econext 2023 conference | October 26, 2023

econext‘s Annual Conference is Newfoundland and Labrador’s premier green economy event, attracting leaders in business, government, academia, and the community.

Join us on October 26, 2023 in St. John’s, NL to hear about the latest developments in the province from decision makers and thought leaders relating to clean energy, green innovation, ongoing environmental challenges, and the pursuit of net zero.

Stay tuned to this website for more information on the conference as it becomes available.


Conference Agenda

Click here to download the conference agenda as a PDF.

Welcome Address

Session 1: Clean Energy – What’s Next

2023 has been a banner year for the growth of Newfoundland and Labrador’s clean energy industry, and the momentum is continuing to build. With decisions made on which proposed wind-to-hydrogen projects will have the opportunity to advance in the province, this session focuses on highlighting the next steps for industry, academia, and governments as they continue to advance and support clean energy growth.

Session 2: Achieving Net Zero by 2050

Newfoundland and Labrador has made a commitment to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050. As efforts are ramping up to decarbonize the economy and better understand our environmental impacts, we are starting to get a clearer idea about what the pursuit of net zero will mean for our province. This session will focus on some of the biggest challenges we must face and opportunities we should embrace.

Session 3: Continuing Environmental Challenges

While major ‘green’ industrial opportunities are crystallizing, Newfoundland and Labrador continues to face a number of challenges domestically that need to be addressed. From wastewater, to waste management, to climate change adaptation – we have much work to do. This session will explore and define these challenges – while highlighting interesting and innovative approaches to addressing them.

Session 4: Leading Green Economy Innovation

Newfoundland and Labrador has the opportunity before it to position itself as a leader in clean growth research, development, and innovation. This session will identify a series of green economy topics of particular relevance and importance to the province, explore why their pursuit from an R&D perspective is important, and discuss how they can best be approached.

Rapid Fire Presentations

Throughout the conference, attendees will hear from innovators, entrepreneurs, and startups on their ideas that can help solve environmental challenges and grow Newfoundland and Labrador’s green economy. Interested in presenting? Respond to our Request for Expressions of Interest.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

8:15 AM – 5:00 PM

Delta St. John’s, 120 New Gower Street


econext Members: $199 + HST
non-Members: $249 +HST
online-only: $90 +HST


Online processing fees from Eventbrite will be added to your total.
Your ticket will include a continental breakfast and lunch.
Online-only registrants will receive a Zoom link to participate in the conference live.
Information on tickets being made available to students will be released closer to the conference date.


Are you interested in partnering with us on our conference? Click here for details and contact Colin Heffernan at with your interest.

RFP – Strategic Analysis: econext’s Caribbean International Business Development Interventions

econext, in partnership with ACOA and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, has been coordinating a Caribbean Market Development Program since 2014. As we approach the tenth year of supporting firms and organizations in their pursuit of business in the Caribbean region, econext is seeking consulting services to conduct a thorough program review.

The deadline for proposals is 4:00pm on July 20, 2023. Download the request for proposals (RFP) via the button below.

Download the RFP

Webinar – Introduction to ESG Strategies and Tactics

econext is pleased to announce an informative webinar session introducing the fundamental concepts and strategies of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) for Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Newfoundland and Labrador.

This session, instructed by Dr. Tom Cooper, serves as a gateway to understanding the importance of ESG, exploring key tactics, and highlighting the potential benefits – and pitfalls – associated with them for your business. Through practical examples you will gain valuable insights and inspiration to help you embark on your ESG journey.

Date: July 19, 2023
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 NDT
Location: Online
Cost: FREE!

For more information on this event, please contact our Director of Workforce Development, Ogaga Johnson, via e-mail at

Register Here

Webinar: NL Green Transition Fund

On June 21, 2023 the Green Transition Fund was announced.

Join us for a webinar on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 from 11am-12pm as we welcome representatives from the Department of Industry, Energy, and Technology who will present on the particulars of the fund and answer questions from econext members.

Date: July 12, 2023
Time: 11h00 – 12h00 NST
Location: Online

Click to Register

Green Transition Fund program information and guidelines can be found here.

Regional Climate Workshop – Port Rexton, Trinity East / Bonavista

Are you concerned about the impact climate change will have on your community and region? Do you have some ideas for adaptation strategies?

