U.S. Federal Procurement 101 for Canadian Companies

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

Wednesday, Feb 9 2022 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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Host: Embassy of Canada, Washington DC – Trade Commissioner Service


Please join the Embassy of Canada in Washington, DC, and Actuparo’s Joseph Jordan for a webinar discussing the basics of U.S. federal civilian procurement as well as special considerations for Canadian companies looking to succeed in this market.

Topics include:

  • Overview of the US$650 billion U.S. federal marketplace
  • Rules and regulations governing U.S. federal procurement
  • What Canadian companies need to do to compete effectively for U.S. federal contracts

The webinar will conclude with a Q&A session. All attendees will receive an online copy of our complimentary new guide, “U.S. Public Procurement 101 for Canadian Companies.”

Who should attend: This webinar is for Canadian companies who are either interested in or currently selling to the U.S. federal procurement market. This program will be of particular interest to companies in the clean tech, information technology, and infrastructure sectors.



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