International business, trade focus of event for Newfoundland & Labrador Firms

For Immediate Release
May 29, 2014

Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture; Export Development Canada’s Chief Economist; and local businessman Paul Antle among Speakers

ST. JOHN’S, NL – The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) is holding its second annual International Business Development Symposium this Friday – an event which focuses on building the capacity of local firms to be active on a global scale.

“Supporting the efforts of Newfoundland and Labrador businesses to engage in international markets is critical for two reasons,” says Ted Lomond, Executive Director of NEIA. “First, the provincial marketplace is limited and international business is an opportunity for growth and expansion for individual firms.”

The second reason, Lomond notes, is related to the overall provincial economy. “Companies that are involved in international business contribute significantly to the diversification and strength of Newfoundland and Labrador’s economy.”

Lomond says the International Business Development Symposium will provide important information for businesses who are involved with or are exploring conducting business abroad. “Firms attending the event will hear the latest information on how Canada’s international trade agreements will affect local industry; on expert insight into the global economy from Export Development Canada’s Chief Economist; and benefit from the past experiences of local individuals who have been quite successful in international markets.”

The event features:

“International Trade Agreements and Opportunities for the Provincial Fishery”
Hon. Keith Hutchings, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture / Member for Ferryland

“Making Sense of the Market: What’s Happening and What’s Next”
Catherine Murray, Co-Host and Anchor for BNN / Former VP at Deutsche Bank

“Doing Business in China”
Paul Antle, CEO of Phase Separation Solutions and West Mountain Capital Corp.

“Developing International Markets”
Ron Collier, Vice-President Business Development, SubC Imaging

“Let’s Talk Exports”
Peter Hall, Vice President & Chief Economist of Export Development Canada

“The International Business Development Symposium is an opportunity for businesses, support agencies, academia and aspiring entrepreneurs to network and learn from each other,” says Lomond.

For more information on NEIA’s International Business Development Symposium, including speaker biographies, visit the event website at The event is open to businesses and organizations in all sectors of the economy.NEIA is a not-for-profit association of businesses that promotes the growth and development of the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador. The organization offers a diverse range of expert knowledge and support services for members working to grow economic opportunity while respecting the natural environment. NEIA is The Business of the Environment, and has over 160 members.

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley: 709.237.8190

Innovation Week: A 5-day conference celebrating innovation in Newfoundland and Labrador

For Immediate Release
May 5, 2014

Innovation Week is a five-day series of events happening in St. John’s May 5th- 9th, 2014. The local business community, leading provincial industry associations and our public sector partners have come together with one common vision: to shine a light on the incredible innovation advances being made in Newfoundland and Labrador.

By bringing together startups, youth, business, and private and public partners, Innovation Week hopes to forge new connections and collectively raise the profile of our innovative endeavors. It will focus on furthering growth and developing new opportunities in sectors that include information technology, ocean technology, manufacturing, aerospace and defense, the green economy and more.

Scheduled events include StartupNL’s Fireside Chat and Demo Camp for entrepreneurs, the Youth in Technology (YIT) conference for 400 Grade 9 students, NATI’s Knowledge Summit, TEDxStJohns 2014 (Dis)Connect, Unconventional Conventions, the Innovation Outlook conference at Memorial University’s Bruneau Centre, and CME NL’s Manufacturing Productivity conference.

Details of each event can be found at

Innovation Week partners include:

  • Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Technology Industries (NATI)
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA)
  • Aerospace and Defence Industry Association of NL (ADIANL)
  • Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) Association of NL
  • OceansAdvance
  • StartupNL
  • TEDxStJohns
  • College of the North Atlantic
  • Genesis Centre
  • Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
  • The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Innovation, Business and Rural Development (IBRD)

For further information, please visit You can also follow us on Twitter: @InnovateWeekNL.