Oceans: Calls for proposals with Innovative Solutions Canada

Innovative Solutions Canada is seeking pre-commercial innovative prototypes that can be tested in real life settings and address a variety of priorities within the Government of Canada. Priorities include:

  • Coastal Resilience
  • Navigation and Ocean Communications
  • Autonomous Surface and Subsurface Vehicles, and Associated Infrastructure
  • Aquaculture, Blue Carbon and Ocean Pollution Remediation

Closing date:

April 26, 2022, 14:00 Eastern Time

Learn more and Apply Here

Natural Resources Canada | Oil Spill Response Challenge

Investing in Innovative Oil Spill Response Technologies

The Government of Canada is calling on innovators to develop solutions to help protect and preserve Canada’s natural heritage and communities from the devastating impacts of oil spills. If you work in the area of oil spill detection, oil spill recovery or other fields such as science and engineering, biochemistry, data analytics, remote sensing and robotics, and have a passion about protecting the environment, the Oil Spill Response Challenge may be for you!

We are looking for innovators to advance innovative and rapidly deployable oil spill response solutions to effectively improve response time and/or increase recovery of oil spilt in diverse Canadian aquatic environments when compared against conventional technology. With the right idea and knowledge on how to get there, you could be awarded up to $1.3M to develop and test your prototype. The grand prize winner will then receive an additional $2M to continue to commercialise their technology!

The application deadline is June 1, 2022 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time. Only 35 days remain. Apply Now!

Click here to Learn more

Pattern Energy Group

We develop, construct, own, and operate high-quality wind, solar, transmission, and energy storage projects worldwide.

New green technology tax credit announced for Newfoundland and Labrador

Via Budget 2022, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is introducing a new 20 percent green technology tax credit for Canadian-controlled private corporations that invest in equipment for energy conservation and clean energy generation, use fuels from waste, or make efficient use of fossil fuels. The maximum credit is $1 million annually, of which up to 40 per cent is refundable.

From the Department of Finance website:

Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (CCPC’s) that invest in equipment that generates or conserves renewable-source energy, uses fuels from waste, or makes efficient use of fossil fuels may be entitled to a credit equal to 20% of the capital cost of that equipment.


  • Corporations with a permanent establishment in Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Property eligible to be included as capital property of Class 43.1 or 43.2 under the federal income tax act that is;
    • Located in Newfoundland and Labrador
    • Acquired for use in the course of a business operating in Newfoundland and Labrador

How to apply

The GTTC will be the applied to reduce provincial tax otherwise payable, or refunded on the corporation’s income tax return.


Corporations may be able to receive a refund of any amount not applied to reduce tax payable, up to 40% of the total GTTC.

Carry forward/back

Any GTTC not applied or refunded in the current taxation year may be applied to reduce Newfoundland and Labrador tax payable in any of the next 20 years, or any of the preceding three years, but cannot be applied to a taxation year that ends before April 7, 2022.


Organics Waste-to-Value Forum 2022

Is organic waste a “problem”? Or is it part of a solution – solutions for greater efficiency, for climate change, for new business enterprises and regional economic development?

The Harris Centre invites participants from forestry, agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, local and provincial government, academia, research institutions and others to come together for a day of exploring potential “waste-to-value” opportunities for organic waste streams associated with the forestry, fisheries, aquaculture and agriculture/food sectors in Newfoundland and Labrador.

In Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), organic waste accounts for approximately 30% of disposed waste – or 155,000MT annually. As NL’s government and industries reflect on waste management and plan for the future, a wide range of stakeholders have noted many reasons to pursue this topic:

  • The need for widespread organics management to meet diversion targets.
  • Environmental concerns over greenhouse gas emissions associated with organic waste materials.
  • Shortening of landfill lifespan because of organics entering the landfill.
  • The potential environmental, economic, and social benefits of utilizing organic waste instead of landfilling it.

Both research and practice have shown there are practical strategies for the use of organic by-products (or “residuals”) from forestry, agriculture, fisheries, and aquaculture sectors as inputs for the development of other types of beneficial products. Similarly, there are examples of effective community and regional scale efforts to convert residential-municipal organic waste into compost and other products with beneficial uses. Despite this existing information and practices, efforts to develop effective waste-to-value initiatives and enterprises for organics in NL have struggled to gain traction or become sustainable.

Given the growing interest among multiple groups in pursuing these opportunities, it seems timely to engage in a cross-sectoral dialogue on the opportunities, challenges, strategies and policy implications for advancing the development of organic “waste-to-value” approaches and enterprises in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Leqrn more and register

WEBINAR: Clean Energy funding opportunities for Canadian firms through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)

Wednesday, Apr 20 2022 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST

This webinar is all about gaining a practical understanding of clean energy funding opportunities stemming from the IIJA including details on how funds will flow, the envelope of funding programs and state investment priorities for the State of Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. In-state experts will give you an insightful, on-the-ground assessment to provide concrete approaches to help Canadian SMEs navigate the IIJA and improve strategy of securing funding in the U.S.

  • Overview of the latest IIJA clean energy funding opportunities & announcements
  • Clean energy project prioritization for the State of Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia
  • State economic, financial and political considerations for Canadian firms
  • Recommendations for Canadian companies when applying for funding

Learn more and register

econext supports Government of Canada decision on Bay du Nord – and policy to ensure oil and gas projects are best-in-class

For Immediate Release
April 7, 2022

econext is expressing its support for the decision made yesterday by Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change to accept the Impact Assessment Agency’s recommendations on the proposed Bay du Nord project.

“We recognize that finding the right balance between environment and economy can be difficult,” said Kieran Hanley, CEO of econext. “In this case we think that the right decision was made.”

Canada is the fourth largest producer of oil and gas in the world. Hanley said that the country has a responsibility to push the boundaries of technology and processes to ensure that what is produced is the most environmentally sound as is possible. “The Bay du Nord project represents a step-change in greenhouse gas emissions intensity for oil projects in Canada, and will help drive cleantech development in Newfoundland and Labrador in the years ahead.”

“We are supportive of Canada’s announcement yesterday that oil and gas projects will be expected to feature best-in-class environmental standards and demonstrate pathways to reaching net zero by the year 2050,” said Hanley, noting this is in line with econext‘s position and the objectives of its Net Zero Project.

econext is an association of businesses that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador and works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at https://econext.ca.

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Media Contact:
Kieran Hanley

Announcements setting the stage for clean energy growth in Newfoundland and Labrador

For Immediate Release
April 5, 2022

Two announcements in Newfoundland and Labrador today are helping to set the stage for clean energy industry growth in Newfoundland and Labrador.

First, the province’s Minister of Industry, Energy, and Technology announced an end to the moratorium on wind development.

“The wind moratorium was a barrier that needed to be removed immediately in order to allow for clean energy development in this province,” said Kieran Hanley, econext‘s CEO. “We were very pleased to see the Minister commit to this action today, as it sends an important signal to industry and investors that the door is opening for new renewable energy projects in Newfoundland and Labrador.”

Last Fall econext submitted to the provincial government a series of specific recommendations for consideration in the development of Newfoundland and Labrador’s renewable energy plan – a plan that was released in December.

Click here to download econext‘s recommendations.

“We are very encouraged by the speed at which the government is moving on the actions it committed to in its renewable energy plan,” said Hanley. “If we can continue progressing and building momentum at this rate, Newfoundland and Labrador will be able to realize its clean energy potential.”

The second announcement today was that the offshore petroleum regulator was expanding its mandate to include offshore renewable energy. In addition, Environment and Climate Change is initiating a regional assessment under the Impact Assessment Act for wind energy in Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore.

“Newfoundland and Labrador has some of the best offshore wind resources in the world,” said Hanley, noting that an important enabling condition for clean growth is the implementation of a regulatory framework that will support it. “The expansion of the offshore regulator’s mandate is another proactive step that will open the door to new opportunities.”

econext is an association of businesses that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador and works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at https://econext.ca.

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley, CEO

econext CEO responds to Canada’s 2030 emissions reduction plan

econext‘s CEO Kieran Hanley joined the VOCM Morning Show on March 31, 2022 to discuss Newfoundland and Labrador’s opportunities as they relate to Canada’s recently released 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan.

econext · econext CEO responds to Canada's 2030 emissions reduction plan

Introduction to Cyber Defense

April 13, 2022 – April 14, 2022

Learn about the fundamentals of Information Technology Security and understand how to recognize cyber threats and vulnerabilities so that you can implement an effective IT Security defense.

This introduction to cyber defense is a fast-paced way to get up to speed on IT security. This entry-level track takes a combined light technical and high-level view of business challenges and solutions for practical IT security goals, providing a solid foundation for those new to their role in cyber security. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of IT security defense, vulnerabilities and modern threat types, security team roles, and approaches for today’s active IT security defense.

Key Learning Outcomes

  • Understand a brief history of hacking
  • Identify the foundational controls of Information Technology Security
  • Recognize modern cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and exploits
  • Apply knowledge on how IT attacks are carried out and mitigated
  • Navigate recent cyber-attack case studies for key lessons learned
  • Be prepared to orchestrate a defense in depth IT Security program

Continuing Education Contact Hours: 14

This course has been endorsed by techNL as a valuable professional development option for member organizations.

Learn more and register here