econext celebrates launch of competitive bids process for wind projects in Newfoundland and Labrador

For Immediate Release
December 14, 2022

econext is marking the launch of the competitive process for access to Crown land for wind and hydrogen projects as an important day for Newfoundland and Labrador – and Canada.

“Newfoundland and Labrador can play an important role, on a global scale, in the fight against climate change,” said Kieran Hanley, econext’s CEO. “Harnessing our vast renewable wind resources will allow us to help the world decarbonize, while creating excellent jobs and business opportunities here at home.”

The competitive bid process was announced this morning by Hon. Andrew Parsons, Minister of Industry, Energy, and Technology. The deadline for bids is March 3, 2023. More information on the process can be found at

econext has been working very hard over the past two years to bring attention to the opportunities that this industry can provide for our province,” said Hanley, noting that Newfoundland and Labrador has all of the pieces in place to make it highly attractive for development: untapped renewable energy resources, a clean electricity grid, deep water and ice-free ports, existing infrastructure and a capable workforce, proximity to key markets, and abundance of land and water.

“Our provincial government should be commended for the work that it has done through 2022 to bring us to this point,” said Hanley. “It has worked efficiently to get the necessary processes and policies in place, putting the province in a position to attract investment and become a world leader in hydrogen production.”

While much work and many steps remain before any projects are considered for approval, Hanley says it is important to celebrate the milestones when they are achieved. “We wish all parties the best of luck in this competitive process and look forward to continuing our work in 2023 to support the growth of this industry in our province.”

econext is a not-for-profit association of businesses that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador, working on behalf of over 200 members to envision, support, and drive environmentally sustainable economic development within the province. More information about econext can be found at

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Media Contact:
Kieran Hanley

econext 2022 Member Christmas Networking Event

Join us in celebrating your hard work this year and connect with econext members and friends at our Christmas Networking Event

The annual econext Christmas Networking Event will take place at Piatto Duckworth Street from 5 pm – 8 pm on Wednesday, December 14, 2022. Refreshments and light hors d’eourves will be served. Space is limited and tickets are free for members.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you to our sponsor: Compusult

Click to Register

**Please note: This event is for econext members ONLY**

Trade Mission Identifies Huge Potential and Global Interest in Newfoundland and Labrador’s Emerging Wind & Hydrogen Industry

Port of Rotterdam

(from the Energy NL website)

During the final week of October, a delegation of representatives from Energy NL and econext travelled to Germany and the Netherlands to learn more about the emerging global wind and hydrogen industry. The purpose of the trade mission was to better understand the supply chain requirements for the industry, build upon previously established partnerships, and identify potential export markets in Europe for Newfoundland and Labrador’s renewable energy products.

The group spent a total of five days in Germany and the Netherlands, including visits to the City of Hamburg and the Port of Rotterdam and surrounding sites. During the visit the delegation met with like-minded organizations, visited renewable energy facilities, and toured several ports designed to import hydrogen from jurisdictions such as Newfoundland and Labrador.

The mission kicked off in Germany where members met with officials from ABO Wind and toured the Spreeau Wind Farm, east of Berlin. The group visited the Port of Rostock, a large industrial port on the Baltic Sea which is preparing to become one of the champions for hydrogen import and supply in Germany. This port has been approved for a European Union funded project to transform to a carbon-free energy supply and storage port, which includes the construction of an electrolysis plant for hydrogen production. In Hamburg, Germany, discussion took place with various local development organizations and private sector companies that are preparing for the hydrogen economy and looking to establish Hamburg as a green hydrogen hub.

While in the Netherlands, the delegation visited DOB Academy, a local training institution developed to provide instruction specific to the wind industry. DOB Academy has been proposed as a partner in a potential wind-hydrogen project for western Newfoundland and Labrador to help train locals for working in the renewable energy sector. Another highlight of the Netherlands portion of the itinerary was a tour of the Port of Rotterdam – the largest port in Europe – led by the Port of Rotterdam Authority. The Port of Rotterdam has been a trailblazer in the development of hydrogen and other energy carriers and port officials are keen to develop and foster relationships with Newfoundland and Labrador, and in particular, connect with potential project developers.

Being on the ground in Europe it became clear to delegates that the demand for clean energy sources in Europe is very real, and massive. There is significant potential for green hydrogen and associated carrier fuels, and Newfoundland and Labrador has the opportunity to be a major global supplier. Many groups and individuals in Germany and the Netherlands consider Newfoundland and Labrador to be a leading jurisdiction to supply Europe with clean hydrogen.

Trade missions, such as this one, offer an invaluable perspective and unique opportunity to share information and establish partnerships as we prepare to take full advantage of the emerging hydrogen industry in Newfoundland and Labrador. Energy NL and econext look forward to working collaboratively and building upon the success of this mission and forging strong relationships in Europe and beyond.

Caribbean Customized Consulting and Advisory Services 2023 | Caribbean Region

econext is offering another iteration of the Caribbean Customized Consulting and Advisory Services for a limited number of companies. The services will be delivered between January and April 2023. Companies who are new to the Caribbean marketplace and are considering applying for econext’s Spring Trade Mission (May 2023) may find it beneficial to utilize this program for market research, strategy development and pre-mission virtual engagement.

