Three businesses and one individual recognized for helping drive clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador

For Immediate Release
May 1, 2024

econext and TD are recognizing the achievements of Newfoundland and Labrador’s cleantech and environmental services Industry Awards winners.

“In the fight against climate change, businesses and individuals are doing some exciting things right here in Newfoundland and Labrador,” said Kieran Hanley, econext‘s CEO. “As a small province we are punching well above our weight in this regard and our industry awards help celebrate that success.”

The following awards were presented at econext‘s Annual General Meeting and Industry Awards Event on April 26, 2024:

  • Cleantech Innovation Award – BioLabMate
  • Business Excellence Award – ASL Energy
  • International Business Award – Academy Canada
  • Industry Champion – Dave Pinsent

Information on the awards and all of the winners is found in the backgrounder below.

“Congratulations to our deserving award winners, each of whom is helping to drive clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador.”

econext is an association of businesses that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador and works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at

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Media Contact:
Colin Heffernan
Manager of Industry and Community Engagement


Cleantech Innovation Award

econext’s Cleantech Innovation Award recognizes innovation at any stage of development in business and academia – from research and development, to commercialization, to refinement – of products, services, or processes that can mitigate effects to, protect, or enhance the environment. The award is judged according to the uniqueness of the innovation, the potential for positive environmental impact, and the potential for commercial application.

The winner of this year’s Cleantech Innovation Award is BioLabMate.

Stephen Curnew (TD Bank), Sanjay Dubey (BioLabMate), and Audrey Parnell (econext)

BioLabMate is an award winning start up focused on reshaping the future of plastic in our province. Started in 2021 with the recognition that there is a significant amount of waste generated from single use plastic items in scientific laboratories, BioLabMate is pioneering a technology that will result in a transition from petro-plastic to bio-plastic. Even when recycled, plastic still generates microplastic pollution in our oceans. As the history of Newfoundland and Labrador is deeply tied to the sea, having a safe and sustainably derived product is crucial for the future health of our marine way of life. The implications for bioplastic are beyond the university setting and can be implemented by the Health Services as well as private and industrial research labs.

The product developed by BioLabMate is truly circular. Utilizing their expertise in biochemistry and process engineering BioLabMate has invented a material derived from seaweed. They have engaged with rural communities to investigate economic development in seaweed farming in the province. This is currently an untapped potential market and provides and opportunity for growth. There will be the need for local processing facilities that have the potential to scale as adoption occurs. Additionally, the choice of seaweed as a material has far reaching climate implications. Seaweed is a powerful carbon sink, absorbing more CO2 than trees. Through its cultivation, this will allow Newfoundland and Labrador to work towards our Net Zero 2050 targets.

Through their work BioLabMate have also demonstrated that community engagement brings the best ideas forward. BioLabMate has worked with many mentors, businesses, and communities as they have grown as a company. As new Canadians with graduate degrees from MUN, they show the value that new talent and outside the petri dish thinking can bring to the province. Additionally, they have worked with students both at MUN and CNA to mentor the future scientists who can build upon their achievements. As they have progressed their fantastic vision from concept to pilot, they have been awarded the winner of Ocean Communities Climate Challenge (Ocean Startup) as well as IRAP funding.

econext is very pleased to award the Cleantech Innovation Award to BioLabMate.

Business Excellence Award

econext‘s Business Excellence Award recognizes a significant initiative or achievement of a business engaged in Newfoundland and Labrador’s green economy. This could include the completion of specific projects, business growth milestones, or a contribution to the community from a sustainability or corporate social responsibility perspective. The award is judged according to the initiative or achievement’s impact as it relates to economic growth and development, positive environmental effects, and public awareness of green economy and environmental challenges or opportunities.

This year’s winner of the Business Excellence Award has demonstrated a commitment to ecological stewardship and operational excellence – ASL Energy.

Stephen Curnew (TD Bank), Dr. Ashley Gabriel (ASL Energy), Thomas Green (ASL Energy), and Colin Heffernan (econext).

