Discussion Paper: Addressing Future EV Battery Waste in Newfoundland & Labrador

It is well established that electric vehicles will reduce GHG emissions, however there have been recent concerns about the downstream environmental impacts – particularly with the disposal of batteries. Taking a circular economy approach to the waste management of batteries makes sense but, in general, economics for established methods of waste management are difficult to adopt in Newfoundland and Labrador due to economies of scale and geography. This discussion paper explores the challenges and the possibilities.

Download Discussion Paper

WEBINAR: Canada-Spain Collaboration in Sustainable Marine Technologies  + Funding Opportunities

Are you interested in exploring co-innovation opportunities between SMEs in Canada and Spain in the green/blue economy? Tune in to this webinar to learn about some of the possibilities!

This webinar will provide information on the Eureka/Eurostars international call which funds collaborative research, development, and innovation projects between Canada and Spain. 

Date: May 11, 2023
Time: 11h30 Newfoundland Standard Time

Learn about Atlantic Canada’s strengths in ocean cleantech from econext and Spain’s strengths from PROTECMA … and also the capabilities of their members in order to help identify new collaborative opportunities.

Eureka is the world’s biggest public network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation which aims to boost the productivity and competitiveness of industries by financing and supporting international collaborative and market-focused projects.

Matchmaking opportunity for virtual B2B introduction after event:
Do you have a project idea and you are looking for a partner in Canada or in Spain? Fill the form during the registration and the associations will try to facilitate the introduction.

CETMAR is a public foundation in Spain that works to improve the marine environment, its resources and all the sectors that make a living from it, promoting innovation and environmental, social and economic sustainability. The general objective of PROTECMA is to develop and implement a research, technological development and innovation strategy aimed at i) the protection of the coast and the marine environment, ii) the prevention, response and mitigation of marine pollution caused by anthropogenic activity and iii) to control and improve the quality of marine, coastal and transition waters.


AGENDA (60 Minutes)

Presentation of the seminar and opportunities for collaboration and investment in Canada.
Alexandra O’Sullivan, Embassy of Canada in Spain

Introduction of econext and its objective to accelerate clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador
Kieran Hanley, econext

Introduction of PROTECMA and its lines of collaboration in marine technologies.
Marisa Fernandez and Anxo Mena, CETMAR/PROTECMA

Eureka/Eurostars opportunities between Canadian and Spanish entities.
Eric Holdrinet, NRC-IRAP and Antonio Gómez, CDTI

Questions and closing remarks

Atlantic Canada Trade Mission to the Caribbean Region

Since 2014 econext (formerly NEIA) – with support from the Department of Industry, Energy and Technology (IET) and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) – has been helping Atlantic Canadian firms pursue international business opportunities in the Caribbean region.

Our Caribbean program is comprehensive, comprising in-depth market research, information sessions, customized firm-level supports, and the coordination of incoming and outgoing trade missions to markets. Our 2023 trade mission will see 11 organizations visit the Caribbean region.

For more information, visit https://econext.ca/caribbean-program/.

Organizations participating in the Spring Trade Mission:

If you have any questions about the econext Trade Mission to the Caribbean region please contact Abbie Hodder, econext‘s COO & Director of International Business, at abbie@econext.ca.

Regional Climate Workshop – Grand Falls-Windsor

Are you concerned about the impact climate change will have on your community and region? Do you have some ideas for adaptation strategies?

The Harris Centre, in partnership with econext and CLIMAtlantic, are hosting a series of regional workshops in Spring 2023 to discuss the impacts and opportunities associated with climate change in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The focus of these sessions will be to discuss the effects of climate change at a regional level, to explore regional options for climate adaptation, and identify potential regional development opportunities related to climate action. These sessions will build on and utilize information gathered during the Harris Centre’s Forecast NL initiative along with resources available through CLIMAtlantic.

The intent of these workshops is to:

  • Engage community members and stakeholders from different NL regions and sectors in a mutually beneficial exchange of information around climate change adaptation priorities, approaches, resources and outstanding questions.
  • Produce summaries of regional discussions that can be used by local and provincial organizations to inform their planning and provision of technical assistance resources toward the issues of highest interest, priority and need.
  • Provide opportunities for workshop participants to collectively identify adaptation strategies and actions they could pursue together in their region.
  • Highlight opportunities for the collection and dissemination of additional information – either already existing or developed through new research – focused on key questions and topics identified by community members and stakeholders.

Date: April 27, 2023
Time: 12:00pm – 5:00pm
Location: Grand Falls – Windsor, NL
Venue: Corduroy Brook Nature Centre, 2 Conservation Place

Click to Register

Request for Expressions of Interest – Project Management Services

econext is seeking expressions of interest from experienced project managers and/or consultants to assist in the implementation of special projects.

Download Request for EOIs

Interested in opportunities in Ireland? Attend key conference and visit the Shannon Foynes Port

Ocean Technology Sector Pan Atlantic Partners
Request for Expressions of Interest


June 5-8, 2023 | Limerick, Ireland

OceansAdvance and its partners are inviting Expressions of Interest from Atlantic Canadian companies interested in exhibiting at the IEEE MTS Global OCEANS23 Limerick as well as visiting the Shannon Foynes Port. More information on the conference can be found at https://limerick23.oceansconference.org/.

Shannon Foynes Port company has future plans for growth. In particular, a recent strategic review has set out three main themes or drivers for future growth and expansion at the port.

  • Delivering floating offshore wind at scale
  • Green industrial development and transition – facilitating alternative fuels production
  • Expanded, diversified and more sustainable logistics services

The port is extremely well positioned to capture market opportunities in each of these areas and we feel this would be of interest to some econext Members.

Given the geographical location of the port, we are sure there are plenty of future opportunities to collaborate with Canada.

We currently have exhibit space at the OCEANS Conference in the Canadian Pavillion and can offer you support if you wish to exhibit.

If you would like more information, please feel free to reach out to Cathy Hogan – cathy.hogan@oceansadvance.net by Friday, April 21.

econext elects 2023-24 Board of Directors

For Immediate Release
April 13, 2023

econext held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) during the week of April 3-7, 2023. The AGM featured the election of its Board of Directors.

Newly elected members of the Board of Directors include:

  • Laurie Coady (North Atlantic)
  • Kris Costello (OilCo)
  • Don Drew (Newco Metals & Auto Recycling – Treasurer)
  • Heather Murphy (SEM)
  • David Pinsent (World Energy GH2)

These Directors join:

  • Chad Butler (Growler Energy)
  • Nola Sharpe (Mysa)
  • Brian Taite (HMDC)
  • Alex Templeton (McInnes Cooper)

econext is an association of businesses that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador and works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at https://econext.ca.

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley


TheOGM.com is a dynamic energy magazine that unites energy innovators and decision makers in creating a sustainable new energy future. The goal is to educate, elevate and facilitate the process of energy business.

With new and unique digital methods, TheOGM.com takes your message and brings it to market, in thoughtful, action-producing and influential ways.

We take your innovation and bring it to life!

AGM Questions and Answers

Designated representatives from econext membership have the opportunity to ask questions and be provided with answers during the AGM period (April 25-30, 2024). Questions can be sent to CEO Kieran Hanley at kieran@econext.ca.

Your name and question will be published below. You will be notified when an answer has been provided (which will also be published).

Questions and Answers

No questions yet to be answered.

Red Earth Energy

Red Earth Energy is a producer of renewable fuels with a focus on green hydrogen production from renewable energy.

We are in the conceptual design / feasibility stage for several green hydrogen projects using electrolysis technology. We are also interested in the production of green hydrogen from pyrolysis technology and renewable diesel fuels projects.