Electric cars a sound investment for the City of St. John’s

For Immediate Release
March 30, 2015

ST. JOHN’S, NL – The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) is supporting the City of St. John’s in its purchase of two electric vehicles for parking enforcement. City councillors will vote this evening on whether it will accept the Deputy City Manager’s recommendation to award an RFP for 2 cars, 5 public and 2 private charging stations.

“This will create value for the taxpayers of the City of St. John’s,” says Ted Lomond, Executive Director of NEIA. “The business case for these vehicles is sound. The efficiency of the electric car in the role the city intends to use them is well documented in other municipalities across Canada, and in fact the world.”

Lomond notes that the city should achieve a reduction in fuel consumption and maintenance costs by switching to the electric cars. Electric vehicles cost about $2.00 to drive 100km. Even a brand new compact car uses 7 litres on average or more fuel per 100km. At gas prices of $1.00 per litre, that represents a cost of $7.00 to drive 100km. Enforcement officers are driving city vehicles all day long and accumulate significant mileage. “The energy savings per vehicle are considerable,” says Lomond. “In addition, electric vehicles have less moving parts and components then fossil fuel vehicles and require no oil or filter changes – meaning less maintenance.”

Lomond says the move is supported by the province’s decision in February to fund the installation of 5 residential and 14 commercial electric vehicle charging stations throughout the province. “The government of Newfoundland and Labrador sees the value of electric vehicles operating in the province and is contributing to developing the appropriate infrastructure,” says Lomond. “Their leadership on this front is to be commended, and the City of St. John’s should be applauded for the initiation of this pilot project to test the suitability of the technology for their fleet.”

Lomond notes that that – aside from the clear economic advantages of electric vehicles – there are important environmental advantages. “Electric vehicles are particularly well suited for our province.” When Muskrat Falls begins operations, 98% of Newfoundland and Labrador’s energy will be derived from renewable resources.

“Electric vehicles will produce no emissions while on the road, and will be charged by a renewable energy source. This is an opportunity we must explore and support. ”

NEIA is a not-for-profit association of businesses that promotes the growth and development of the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador. NEIA has over 190 members. More information can be found at https://neia.org.

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley

NEIA encouraging people, businesses, and governments to mark Earth Hour on Saturday evening

For Immediate Release
March 27, 2015

ST. JOHN’S, NL – The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) is encouraging Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to turn off the lights Saturday evening in support of ‘Earth Hour’, a global call to combat climate change.

Earth Hour asks individuals, businesses and governments to turn off their lights for one hour to demonstrate the importance of taking action on climate change. It is a global environmental event which attracts the support of hundreds of millions world-wide each year, and spreads awareness regarding the link between energy use and environment.

“The benefits gained from energy efficiency are not just environmental,” said Ted Lomond, Executive Director of NEIA, “they are also economical.”

The International Energy Agency estimates that every dollar invested in energy efficiency generates more than $4 in cost savings, and that the savings can pay for the necessary upgrades after approximately four years. These savings will generate important economic benefits such as lower energy bills and stronger business competitiveness.

“In addressing the issue of climate change, by becoming more energy efficient, local businesses will better positioned to succeed” said Lomond.

To participate in Earth Hour 2015, Newfoundlanders and Labradorians must turn off all non-essential lighting on March 28 for one hour between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m., local time.

NEIA is a not-for-profit association of businesses that promotes the growth and development of the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador. It is the premier resource for the industry offering a diverse range of expert knowledge and services in the business of mitigating and minimizing environmental damage for the protection and enhancement of the environment for present and future generations. NEIA has over 180 members.

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley: 709.237.8190

NEIA Elects new Board of Directors

For Immediate Release
March 25, 2015

ST. JOHN’S, NL – The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) held its Annual General Meeting Wednesday, March 25th which featured the election of its Board of Directors and the reappointment of Deidre Puddister, the Environmental Manager with Pennecon Limited, as the organization’s Chairperson. This will be the second term as Chair for Puddister.