The Harris Centre, in partnership with econext and CLIMAtlantic, are hosting a series of regional workshops in 2023 to discuss the impacts and opportunities associated with climate change in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The focus of these sessions will be to discuss the effects of climate change at a regional level, to explore regional options for climate adaptation, and identify potential regional development opportunities related to climate action. These sessions will build on and utilize information gathered during the Harris Centre’s Forecast NL initiative along with resources available through CLIMAtlantic.

The intent of these workshops is to:

  • Engage community members and stakeholders from different NL regions and sectors in a mutually beneficial exchange of information around climate change adaptation priorities, approaches, resources and outstanding questions.
  • Produce summaries of regional discussions that can be used by local and provincial organizations to inform their planning and provision of technical assistance resources toward the issues of highest interest, priority and need.
  • Provide opportunities for workshop participants to collectively identify adaptation strategies and actions they could pursue together in their region.
  • Highlight opportunities for the collection and dissemination of additional information – either already existing or developed through new research – focused on key questions and topics identified by community members and stakeholders.

Port Rexton

Date: June 11, 2023
Time: 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Location: Port Rexton / Trinity East, NL
Venue: Brightside Bistro, 12 Main Road, Trinity East

Click to Register


Date: June 12, 2023
Time: 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Location: Bonavista, NL
Venue: Corduroy Brook Nature Centre, 2 Conservation Place

Click to Register

econext Summer Social

Join us for the econext Summer Social on Thursday, July 13, 2023 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm. This in-person event will take place at Brewdock, 85 Duckworth Street, St. John’s.

Connect with fellow professionals in the industry and enjoy a fun-filled evening of networking, drinks, snacks, and live music. This is a great opportunity to expand your professional network and meet the econext team.

Be sure to RSVP by 4:00pm on Tuesday July 4, 2023. Any questions on the event, including sponsorship opportunities, please contact Colin Heffernan via e-mail at

Don’t miss out on this exciting event! Register here to secure your spot.

RFP – Video Production

econext is seeking the services of a qualified vendor to produce videos capturing the capabilities of ocean cleantech businesses operating in Newfoundland and Labrador for the purposes of educating the workforce on the skills, jobs, and opportunities associated with the sector.

To achieve the stated objective, the following activities will be undertaken:

  • Video capture of 10 demonstration activities at The Launch in Holyrood, NL spread over 5 days in 2023 (i.e. 2 per day on 5 different days). Activities will involve the deployment of equipment and technologies in the ocean and/or the demonstration of processes and services that are oceans-focused. The dates of demonstration activities are to be determined;
  • 10 video interviews to be conducted focusing on the jobs, skills, and opportunities associated with the businesses / organizations involved in the demonstration and deployment activities;
  • The production of 10 vignettes (up to 2 minutes in length), using the video obtained above, aimed at educating the workforce on the jobs and skills required by businesses / organizations like those involved in the deployment and demonstration activities;
  • Providing guidance and recommendations to the client on the effective distribution of the materials produced to meet knowledge mobilization and education objectives;

More information can be found in the RFP which can be downloaded via the button below. The deadline for responses to this RFP are due by June 12, 2023.

Click to Download RFP

Questions and Answers

A collection of questions asked about the RFP, and answers provided by econext.

Do you have a profile of the target audience segments for these videos – including ocean cleantech companies within the sector, the workforce, and within the broader econext ecosystem?
There is no more information that we can provide beyond what was shared in the RFP. The purpose of the footage obtained is to help stakeholders showcase the capabilities that exist in Newfoundland and Labrador with respect to ocean cleantech, and those of The Launch. The purpose of the produced videos (vignettes) is to generate interest within under-represented communities within the workforce – e.g., women, youth, new Canadians, Indigenous peoples – in pursuing careers within ocean cleantech businesses.

In terms of the distribution strategy, can you confirm if the budget needs to include a paid media recommendation versus a focus on owned (e.g., social, web, enews, events, etc.) and earned media (e.g., PR / other) opportunities.
We will rely on the consultant to provide us with recommendations that will best achieve the stated objectives. Expenses related to the recommendations made are not within the scope of the budget of this project.

Why is the deliverable 10 videos specifically? Based on the budget, and the desired outcome, are you open to a different recommendation? If 10 is set, are there key messages / themes and set technologies outlined for each?
As per the RFP, there are 10 demonstration activities, each of which should be captured in a vignette. This is the minimum number of videos to be produced. You are free to suggest an alternative number. Key messages and themes should align with the stated purposes as referenced above, with some variability given that each of the 10 demonstration activities will be unique.

