MRC Webinar – Myth Busting Federal Procurement: Learn how to sell to the Government of Canada

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

Did you know that the Government of Canada buys approximately $22 billion worth of goods and services each year? Would you be surprised to learn that many of these contracts are awarded to small businesses in Canada?

On February 17th, Join Marine Renewables Canada and PAC to dispel some myths about selling to the federal government.

Let Procurement Assistance Canada (PAC) guide you through the procurement process so you can decide if selling to the Government of Canada is the right strategy for your business. You will learn:

  • how the government buys goods and services;
  • about the range of opportunities for marine, ocean and ocean-tech industries;
  • some tips and tricks to make it easier to find and bid on contracts; and
  • how to access resources, tools and free support available to small businesses.

Learn More and Register Here



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