NEIA works with government and industry partners to develop work plan to help grow Newfoundland and Labrador’s tech sector

For Immediate Release
February 23, 2018

Watch as Kieran Hanley, NEIA’s Executive Director, addresses the technology summit and its work plan from the perspective of clean technology.

The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) was pleased to join NATI, the CME, ACADA, and the provincial government at the technology summit on Friday in announcing its technology sector work plan. The work plan includes actions that each of the partners will take to achieve the collective goal of growing the technology industry and stimulating new private sector employment.

“There’s opportunity in Newfoundland and Labrador to increase commercial activity and create new jobs in the area of clean technology adoption and development. The world economy is driving towards greater stewardship on carbon emissions and environmental impacts, and technology is in the driver’s seat. Those of our industries that capitalize on this reality in their operations here at home, or by exporting their expertise and services abroad, can achieve competitive advantage and growth. Unlocking the opportunity involves applying the right supports at the right junctures, and NEIA feels the technology work plan is a step towards putting that idea to practice. NEIA appreciates the opportunity to put a clean tech lens on the development of this work plan, and we’re looking forward to putting the plan to action with our partners in government, academia and industry.”
Alex Templeton – Chair, NEIA

Newfoundland and Labrador firms continue building business relationships in Guyana

For Immediate Release
February 9, 2018

Georgetown, GY – A delegation of firms from Newfoundland and Labrador are strengthening business relationships between this province and Guyana at GIPEX – the Guyana International Petroleum Business Summit and Exhibition.

A significant offshore project sanctioned for first oil as early as 2020 – and the prospect of future development in the region – are providing firms operating in Newfoundland and Labrador’s oil and gas industry the opportunity to bring their expertise international. This includes members of the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) with expertise in the application of clean technology and environmental products and services within the industry.

“There are unique similarities between what is occurring in Guyana now and what our province experienced in the early days of our own industry,” said Abbie Lacey, NEIA’s Manager of International Business Development. “We feel that by sharing our experiences, and reaching out in partnership, there are opportunities for Newfoundland and Labrador firms to diversify their activities into this new market.”

Lacey said that this spirit of partnership and collaboration is important, an approach exemplified well in a joint venture announced yesterday between the Caron Hawco Group of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Sagacity Media of Guyana. The newly created Guyana Strategic Services will specialize in business development services for firms looking to grow through activity in Guyana. The Canadian High Commissioner for Guyana, Lillian Chatterjee, said the alliance “… is an excellent example of Canadians and Guyanese working together to help build this emerging oil and gas industry and helping to solidify Guyana as an investment destination.”

RELATED: Guyanese and Canadian companies join forces targeting Guyana’s petroleum opportunities

Newfoundland and Labrador firms are showing they are committed to building lasting relationships in the region, something Lacey said that has been noticed and has been well received in the market. “NEIA and its partners led a delegation of firms to Guyana last Fall,” she said. “We were provided with a warm welcome in September, and we were pleased to reciprocate that hospitality in welcoming a delegation from the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry in November.”

High Commissioner of Canada to Guyana, Mrs. Lilian Chatterjee (centre) is flanked by CEO of Sagacity, Chris Chapwanya and Canadian Business Owner, Caron Hawco, of the Caron Hawco Group at the official announcement of the new partnership. Image courtesy of OILNOW

Lacey noted that an MOU signed between NEIA and GCCI in November has proved valuable already for both organizations. “The GCCI has been very helpful to our delegation in terms of facilitating introductions and providing their insight,” said Lacey. “A trust is being built between our organizations that we believe will be of benefit to our respective memberships.” Lacey added that the support of the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) has been instrumental in helping the delegation maximize the value of its time in Guyana.

NEIA’s international business initiatives in the region are a product of continued collaboration with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation (TCII) and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA).

GIPEX 2018 runs from February 7-9 in Georgetown, Guyana. NEIA is a not-for-profit association of businesses that promotes the development of clean technology and the growth of the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador. NEIA has over 200 members. More information can be found at

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Media Contact:
Kieran Hanley

NEIA sees opportunity for local firms in offshore wind energy industry

For Immediate Release
February 7, 2018

The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) is encouraging firms in the province to consider the offshore wind energy industry as an avenue for business growth.

“It is expected that global offshore wind energy capacity is to grow by over 650% by 2030,” said Kieran Hanley, NEIA’s Executive Director. “This means expanding supply chains and many billions of dollars worth of investment – representing a real opportunity for our firms.”

Hanley’s comments come following an offshore wind energy workshop in St. John’s that NEIA organized with Marine Renewables Canada. “Part of the workshop yesterday focused on the supply chain in offshore wind, and we were struck by how similar it looked to what we are already familiar with here in Newfoundland and Labrador.” Hanley says that the province’s demonstrated expertise providing ocean technologies and services in the offshore oil and gas sector positions local firms well to explore opportunities worldwide in wind.

RELATED: Kraken Wins International Offshore Wind Energy Competition

“It is clear, given the rapid expansion of this industry worldwide, that there are opportunities for our local firms to diversify their activities and the markets in which they are engaged.” Hanley says that NEIA will be working to help firms in the province identify and pursue those opportunities.

“… it is important and prudent to have an open and informed discussion on the possibilities for wind energy development off the shores of our province.”

– Kieran Hanley, NEIA’s Executive Director

The workshop also focused on the prospect of offshore wind energy development in Newfoundland and Labrador, possible export markets, and current Federal supports available to help foster the emergence of the industry.

“Natural Resources Canada has an enormous funding program call open right now that would apply to offshore wind energy developments,” said Hanley. “Considering the economic development potential associated with a large industry like this one, it is important and prudent to have an open and informed discussion on the possibilities for wind energy development off the shores of our province.”

RELATED: NRCan’s Emerging Renewable Power Program

Hanley said there are benefits to being a first-mover in the region. “If we can build expertise here in Newfoundland and Labrador, that is something we can export for years to come as the industry grows in North America.”

“There are challenges to offshore wind development in our province – but given the opportunity before us, let’s take a look at what we might be able to do together to address those challenges.”

NEIA is a not-for-profit association of businesses that promotes the development of clean technology and the growth of the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador. NEIA has over 200 members. More information can be found at

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley –