Today CRIN is announcing funding of over $44 million CAD for 17 projects identified through its Reducing Environmental Footprint oil and gas technology competition. This brings the total investment through three competitions to $80 million. CRIN’s competitions are designed to accelerate solutions that have the potential for significant contributions to environmental and economic challenges faced by Canada’s oil and gas industry, including emissions reduction and climate change.
Early analysis by the 17 proponents suggests significant reductions in impacts to air, land and water from oil and gas industry activity from source to end use. These include potential combined accumulative direct and indirect contributions* of:
* See background section below for additional notes
In addition to environmental benefits, CRIN competitions are designed to accelerate innovations with strong potential to provide significant benefits for Canada such as:
Combined Reducing Environmental Footprint oil and gas technology competition project value is estimated at $177 million, including CRIN funding of $44.6 million. This competition focused on specific objectives within priority theme areas defined by industry:
To learn more about the projects identified for funding: CRIN Reducing Environmental Footprint Technology Competition click the link below!
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