econext releases report that helps define Atlantic Canada’s green jobs

For Immediate Release
February 22, 2022

St. John’s, NL – econext, in partnership with the Maritimes Energy Association (MEA) and with support from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), has released a report “Atlantic Canada’s Green Potential – Jobs and Skills Toward Clean Growth”.

The report helps define what a ‘green job’ means in context of Atlantic Canada’s economy.

“The greening of the economy looks different depending on where in the world you are,” says Kieran Hanley, econext’s Executive Director. “The makeup of a region’s economy – including the state of its current industries and future growth opportunities – will determine to a large extent what effects the energy transition and the greening economy will have on local jobs.”

Hanley said that Atlantic Canada has a unique economy relative to other parts of the country, and that it is important for decision-makers to understand what the idea of a ‘green job’ meant within the region.

“We are pleased to support this project to better define what a ‘green job’ is in Atlantic Canada,” said Jennifer Tuck, CEO of MEA. “This body of research will give business leaders, governments and individuals in the region a better understanding of what the energy transition can mean for the Atlantic Canadian economy.”

Download the Report

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econext and MEA were supported by ECO Canada in this research. ECO Canada’s mission it to build the world’s leading environmental workforce in Canada, with a vision to ensure an adequate supply of people with the demonstrated skills and knowledge required to meet the environmental human resource needs of the public and private sectors.

“Green jobs are growing across Canada. In Atlantic Canada alone we will need 6,600 new green workers by 2025, or nearly 20% of the region’s 2020 green employment levels”, said Kevin Nilsen, President and CEO of ECO Canada. “This qualitative study showed that the transition to a cleaner and greener economy in Atlantic Canada is complex. While there will be opportunities in the form of new or growing STEM jobs, more support is needed to ensure the workforce across various roles has the cross-disciplinary skill sets required.”

“It is clear that governments and financial markets around the world are moving quickly to support clean growth activities,” said Hanley. “We must adequately support our workforce to thrive in a cleaner, greener future and we believe that this research moves the needle in the right direction for us.”

econext is an association of businesses that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador. econext works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at

The MEA advances the region and its energy economy by working with key stakeholders, including members, governments and policy makers. More information can be found at

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley
Executive Director, econext

econext in partnership to study greenhouse gas reductions and pathways to net zero in offshore industry

Via Energy Research & Innovation Newfoundland & Labrador at:

For Immediate Release:
February 21, 2022

St. John’s, NL – Newfoundland and Labrador’s environmental and oil and gas industries are collaborating to examine options to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the province’s offshore oil and gas industry.

Energy Research & Innovation Newfoundland & Labrador (ERI) is providing $440,070 of a total project value of $723,820 to econext and Noia (Newfoundland and Labrador Oil and Gas Industries Association) to conduct a project titled Net Zero Pathways and the Feasibility of Blue Hydrogen Production in Canada’s Offshore Oil and Gas Industry. The funding comes from Natural Resources Canada’s Emissions Reduction Fund, Offshore RD&D program, which is managed and administered by Energy Research & Innovation Newfoundland & Labrador. OilCo is contributing $137,500 to the overall project. The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) is making a non-repayable contribution of $146,250 to econext to support the Net Zero Pathways.

The study will provide detailed pathways for Canada’s offshore oil and gas industry to achieve net zero GHG emissions targets in offshore oil and gas production by 2050, while maintaining economic development and industry growth. Through the project, econext and Noia will:

  • compile available data and fill information gaps;
  • evaluate known emissions reduction technologies and processes for their financial feasibility, net environmental impact, and local economic development contribution;
  • formulate options for achieving net zero by 2050; and
  • study the feasibility of generating blue hydrogen offshore, including determining opportunities and interdependencies with carbon capture and storage, electrification, additional gas development, and other technologies.

Another project, Terra Nova Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Flare Reduction Study, is investigating installing a closed flare system on the vessel to reduce GHG emissions. Suncor will complete front-end engineering and design (FEED) studies to determine the feasibility of installing a closed flare system on the vessel to improve gas compression train-related flaring. Suncor is receiving $678,762 from the Emissions Reduction Fund to complete the study.

“These projects will fill important information gaps for the local energy industry. ERI is able to facilitate collaboration across companies, organizations and industries to develop solutions to reduce GHGs from offshore operations, while still ensuring the future of our industry and the important role it plays to our province,” said Dave Finn, CEO, Energy Research & Innovation Newfoundland & Labrador.

“Through the Offshore Research, Development and Demonstration stream of the Emissions Reduction Fund, the Government of Canada is supporting innovative research and development to decarbonize offshore operations. These projects will help advance clean technology in the Newfoundland and Labrador offshore oil and gas industry and help Canada reach net-zero emissions by 2050,” said the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources.

“We need to lower emissions and build up renewables in Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore. Investors are choosing jurisdictions that take climate change seriously, and our industry is taking the initiative. We believe in our workers, in this industry, and in their future. We’re continuing to invest in them, and in the research and development that will get us to net zero by 2050,” said the Honorable Seamus O’Regan, Minister of Labour and Member of Parliament for St. John’s South-Mount Pearl.

“The Government of Canada has made a commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. ACOA’s contribution to the econext project is an important step in that direction. We know that protecting the environment and growing the economy go hand in hand. This investment is helping us do just that,” said the Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Minister of Official Languages and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).

About Energy Research & Innovation Newfoundland & Labrador
Energy Research & Innovation Newfoundland & Labrador (ERI) advances research, development and demonstration (RD&D) and innovation projects in the offshore oil and gas industry, with a focus on health, safety and the environment. ERI is a federally incorporated, not-for-profit organization whose members include Chevron Canada Resources, Equinor Canada, ExxonMobil Canada, Cenovus, Oil and Gas Corporation of Newfoundland and Labrador and Suncor Energy.


Recipient: econext, Noia
Project Title: Net Zero Pathways and the Feasibility of Blue Hydrogen Production in Canada’s Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
Emissions Reduction Fund Support: $440,070

The objective of this project is to outline detailed pathways for Canada’s offshore oil and gas industry to achieve both net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions targets by 2050 and economic development and industry growth. There are many technologies and processes that can be deployed in the pursuit of emissions reductions. This project will narrow the possibilities to a manageable number of pathways or scenarios that can be continuously refined and updated when technical or financial circumstances change. This work will incorporate an assessment of the feasibility of the production of hydrogen in Canada’s offshore industry. Hydrogen is increasingly being viewed nationally and internationally as being an important fuel in the fight against climate change. Clearly understanding its potential role in Canada’s offshore oil and gas industry is an important information gap that must be addressed as part of the development of net zero pathways.

Recipient: Suncor Energy Inc. (NL)
Project Title: Terra Nova FPSO Flare Reduction Study
Emissions Reduction Fund Support: $678,762
On average, daily background flaring results in approximately 25-30% of Terra Nova’s current greenhouse gas emissions. Flare gas is a by-product of oil production and processing during normal operations that is released from different sources in the process system. This gas is sent to flare to be burned off, resulting in greenhouse gas emissions. The purpose of this project is to complete front-end engineering and design (FEED) studies focusing on reducing flaring on the FPSO (floating production, storage and offloading vessel). The study will assess the technical feasibility of installing a closed flare system on the Terra Nova FPSO and reducing gas compression train-related flaring.

Media contact:
Lynn Evans

econext asking Newfoundland and Labrador’s municipalities to help it build climate change action project list

econext is seeking input from municipalities across Newfoundland and Labrador to help it build a list of climate change actions that they are hoping to pursue.

These actions can range from climate change mitigation projects (e.g., initiatives that help decrease greenhouse gas emissions) to adaptation projects (e.g., infrastructure improvements to protect from changing weather conditions) to other environmental projects such as wastewater treatment and waste management.

With more information from municipalities on their climate action priorities, econext can work more proactively and deliberately to support them on a one-on-one basis to pursue partnerships and funding.

Interested municipalities are asked to fill out the survey via the link below. Questions about this initiative can be sent to econext‘s Executive Director, Kieran Hanley, at

Click to Participate

econext seeking member input on development of Canadian offshore renewable energy regulations

Natural Resources Canada has drafted a technical requirements paper to detail to government, stakeholder and Indigenous participants the proposed requirements that will form the basis of future regulations for offshore renewable energy projects. The paper can be downloaded here. The requirements are divided into the following parts:

  • General Requirements
  • Site Assessment Activities Requirements
  • Transportation, Construction, Installation and Commissioning Activities Requirements
  • Operations and Maintenance Activities Requirements
  • Decommissioning, Repowering, and/or Life Extension Activities Requirements

NRCan is seeking feedback on these proposed requirements to ensure future regulations follow the highest standards, are comprehensive and enforceable, and are flexible enough to respond to a rapidly changing sector.

econext will be providing NRCan feedback based on the perspectives of its members and partners, and needs your help! Please contact econext’s Executive Director Kieran Hanley at with any comments and/or feedback that you may have by Friday, February 18, 2022.

Feedback can also be provided directly to NRCan by February 21, 2022. More information on NRCan’s offshore renewable energy regulations initiative can be found at

Check out our new Current Opportunities section!

From funding programs to upcoming events, econext keeps Newfoundland and Labrador in the loop on relevant and timely clean growth opportunities.

  • Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest opportunities delivered to your email.
  • Contact us if you are aware of an opportunity that you think we should be sharing!
  • Does your business have specific needs or opportunities that we can help you explore? econext members can avail of 1-on-1 support services.



RFPs, EOIs, and Engagement

International Business

econext’s 2021 Industry Awards Nominations are now open!

In 2018, econext introduced a renewed industry awards program, celebrating the businesses, researchers, and professionals building the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Do you know of an econext member and/or environmental practitioner that should be recognized for their successes?

econext is launching its 2021 industry awards program, celebrating the businesses, researchers, and professionals building the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador over the past year.

The deadline for nominations is Tuesday, March 01, 2022

The nomination process is simple and you can do so by clicking here

Awards Categories

Cleantech Innovation Award

This award, open to business and academia, recognizes clean technology innovation in Newfoundland and Labrador. Innovations can be recognized at any stage of development – from research and development, to commercialization, to refinement – of products, services, or processes that can mitigate effects to, protect, or enhance the environment. The award is judged according to the uniqueness of the innovation, the potential for positive environmental impact, and the potential for commercial application.

Business Excellence Award

This award recognizes a significant initiative or achievement of a business engaged in Newfoundland and Labrador’s green economy. Initiatives or achievements could include the completion of specific business projects that have a positive environmental impact, business growth milestones (e.g. new sales, workforce expansion), or a contribution to the community from a sustainability or corporate social responsibility perspective. The award is judged according to the initiative or achievement’s impact as it relates to economic growth and development, positive environmental effects, and public awareness of green economy and environmental challenges or opportunities.

International Business Award

This award recognizes a significant initiative or achievement of Newfoundland and Labrador business engaged in international business activities relating to cleantech or environmental services. Initiatives or achievements could include export success, diversification into new sectors or markets, collaborative research and development, or the establishment of international partners be it through joint-venture, licensing, etc. The award is judged according to the relative impact of the internationalization activity for the individual business and/or the industry at-large.

Industry Champion Award

This award recognizes the contribution of an individual (e.g. an environmental practitioner, business owner, decision-maker, etc.) to the growth of Newfoundland and Labrador’s environmental industry. Contributions can be considered from a practitioner, economic development, or regulatory perspective. Champions can be recognized for singular contributions or the culmination of their activities over a period of time. The award is judged according to the contribution (over and above commercial success), its associated positive environmental effects, and its lasting impact on the industry.


To make an award nomination:

  • Click here to download the nomination form;
  • Fill out the nomination form;
  • Submit your form to NEIA’s Executive Director, Kieran Hanley at

2019 Industry Awards Nominations Deadline:

Nominations must be received by 5:00pm on Tuesday, December 10, 2019. Award decisions are made by an ad hoc volunteer committee.

Previous Awards Programming

From 2002-2008, NEIA ran an awards program recognizing member achievements and excellence. Past winners of these awards include:

Capacity Building Award
Building and growing a company that provides environmental services and/or products presents unique challenges. This award is presented to a corporation with a proven record of building the environment sector in Newfoundland and Labrador and in improving its competitive position in local and/or international markets through a commitment to excellence and strategic growth investment.

  • 2008 – Northeast Avalon ACAP
  • 2007 – Rogers Enterprises Ltd.
  • 2006 – Hi-Point Industries
  • 2005 – Island Waste Management Inc.
  • 2004 – Sikumiut Environmental Management Ltd.
  • 2002 – Newfound Disposal Systems Ltd.

Environmental Performance in Newfoundland and Labrador
Environmental leadership often brings an improved bottom line and embracement by clients and the local community. This award is presented to a company that has gone beyond environmental compliance and has demonstrated a commitment to improved environmental performance.

  • 2008 – Waste Management of Canada Corporation
  • 2007 – Newfoundland Power
  • 2006 – BAE Newplan Group
  • 2005 – Abitibi Consolidated
  • 2004 – Newfoundland Power
  • 2002 – Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited (Industry)
  • 2002 – Ever Green Recycling (Community)

Individual Contribution to the Environmental Industry in Newfoundland and Labrador
To achieve success, every organization or movement needs champions to lead, provide wisdom and help turn ideals and innovation into reality. In the Newfoundland and Labrador environmental industry, these types of individual efforts have been critical to the forward development and growth of both our industry association and the environment sector in Newfoundland and Labrador. This award is presented to an individual who is, or has been, a key force in developing the environmental industry in Newfoundland and Labrador.

  • 2008 – Bill Melendy
  • 2007 – Jim Dempsey
  • 2006 – Urban Williams
  • 2005 – Guy Moores
  • 2004 – Leslie Grattan
  • 2002 – Bevin LeDrew
  • 2002 – Paul Antle

econext celebrating the release of Newfoundland and Labrador’s renewable energy plan

For Immediate Release
December 16, 2021

econext is commending the Department of Industry, Energy, and Technology on the publication today of Newfoundland and Labrador’s renewable energy plan.

“Newfoundland and Labrador has what the world needs,” said Kieran Hanley, econext‘s Executive Director. “This province has a wealth of yet-to-be-developed renewable energy resources that can help sectors and nations meet their environmental objectives and commitments.”

  • Click here to download Newfoundland and Labrador’s renewable energy plan.

Hanley notes that the challenge has always been around getting these resources to those that need and want them. “New markets, increased environmental pressures on industry, and the emergence of clean fuels are presenting us with new opportunities for the export of our clean energy,” said Hanley. “There are enormous opportunities here for us to grow and diversify our economy – and it’s important that we now have a plan in place to achieve our potential.”

Throughout the Fall, econext engaged within its membership and network – meeting with developers, suppliers, utilities, and subject matter experts – to submit a series of comprehensive recommendations to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador in the development of its plan.

  • Click here to download econext‘s recommendations to government towards the development of its plan.

“We were very pleased to see that much of what our membership had to say was ultimately reflected in the plan,” said Hanley. “This is an important step forward for Newfoundland and Labrador.”

“We commend Minister Parsons and his team for their work this Fall, and look forward to working in partnership towards an economically-sound future for our province and the environment. ”

econext is an association of businesses that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador. econext works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley, Executive Director, econext

econext and partners release new tool to help businesses attract and retain talent

econext and its industry partners have developed and released a new tool to help businesses in Newfoundland and Labrador attract and retain the talent and workers that they need to sustain their growth and succeed.

Learn about:

  • What competitive compensation and benefits look like;
  • Where to post your job openings;
  • Programs to help you hire new grads and professionals from outside of the country;
  • The importance of inclusively and diversity in the workplace;
  • How work environments, perks, and growth opportunities are factors for your employees;
  • and more!

Visit to learn about the latest programs and resources that are readily available to you and your business to address your people needs!

Click to Visit

econext submits renewable energy plan recommendations to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

For Immediate Release
November 18, 2021

econext has submitted a series of 36 recommendations for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to consider in the development of a new renewable energy plan.

“Newfoundland and Labrador has what the world needs,” said Kieran Hanley, econext’s Executive Director. “We have a wealth of undeveloped renewable energy resources that can help sectors and nations meet their environmental objectives and commitments.”

Hanley said that up until now the options for development within the province have been limited, but the increasing demand for clean energy in both electricity grids and industrial activity – along with the prospect of using renewables for the production and export of clean fuels – “opens new doors for us”.

Click here to download econext‘s recommendations.

“Discussions around concepts like net zero, energy transition, decarbonization, green jobs, and so on… are intensifying and accelerating rapidly worldwide,” said Hanley. “From hydro, to wind, to wave – we have excellent resources to offer, and so the simple question becomes: how do we get what we have to the people that need it?”

Hanley said that the economic growth and diversification potential for Newfoundland and Labrador associated with the growth of the renewable energy sector could not be understated. “We have before us an enormous opportunity to fundamentally change our economy,” said Hanley.

Following a series of meetings and engagements with renewable energy developers, suppliers, providers, and other stakeholders throughout October and November, one theme consistently emerged. “In order for Newfoundland and Labrador to meet its potential, we have to find ways for industry to get more involved in the planning and development of renewable energy” said Hanley, noting that how the province regulates the sector will need to change.

“Should we seize the moment, econext believes that the future is bright for Newfoundland and Labrador – but it will require vision and bold steps forward.” Hanley said he hopes that econext’s recommendations are valuable in helping the provincial government create that vision.

econext is an association of businesses that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador. econext works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley, Executive Director, econext

econext congratulates Mysa on major funding announcement

For Immediate Release:
November 3, 2021

(ST. JOHN’S, NL) – econext is extending a congratulations to one of its members this morning following a major investment announcement.

Mysa announced today the closing of a $20.3 million Series B equity funding round which will help the company develop new products and services and expand its international marketing and distribution channels.


“We are very proud of what Mysa has been able to accomplish,” said Kieran Hanley, econext’s Executive Director. “The fact that this company, in a relatively short period of time, has grown from its two co-founders to employing a diverse team of 96 and growing… is nothing short of inspiring.”

Hanley said that Mysa is helping to show entrepreneurs and startups in Newfoundland and Labrador that there is no limit to what they can achieve. “This province’s technology sector is thriving, and as we move towards a cleaner economy the opportunities in front of cleantech developers will be substantial.”

Hanley noted that Mysa has helped to give back to the community even during times of accelerated growth – becoming the first business in Newfoundland and Labrador to achieve carbon neutrality and representing the cleantech sector at-large through support of econext.

econext is an association of businesses that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador. econext works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley, Executive Director, econext