econext seeking member feedback for new provincial Climate Action Plans

The Department of Environment and Climate Change is seeking input on the development for its new Climate Change Action Plans. Details can be found at the following link:

econext will provide detailed input from its membership. If you have ideas on how Newfoundland and Labrador can tackle Climate Adaption and/or Climate Change Mitigation that you would like to share with us, please feel free to send your comments directly to Sara Jafari, (

The deadline to have your feedback into econext is December 7, 2023. Additionally, we encourage you to also fill out the provincial government questionnaire. The deadline to provide direct provincial deadline is December 13, 2023.

Growth of econext 2023 conference tied to green economy opportunity in Newfoundland and Labrador

For Immediate Release
November 6, 2023

On October 26, 2023 econext held its annual conference – the largest since the event’s inception in 2012.

“The growth of this event is indicative of the scale of the green economy opportunity that we have here in Newfoundland and Labrador,” said Kieran Hanley, econext‘s CEO. “It is clear that from wind, to hydrogen, to critical minerals, to energy storage – our province is on the leading edge of clean growth.”

The event, attended by over 300 participants, featured panel discussions focused on: next steps in the province’s emerging clean energy industry; challenges and opportunities in its pursuit of net zero; remaining environmental challenges its municipalities are facing; and green economy innovation.

“Three key themes emerged from the event,” said Hanley. “First – Newfoundland and Labrador is on the verge of a number of truly internationally significant developments. Second, our clean electricity grid is helping us to attract investment and decarbonize – but immediate action is needed to build out that system. And third – while we can make a global contribution in its fight against climate change, we have some work to do at the community level to improve environmental outcomes here at home.”

Hanley said that the event’s growth is also a reflection of the increased awareness of climate change and the importance of taking action. “There is great optimism that the realization of these significant clean energy opportunities can help us to address lingering issues related to waste, wastewater, and of course climate adaptation.”

econext Chair Alex Templeton, Natasha Reid (Transition Accelerator), Jennifer Williams (Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro), Mike McCann (IOC), and Hon. Bernard Davis (Minister of Environment and Climate Change).

The event was carbon neutral via carbon offsets purchased from Sharp Management.

“We would like to thank all of our panelists, moderators, partners, and attendees for contributing to such a special event”

econext is an association that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador and works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at

Regional Climate Workshop – Pasadena

Are you concerned about the impact climate change will have on your community and region? Do you have some ideas for adaptation strategies?

The Harris Centre, in partnership with econext and CLIMAtlantic, are hosting a series of regional workshops in 2023 to discuss the impacts and opportunities associated with climate change in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The focus of these sessions will be to discuss the effects of climate change at a regional level, to explore regional options for climate adaptation, and identify potential regional development opportunities related to climate action. These sessions will build on and utilize information gathered during the Harris Centre’s Forecast NL initiative along with resources available through CLIMAtlantic.

The intent of these workshops is to:

  • Engage community members and stakeholders from different NL regions and sectors in a mutually beneficial exchange of information around climate change adaptation priorities, approaches, resources and outstanding questions.
  • Produce summaries of regional discussions that can be used by local and provincial organizations to inform their planning and provision of technical assistance resources toward the issues of highest interest, priority and need.
  • Provide opportunities for workshop participants to collectively identify adaptation strategies and actions they could pursue together in their region.
  • Highlight opportunities for the collection and dissemination of additional information – either already existing or developed through new research – focused on key questions and topics identified by community members and stakeholders.

Port aux Basques

Date: November 8, 2023
Time: 11:30am – 2:30pm
Venue: College of the North Atlantic Campus
Lunch Provided

Click to Register

Codroy Valley

Date: November 8, 2023
Time: 4:30pm – 7:00pm
Venue: Wetland Interpretation Center
Co-hosted by the Codroy Valley Area Development Association
Lunch Provided

Click to Register


Date: November 9, 2023
Time: 11:30am – 2:00pm
Venue: Legion Hall
Lunch Provided

Click to Register

Regional Climate Workshop – Codroy Valley

Are you concerned about the impact climate change will have on your community and region? Do you have some ideas for adaptation strategies?

The Harris Centre, in partnership with econext and CLIMAtlantic, are hosting a series of regional workshops in 2023 to discuss the impacts and opportunities associated with climate change in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The focus of these sessions will be to discuss the effects of climate change at a regional level, to explore regional options for climate adaptation, and identify potential regional development opportunities related to climate action. These sessions will build on and utilize information gathered during the Harris Centre’s Forecast NL initiative along with resources available through CLIMAtlantic.

