econext requesting proposals and expressions of interest to assist in its efforts to support international business development

NOTE: This opportunity has expired or is an event which has already taken place.

econext has issued a series of requests for proposals (RFPs) and expressions of interest (EOIs) to assist in its efforts to support international business development for firms in Atlantic Canada. Responses to these requests are due by October 28, 2021.

More Information

RFP: Supporting the Internationalization of Atlantic Canada’s Expertise in Environmental Characterization and Monitoring
Click here to download more information (PDF).

RFP: Mapping International Partnerships for Atlantic Canada’s Blue/Green Economies
Click here to download more information (PDF).

Request for EOI: Firm-Level International Business Development Supports
Click here to download more information (PDF).

Request for EOI: Organization and Facilitation of Webinars
Click here to download more information (PDF).

Request for EOI: Digital Artwork
Click here to download more information (PDF).

Request for EOI: Translation Services
Click here to download more information (PDF).



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