“I am honoured to have been selected by NEIA’s Board of Directors to serve as their Chair,” said Puddister, “and am excited to work with the excellent team which was elected today to grow the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador.”

NEIA’s Annual General Meeting outlined the robust series of activities and programming the association engaged in over the past year. “2014 was a very active year for NEIA in terms of its advocacy and communications efforts, the events it organized and partnered in, and the sector and firm development initiatives it undertook,” said Puddister.

A full review of NEIA’s activities can be found online in its 2014 Annual Report at:

“NEIA’s Board is looking forward to building on the organization’s achievements this past year towards a productive and successful 2015,” said Puddister.

NEIA’s Board of Directors guide the strategic activities of NEIA, which are focused on the growth of the environmental sector through business expansion, professional development, innovation and productivity, export and international business, and policy and advocacy.

Members of the 2015-2016 Board of Directors include:

  • Deidre Puddister (Chair) – Pennecon Limited
  • Sarah Bassler – Amec Foster Wheeler
  • Dan Brake – EMSAT Corporation
  • Patrick Browne – Puglisevich Crews and Services
  • Don Drew – Newco Metal and Auto Recycling Ltd.
  • Al Ducey – BMSna
  • David Fay – Fay Environmental
  • Lyndsay Haynes – WorleyParsons
  • Elisabeth Luther – Golder Associates

More information on NEIA’s Board of Directors can be found at: https://neia.org/board/.

NEIA is a not-for-profit association of businesses that promotes the growth and development of the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador. It is the province’s premier resource for the environmental business sector, offering a diverse range of expert knowledge and support services for firms and organizations working to grow economic opportunity while respecting our natural environment. NEIA is the business of the environment, and has over 190 members.

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley: 709.237.8190

NOTES 2015 conference to focus on solutions to environmental challenges in Newfoundland & Labrador’s Oil and Gas Industry

For Immediate Release
March 3, 2015

St. John’s, NL – The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) has announced a series of presentations and speakers for its Oil Industry and the Environment Seminar (NOTES 2015).

Anchored by a keynote address from Preston Manning, President and CEO of the Manning Centre and founder of the Reform Part, NOTES 2015 is taking place April 27-28, 2015 in St. John’s, NL.

“The oil and gas industry is a major contributor to our province’s economy, and an area of significant opportunity for environmental sector growth,” says Ted Lomond, Executive Director of NEIA. Lomond says that businesses in Newfoundland and Labrador have a chance to contribute to the increased efficiency and sustainability of the industry.

“Our NOTES 2015 conference will provide an opportunity for persons involved in all aspects of the province’s oil and gas industry to share information, insights, and experience,” says Lomond. “The conference will showcase the innovative and effective solutions being applied in the region today and explore exciting research underway locally that has the potential to be practically applied.”

Lomond says it is important for local businesses to innovate and develop products and services that are applicable not just in our province’s waters, but worldwide. “Solutions applied in our region could be applicable to other offshore oil developments,” says Lomond. “One day the offshore oil industry will move on from Newfoundland and Labrador, so it is important our businesses make a lasting impact that allows them to exist beyond current local offshore activities.”

The conference is focusing on six main themes: environmental issues and their mitigation; operating in harsh environments; stakeholder management; the development and application of new technologies; and oil spill response. In addition, NOTES 2015 will feature two panel discussions evaluating the socio-economic impacts of offshore petroleum activity, and the future delivery of industry benefits as they pertain to the environment.

NOTES 2015 is a solutions-focused event with the intent to build capacity in the environmental sector of the economy. “Natural resource extraction will always present environmental challenges – challenges which can be met effectively by innovators and entrepreneurs,” says Lomond. “Our conference will support businesses here in Newfoundland and Labrador looking to provide those solutions.”

Visit the NOTES 2015 website at https://neia.org/notes2015 for details on confirmed speakers, registration information, and sponsorship opportunities.

NEIA is a not-for-profit association of businesses that promotes the growth and development of the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador. NEIA has over 190 members. Learn more about NEIA at https://neia.org.

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Media Contact:
Kieran Hanley