Is there a definitive requirement for underwater filming?
As per the RFP, activities will take place near, on, and under the water and we are seeking high quality and dynamic video which fully captures the excitement/capabilities of the technologies and/or services being demonstrated. We are leaving it to respondents to propose how this can best be achieved.

Is drone footage anticipated or required?
Same answer as above.

Are there any other details available relating to the ‘on or near water’ production environment given it factors into safety, insurance, and gear considerations.
Given the response provided above, we would expect respondents to make their own determinations on what safety, insurance, and gear considerations need to be made.

Do you have adequate casting options on your team or within your partner network to ensure diversity given your stated purpose is to “generate interest within under-represented communities within the workforce – e.g., women, youth, new Canadians, Indigenous peoples – in pursuing careers within ocean cleantech businesses”.
We expect RFP respondents to propose approaches that will help us meet the stated objectives.

RFP – Firm-Level Training Needs Assessments

The objective of this initiative is to inform the future development of micro-learning and upskilling programming related to ocean cleantech and the convergence of the blue and green economies in Newfoundland and Labrador.

To achieve the stated objective, the following activities will be undertaken:

  • Conduct needs assessments with 10 pre-selected SMEs to identify training, education, and/or professional development needs for present and future employees;
  • Collate results from needs assessments and identify gaps in training / professional development; and
  • Present findings to client via written report and PPT presentation.

More information can be found in the RFP which can be downloaded via the button below. The deadline for responses to this RFP are due by June 12, 2023.

Click to Download RFP

RFP: Identifying Workforce Capacity Gaps in Newfoundland and Labrador’s Growing Clean Energy Industry

The prospect of significant renewable energy development and clean fuels production in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) is creating a need for stakeholders to understand what is needed from a labour market and workforce development perspective.

In some cases, such as large-scale wind farms and hydrogen production, these are ‘new’ industries to NL and, as such, its workforce is not necessarily fully prepared to participate. In other cases, stakeholders in the clean energy industry as it exists today (e.g., operations and maintenance of electricity generation and transmission assets, electrification activities) are already expressing challenges with workforce attraction and retention.

These factors combined demonstrate a clear need for strategic workforce development initiatives for the clean energy industry in NL. It is important to understand where skills gaps exist before advancing next steps.

Download RFP

Important Dates:

  • RFP Release Date: May 9, 2023
  • Proposal Due Date: May 26, 2023

WEBINAR: Canada-Spain Collaboration in Sustainable Marine Technologies  + Funding Opportunities

Are you interested in exploring co-innovation opportunities between SMEs in Canada and Spain in the green/blue economy? Tune in to this webinar to learn about some of the possibilities!

This webinar will provide information on the Eureka/Eurostars international call which funds collaborative research, development, and innovation projects between Canada and Spain. 

Date: May 11, 2023
Time: 11h30 Newfoundland Standard Time

Learn about Atlantic Canada’s strengths in ocean cleantech from econext and Spain’s strengths from PROTECMA … and also the capabilities of their members in order to help identify new collaborative opportunities.

Eureka is the world’s biggest public network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation which aims to boost the productivity and competitiveness of industries by financing and supporting international collaborative and market-focused projects.

Matchmaking opportunity for virtual B2B introduction after event:
Do you have a project idea and you are looking for a partner in Canada or in Spain? Fill the form during the registration and the associations will try to facilitate the introduction.

CETMAR is a public foundation in Spain that works to improve the marine environment, its resources and all the sectors that make a living from it, promoting innovation and environmental, social and economic sustainability. The general objective of PROTECMA is to develop and implement a research, technological development and innovation strategy aimed at i) the protection of the coast and the marine environment, ii) the prevention, response and mitigation of marine pollution caused by anthropogenic activity and iii) to control and improve the quality of marine, coastal and transition waters.


AGENDA (60 Minutes)

Presentation of the seminar and opportunities for collaboration and investment in Canada.
Alexandra O’Sullivan, Embassy of Canada in Spain

Introduction of econext and its objective to accelerate clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador
Kieran Hanley, econext

Introduction of PROTECMA and its lines of collaboration in marine technologies.
Marisa Fernandez and Anxo Mena, CETMAR/PROTECMA

Eureka/Eurostars opportunities between Canadian and Spanish entities.
Eric Holdrinet, NRC-IRAP and Antonio Gómez, CDTI

Questions and closing remarks