Application Deadline has been Extended to January 11, 2023

Each participant firm/organization will benefit from the following services:

  • 50 consulting hours per firm to address the unique needs of project participants. Participants will be able to select from a variety of services to generate a customized work plan of consulting service support. This support could range from mentorship and strategy development, to support with development of Expressions of Interest (EOIs) and project proposals. (See attached application form below).
  • During the course of the consulting services cycle, the consultants will monitor relevant procurement portals regularly to identify and disseminate relevant Caribbean procurement opportunities to participating organizations in a timely fashion.

Admission criteria include:

  • Clear articulation of interests and objectives in the application form
  • Demonstrated completion of follow-up activities including exit surveys (for past participants in the econext/NEIA Caribbean Program)
  • Export readiness
  • Substantiated rationale for interest in the Caribbean region
  • Commitment to necessary level of effort to execute workplan

Company participation:

This program has a limited number of spaces and requires a fair amount of commitment from companies, particularly at the outset. As such, please note the following expectations/requirements.

Companies who cannot commit to the timeline indicated below should not apply to this program.

Selected companies will be expected to:

  • Complete an introductory interview and provide the consultant with a clear and concise (one-page) description of your company’s product and service offerings to enable accurate procurement opportunity identification by January 13, 2023
  • Work with the consultant to develop and finalize a work plan by January 25, 2023
  • Maintain regular communication during the project period
  • Adhere to the workplan and schedule as agreed upon with the consultant
  • Complete a detailed exit survey upon conclusion of consulting engagement to report on activities completed, outcomes and results achieved
  • Companies failing to meet minimum communication criteria will forfeit their remaining consulting hours


  • This is not an “on-call” consultant advisory service. Selected companies will agree (in writing) with the consultant on a clearly defined workplan for this engagement
  • Bios are available below for the team that will be delivering this consulting service. If you are interested in applying for this program but would like to have a preliminary call with the lead consultant, Amber Mackereth, to discuss your objectives prior to application, please do not hesitate to reach out.
  • There is a cost of $600+HST per firm/organization, which will be invoiced upon successful admission to the program
  • Applicants must be in good standing with project partners (econext, IET, ACOA)

Please download and fill out the application below. Completed applications must be sent to by COB on Wednesday, January 11, 2023.

Download Application Form

Consulting Team

Amber Mackereth has worked closely with econext and its members on international business development initiatives in the past and has a wealth of experience and well-established networks throughout the Caribbean. She provides guidance to firms across Atlantic Canada on the subject of international business development, conducts international market research, and provides business matchmaking services for international trade missions. In addition to work experience in most of the English-speaking Caribbean, Amber has also lived in the Spanish-speaking markets of Cuba and Costa Rica. She is fluent in English, French, and Spanish. Amber has led, or played an integral role in, the successful execution of more than 20 international trade missions, including fifteen trade missions to the Caribbean region. She has worked with more than 30 of econext’s members to develop customized market entry strategies for the Caribbean region (including English, French and Spanish-speaking markets) and has prepared research reports for NEIA focused on Caribbean Blue & Green Economy initiatives (2020); opportunities and market entry tactics for Spanish-speaking Caribbean markets (2020); and Caribbean Climate Finance.

Marlene Power, International Program Officer at MI International, Marine Institute, and MI International’s lead on engagement in the Caribbean, has worked in the business, education, development, and humanitarian sectors in multiple regions of the world for over 20 years. She has secured and managed numerous international initiatives in the Caribbean, Latin America, Asia, and Africa ranging from short consultancies to multi-year projects, working with a variety of clients and funders. Her experience in the Caribbean region includes projects and initiatives within the Blue and Green economy in Barbados, Grenada, Anguilla, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and Suriname across multiple sectors. In 2020, Marlene was a member of a team retained by NEIA to conduct research on Blue and Green Economy opportunities in the Caribbean Basin. Marlene has been both a participant of Trade Missions to the Caribbean as well as an organizer of various independent business development missions into the region. She is thus intimately familiar with their challenges and success factors of and brings unique perspective to the team.

Hugh Wilkinson, principal of Coral Hill LLC, is an expert in business development in emerging markets. With a focus on ‘IFI Procurement’ and the strategic pursuit of business funded by the World Bank and other IFIs, he provides end-to-end consulting in international business planning, strategic engagement, partnering, and bidding to win. His clients have included the major IFIs, foreign governments, consulting, law and technology firms, NGOs, and Canadian federal and provincial government agencies. He has been a trusted advisor and business consultant to companies like Microsoft, HP, GE, Hachette Livre, Gowlings, Dillon Consulting, and dozens of Canadian SMEs. With 30+ years’ work experience in global development, Hugh is also a specialist in the design, management, and evaluation of development projects. He has undertaken numerous market assessments throughout the English and Spanish-speaking Caribbean, led multiple project assignments in Guyana, the Bahamas, Trinidad & Tobago, and Belize, and maintains a broad network of contacts throughout the region. Most recently he was contracted by NEIA to conduct an in-depth analysis of markets in ten Spanish-speaking countries in the Caribbean and to provide related support to five NL CleanTech/OceanTech firms in developing and implementing strategic market plans in the region. He resides in St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador.