in the environmental sector.
Clean Tech Internship
Career Launcher
Details: Up to 80% of salary, training, and wrap-around service costs to a max of $30,000 for a placement in the clean tech industry or an environmentally focused position.
Science Horizons Internship Program
Clean Foundation
Details: Up to 80% of an intern’s salary to a max of $25,000 for a position within the clean economy (environmentally focused position).
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