Exploring the Relationship Between Immigration and Green Jobs

The objective of this project is to understand the relationship that may exist between ‘green jobs’ and immigration in the Newfoundland and Labrador context – and to identify opportunities for econext to achieve progress related to both simultaneously.

Click here to download the RFP.

Uncovering climate action opportunities within Newfoundland and Labrador communities

The objective of this research is to compile a list of climate action priorities that communities, municipalities, and regions in Newfoundland and Labrador have from which econext can draw upon in the future to assist in project development and investment attraction.

Click here to download the RFP.

EOI: Four-Season Greenhouse Construction

Issue Date: January 11, 2022
Closing Date: January 18, 2022 at 4:00:00pm NDT

econext is soliciting Expressions of Interest for the possible construction of a four-season greenhouse. The greenhouse is intended to be constructed generally following the attached drawings and specifications from the University of Minnesota. Some modifications may be necessary to accommodate solar panels and ground conditions on site.

econext is seeking a contractor who has experience with four-season greenhouses in the Newfoundland and Labrador context and can demonstrate successful completion and satisfied clients.

Interested parties are asked to submit a letter expressing their interest to work with econext to explore building the greenhouse.

Responses should contain the following information:

  • Company name and primary contact person.
  • Short company description with outline of experience building four-season greenhouses in Newfoundland and Labrador, including pictures or other project details if available.
  • Written confirmation of ability to provide insurance certificate and a letter of good standing with WorkplaceNL (actual documents will be requested from the successful applicant prior to finalizing an agreement).
  • Two references from previous clients, at least one of which must be a four-season greenhouse.

Click here to download the EOI file which includes design specifications.

Please submit the letter expression interest to Kieran Hanley, Executive Director of econext at kieran@econext.ca.