NEIA encouraging businesses in Newfoundland & Labrador to think about their garbage

For Immediate Release
October 24, 2013

ST. JOHN’S, NL – This week is Waste Reduction Week in Canada, and the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) is encouraging businesses, governments, and other organizations to think twice about what they are throwing away.

“Per capita, Newfoundland and Labradorians produce more waste than most other provinces in the country,” said Ted Lomond, NEIA’s Executive Director.

Lomond says it is particularly critical for businesses and their employees to take responsibility for waste in the workplace. “60% of our waste is produced at work or at school,” he said. “Simple deviations in our daily routines and small changes in procurement could help significantly reduce the amount of waste going to our landfills.”

Some of the simplest changes recommended by NEIA that yield important waste reduction results include:

  • Managing the use of paper. Reducing the use of and recycling paper remains the most effective manner to reduce office waste. 67% of typical office building waste is recyclable paper.
  • Disposing of disposables. Paper or plastic plates, cups, and cutlery add up fast. Use real kitchenware.
  • Avoiding individually packaged condiments. Buy milk, salt, butter, etc. in larger quantities to stop generating waste with needlessly single-packaged items.
  • Changing the way coffee is drank. Encourage the use of reusable coffee mugs, while discouraging the use of single-cup machines.
  • Getting rid of garbage… bins. Studies show less office waste is generated when employees don’t each have a personal waste bin.
  • Involving everyone. Reducing waste in an office setting is a team effort and will only be a success if buy-in occurs across the board at all levels of a company.

“The average employee generates 1 tonne of loose garbage every year; that’s over 100 household garbage cans per person,” said Lomond. “We can do better.”

NEIA is a not-for-profit association of businesses that promotes the growth and development of the environmental industry in this province, offering a diverse range of expert knowledge and services in the business of mitigating and minimizing environmental damage for the protection and enhancement of the environment for present and future generations. NEIA has over 150 members.

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NEIA facilitates research matching at its Newleef 2013 Conference

The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA)’s Newleef 2013 conference featured a research matching event as part of its agenda.

The objective of this session was to provide businesses with the opportunity to present specific environmental challenges and opportunities that they were facing, while researchers from Memorial University and the College of the North Atlantic presented on their ongoing research projects and interests.

Presenters in both cases were pre-qualified in advance with the intention to allow for ‘matches’ to be made between business and academia on specific topics. Funding agencies participated in the event to provide information on the resources that they had available to support matches that were being explored.

The event agenda can be downloaded here, with a summary of research presentations here.

Former Prime Minister to speak at province’s Environmental Sector conference

Rt. Hon. Joe Clark to be the keynote speaker at Newleef 2013

ST. JOHN’S, NL – The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) is pleased to announce Rt. Hon. Joe Clark as the keynote speaker for Newleef 2013: Adapting to a Changing Environment, taking place on October 10-11 in St. John’s, NL.

“We are excited to welcome Mr. Clark to speak at our annual green economy conference,” said Ted Lomond, Executive Director of NEIA. “Mr. Clark is an expert in the area of corporate social responsibility, and as Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition he has had experience making policy decisions at the highest levels. His address will be of great interest and value to our audience.”

Newleef is an annual conference organized by NEIA which is aimed at building new relationships within the green economy in the province; strengthening existing ones; identifying business opportunities; energizing participants in the sector; and learning from one another. The forum features two days of presentations and interactive sessions, a ‘Green Showcase’ tradeshow, a chance to see first-hand exciting local research in the environmental field, and an evening social at the Newman Wine Vaults.

The focus for Newleef 2013 is ‘adaptation’. “Our focus will be on how businesses in the environmental sector of Newfoundland and Labrador’s economy can adapt and grow through a changing climate, changing markets, changing regulations and processes, changing technologies, and changing corporate expectations,” says Lomond. “We look forward to Mr. Clark’s insight on corporate responsibility as it pertains to the environment.”

Canada’s 16th Prime Minister, Clark has had a distinguished and influential career in Canadian politics, and has since been active internationally as the architect of a series of significant Canadian initiatives in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Clark is very active in international business and governance as the founder and chairman of a company harvesting underwater timber in Ghana and as director of the BDA foundation, which teaches Congolese farmers to harvest and market medicinal plants.

“The businesses and organizations in Newfoundland and Labrador that are driving the growth of the green economy can learn from the commitment and passion Mr. Clarke has shown in all of his initiatives,” said Lomond.

NEIA is a not-for-profit association of businesses that promotes the growth and development of the environmental industry in this province, offering a diverse range of expert knowledge and services in the business of mitigating and minimizing environmental damage for the protection and enhancement of the environment for present and future generations. NEIA has over 140 members.

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley: 709.237.8190