NEIA members most concerned about the retention of their employees during the COVID-19 crisis

March 25, 2020

This week the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) participated in a national initiative with its cleantech and environmental services counterparts across the country to understand the challenges being faced by their businesses and what their immediate needs are during this COVID-19 crisis.

NEIA members were each provided the opportunity to give feedback on a wide range of challenges and potential measures to address them.

The message from NEIA’s membership was clear: they are most concerned about how they are going to manage to keep their employees on the payroll. Whether supports be through increased payroll subsidization, payroll tax relief, or the restructuring of existing programming, NEIA’s members need to be able to retain the talent that they have invested so heavily in.

In the coming days, NEIA will be engaging its provincial, federal, and industry partners with its findings and proposing pathways forward.