The intent of these workshops is to:

  • Engage community members and stakeholders from different NL regions and sectors in a mutually beneficial exchange of information around climate change adaptation priorities, approaches, resources and outstanding questions.
  • Produce summaries of regional discussions that can be used by local and provincial organizations to inform their planning and provision of technical assistance resources toward the issues of highest interest, priority and need.
  • Provide opportunities for workshop participants to collectively identify adaptation strategies and actions they could pursue together in their region.
  • Highlight opportunities for the collection and dissemination of additional information – either already existing or developed through new research – focused on key questions and topics identified by community members and stakeholders.

Port aux Basques

Date: November 8, 2023
Time: 11:30am – 2:30pm
Venue: College of the North Atlantic Campus
Lunch Provided

Click to Register

Codroy Valley

Date: November 8, 2023
Time: 4:30pm – 7:00pm
Venue: Wetland Interpretation Center
Co-hosted by the Codroy Valley Area Development Association
Lunch Provided

Click to Register


Date: November 9, 2023
Time: 11:30am – 2:00pm
Venue: Legion Hall
Lunch Provided

Click to Register

Regional Climate Workshop – Port aux Basques

Are you concerned about the impact climate change will have on your community and region? Do you have some ideas for adaptation strategies?

The Harris Centre, in partnership with econext and CLIMAtlantic, are hosting a series of regional workshops in 2023 to discuss the impacts and opportunities associated with climate change in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The focus of these sessions will be to discuss the effects of climate change at a regional level, to explore regional options for climate adaptation, and identify potential regional development opportunities related to climate action. These sessions will build on and utilize information gathered during the Harris Centre’s Forecast NL initiative along with resources available through CLIMAtlantic.

The intent of these workshops is to:

  • Engage community members and stakeholders from different NL regions and sectors in a mutually beneficial exchange of information around climate change adaptation priorities, approaches, resources and outstanding questions.
  • Produce summaries of regional discussions that can be used by local and provincial organizations to inform their planning and provision of technical assistance resources toward the issues of highest interest, priority and need.
  • Provide opportunities for workshop participants to collectively identify adaptation strategies and actions they could pursue together in their region.
  • Highlight opportunities for the collection and dissemination of additional information – either already existing or developed through new research – focused on key questions and topics identified by community members and stakeholders.

Port aux Basques

Date: November 8, 2023
Time: 11:30am – 2:30pm
Venue: College of the North Atlantic Campus
Lunch Provided

Click to Register

Codroy Valley

Date: November 8, 2023
Time: 4:30pm – 7:00pm
Venue: Wetland Interpretation Center
Co-hosted by the Codroy Valley Area Development Association
Lunch Provided

Click to Register


Date: November 9, 2023
Time: 11:30am – 2:00pm
Venue: Legion Hall
Lunch Provided

Click to Register

Webinar – Introduction to Federal Procurement

Are you a business owner in search of new opportunities? The Government of Canada could be your next market. How can you get a share of this market? That’s where Procurement Assistance Canada (PAC) comes in.

PAC is thrilled to offer an online information session exclusively for econext members entitled “Introduction to Federal Procurement” on Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 10:00 am.

Register to Attend

Higher Talent

Higher Talent Inc. is a Newfoundland and Labrador-based Human Resources consulting firm with experience recruiting for organizations across Canada. While we are headquartered in Newfoundland and Labrador, our reach extends well beyond our province.

RFP: Conception Bay South Clean Energy Opportunities, Gaps, and an Action Plan

The Town of Conception Bay South is seeking proposals for the development of a strategy outlining Clean Energy Opportunities, Gaps and an Action Plan.

A clear plan to advance clean, renewable and sustainable opportunities within the Town is critical and is an important gap that needs to be filled. An increase in activity focused on clean energy, renewables and sustainability in Conception Bay South will position the already progressive municipality as a leader in environmental sustainability, will stimulate activity and support economic growth in the region. Unlocking the renewable industry and realizing sustainability initiatives will not only help the reduce carbon emissions regionally, but will support growth within the existing business community, in commercial parks, industrial parks and residential areas.

Instructions to proposers and terms of reference that are used as the basis for the proposal can be obtained by contacting the Economic Development Department at (709) 834-6500 ext. 702, or by emailing

Proposals must be received no later than 3:00 pm (NST) Monday, November 6, 2023.

econext celebrates launch of Newfoundland and Labrador’s CCUS Innovation Challenge

For Immediate Release
October 17, 2023

In an effort to maximize and accelerate the decarbonization of Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore through the development of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), the Honourable Dr. Andrew Furey, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, today announced a new CCUS Innovation Challenge.

Image courtesy of Energy NL

See the government news release here.

econext CEO Kieran Hanley participated in the launch of the CCUS Innovation Challenge, with his remarks captured below.

Thank you Minister Davis.

Good morning everyone. Thank you Premier Furey. Minister Parsons.

On behalf of econext, we are very pleased to be here today at the launch of the CCUS Innovation Challenge.

econext is an association that is working to accelerate clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador by supporting and driving environmentally sustainable economic development.

In recent years we have found ourselves increasingly busy in helping Newfoundland and Labrador explore how it can fight climate change in terms of both strategy and technology.

Our analysis, through our Net Zero Project tells us that net zero by 2050 is simply not achievable in Newfoundland and Labrador (or the world) without initiatives that result in negative greenhouse gas emissions – or, projects that take carbon out of the atmosphere.

Carbon capture, utilization, and storage is a promising technology that can help us get there. It’s a technology with which we have some expertise in this province, and there is great opportunity for green economic development by focusing our efforts on solving this global issue.

And therefore, econext is thrilled with the creation of the CCUS Innovation Challenge. Targeted investments in innovation like the one being made today will help put our province on the leading edge of cleantech development on an international basis.

These technologies need to be advanced in order for us to reach net zero… and as luck would have it, we have no shortage of creative minds in our private sector and have experts in our post-secondary institutions – like Dr. James – that can move the needle forward.

And while some of the focus, rightfully so, is on the development of CCUS as it relates to our offshore oil and gas industry, the long term opportunity here for our province extends beyond that into some exciting areas of technology and we can’t wait to see what comes from this Innovation challenge.

To say that the future is bright for climate action in our province is a bit of an understatement.

From the low-carbon oil that we export, to the future production of clean fuels like hydrogen, to energy storage interventions, to mining the critical minerals that are required for electric vehicles batteries and other clean technologies, to carbon capture utilization and storage… our tiny province of Newfoundland and Labrador is going to have a mighty impact in the world’s fight against climate change. This will be great for our province’s environment and economy.

And so, a congratulations is deserved for Premier Furey, Minister Davis, and Minister Parsons on the launch of the CCUS Innovation Challenge.

Newfoundland and Labrador is positioning itself as an international leader in the energy transition, and timely and aggressive investments like this one go a long way in supporting that.

Thank you,

Inaugural econext Ideathon sees over 50 students compete with their best cleantech ideas for the top prize

For Immediate Release
October 12, 2023

Between September 22-24, 2023, the inaugural econext Ideathon took place, seeing over 50 undergraduate students from Memorial University compete to come up with the best idea to solve energy efficiency challenges in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL).

“One of the biggest challenges the world will face in its pursuit of net zero will be how we manage our energy use and the same goes for NL,” said Kieran Hanley, CEO of econext. “What better way is there to come up with some new creative ideas than to engage with the talent in our university?”

Over the course of the weekend, 12 teams made up of undergraduate students across several disciplines developed their ideas and pitched their solutions to a panel of judges for the top prize of $3,000.

“Teams had access to subject matter experts from industry who volunteered their time as mentors,” said Hanley, “plus a series of workshops to help them refine their ideas and present their solutions.”

First Place Winner

The first-place prize, sponsored by Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, went to Eco-Elect (Tyara Andhin, Hannah Doyle, Kamsi Ifeanyichukwu, and Saju Vijayakanthanwho) pitched an economic inverter battery service and solution to help balance electricity demand at the residential level.

Second Place Winner

The second-place prize, sponsored by Hatch, went to Gravity (Samuel Adeoye, William Church, Mathew Emshey, and Lumi Oyelowowho) pitched a community-scale gravity-based energy storage system using existing infrastructure.

Third Place Winner

The third-place prize, sponsored by Mysa, went to TBA (Draco Dunphy, Syed Anas Minhaj Kazmi, and Fahim Yasir) who pitched a product and program to have EV owners in the province install smart charging systems to help avoid all EVs being charged at the exact same time.

The event’s opening ceremonies were sponsored by Aker Solutions, with TakeCharge sponsoring and providing support throughout the event.

“The level of excitement we saw this weekend and the quality of the solutions presented was remarkable,” said Hanley. “Our clean energy future is bright. Congratulations to all of those who participated.”

The econext Ideathon was made possible through partnership with the Business + Higher Education Roundtable, and with support from the Government of Canada.

More events will be taking place in 2024-25. If you are interested in partnering on a future event, please contact Alex Rumbolt at

econext is an association that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador and works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at

The Business + Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization bringing together some of Canada’s largest companies and leading post-secondary institutions. Since 2015, BHER has worked to harness the strengths of Canada’s business and post-secondary education sectors to build opportunities for young Canadians, boost innovation and drive collaboration. Learn more at Visit our WIL Hub for ways to explore, invest in and create quality WIL opportunities.