Simply Wedding NL is an early-stage social enterprise that provides eco-friendly and affordable wedding decoration services to Newfoundland and Labrador couples. Simply Wedding NL aims to tackle two main problems in the bridal community: (i) waste and (ii) rising wedding costs.
The average wedding cost in Canada has risen to $30,000, an increase of 30% from 2022. Wedding ceremonies and receptions unfortunately create a tremendous amount of trash. With over 145 000 weddings happening per year in Canada, and each producing nearly 400 pounds of waste, over 68 million pounds of wedding-related waste is sent to landfills across our country.
Simply Wedding NL’s next green project envisions the creation of a “Newfoundland and Labrador Bridal Wedding Decoration Inventory Hub” where local couples can rent refurbished decorations and reception items at an affordable price, and newlyweds can donate their used decorations.
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