Innovation Challenge: Digital Asset Integrity for Subsea Cables

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

The Net Zero Project has partnered with the Ocean Startup Project to design and promote three challenges for its 2022 Ocean Startup Challenge.

The Ocean Startup Challenge helps turn entrepreneurial ideas or technology into a wave of opportunity! For 2022, the Ocean Startup Challenge is focusing on idea/early stage ocean startups with a TRL of 4 and below, and supporting innovators who are leveraging Canadian ocean assets and capabilities to develop technologies that can be applied to global ocean problems.

Winning teams will receive up to $40,000 in awards, with invaluable business development supports with programming, mentorship, one-on-one sessions with our Executives-in-Residence and industry experts, networking opportunities and more, as part of the program, which runs until March 2023.


Develop a more reliable and lower-cost technology and/or process to monitor and manage the subsea assets of clean energy infrastructure that will withstand the challenges presented by the North Atlantic (e.g., icebergs, geology, weather conditions).

Subsea clean energy infrastructure is being installed in a wide variety of different jurisdictions and applications around the world. This includes the subsea electricity cables associated with the transmission of electricity, along with the more traditional subsea infrastructure like moorings, foundations, etc. that are required for offshore energy developments. The prospect of offshore wind development, the electrification of offshore facilities, increased electricity transmission between jurisdictions, and in situ marine vessel charging is likely to require increased subsea clean energy infrastructure on an international scale – including Canada. Ensuring maximum reliability at a low cost through digitalization and remote operations will become increasingly important and contribute to emissions reductions.

Application deadline: Thursday, September 1, 2022

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