In 2023 ASL Energy worked with many different partners including Equinor, North Atlantic Refining, ARUP, SLB, Springdale Forestry Resources the Provincial film and TV Industry, and even entertainment venues as diverse as Rogers Centre in Toronto, and Gilette Stadium in Foxborough Massachusetts.

Their most notable achievement in 2023 comes from their work with the aquaculture industry. Answering a mission based challenge to address the mounting aquaculture plastic waste, ASL Energy developed a recycling process for granular high-density polyethylene (or HDPE) plastics. They established partnerships with key producers to give their discarded plastic a second life. Through purchasing a shredder and designing a system where it can be deployed to the specific locations of the waste, ASL Energy can efficiently and effectively convert a landfill nuisance into a manufacturing feedstock. A notable product that ASL develops with the recycled plastic are mats which allow for environmentally safe practices in the offshore as well as in rural and remote communities.

Tackling the issue of plastic waste in the aquaculture sector reflects a proactive approach to environmental responsibility, setting a positive example and contributing to a culture of corporate responsibility and environmental stewardship.

Through this initiative, the award winner is mitigating plastic pollution, promoting resource efficiency, and supporting a more sustainable approach to aquaculture production. Proudly female Indigenous-owned, our recipient of the Business Excellence award values diversity, inclusion, and strong ties with Indigenous partners and local communities, fostering economic growth and supporting local economies.

International Business Award

econext‘s International Business Award recognizes a significant initiative or achievement of a Newfoundland and Labrador organization engaged in international business activities relating to cleantech or environmental services. Initiatives or achievements could include export success, diversification into new sectors or markets, collaborative research and development, or the establishment of international partners. The award is judged according to the relative impact of the internationalization activity for the individual business and/or the industry at-large.

The winner of this year’s International Business Award is Academy Canada.

Stephen Curnew (TD Bank), Lisa Lovelady (Academy Canada), Abbie Hodder (econext), and Beverly Moore (Academy Canada)

Academy Canada is proud to be the largest independent career college in NL and one of the most diverse in the entire country. The college has helped more than 35,000 students build their careers by delivering hands-on and relevant diploma programs in the top 35 employment fields since it was established in 1985.

Less than five years ago, Academy Canada set its sights on qualifying and pursuing opportunities for growth and collaboration in the Caribbean market. During this short time, the organization has prioritized a handful of individual markets within the region on which to focus its business development efforts and throughout this period, the institution has remained focused and committed to establishing and nurturing meaningful strategic partnerships.

Despite the difficulties brought on by the COVID 19 pandemic which thwarted travel into the region, Academy Canada maintained and strengthened relationships in the market throughout the pandemic. And as travel to the region resumed, the institution’s success has been marked in the form of official partnership agreements signed in three distinct markets: Barbados, Saint Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago. Academy Canada’s success in the Caribbean can in large part be attributed to its commitment and sustained focus on relationship building – an essential success factor for doing business in the region. But the institution’s approach to business development has also been discernibly unique.

Recognizing the need to develop trust, to demonstrate its value to prospective clients and partners and to differentiate itself from competitors, Academy Canada has been actively building the capacity of in-market partners and stakeholders by sharing Academy Canada’s own experiences and best practices through workshops and information sessions on topics such as supporting students with disabilities.

Academy Canada’s collaborative approach to international business development is also manifesting itself in the form of local partnerships here at home. One example is a tripartite collaboration between Academy Canada, the Marine Institute and the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College in Saint Lucia. The collaborative initiative is aimed at creating diverse experiential learning opportunities for Canadian youth in areas of study that include coastal resource management, marine conservation, marine engineering, and welding. Academy Canada has not only established itself as a valuable training partner and provider to organizations across the Caribbean, but in doing so, it is also raised the profile of Newfoundland and Labrador in the Caribbean region, and all it has to offer.

Congratulations to Academy Canada on being recognized with econext’s International Business Award.

Industry Champion Award

econext’s prestigious Industry Champion Award recognizes the contribution of an individual to the growth of Newfoundland and Labrador’s clean technology and environmental services sector.

Reducing our contribution to climate change really comes down to two fundamental acts: making existing aspects of our economy less greenhouse gas intensive, and introducing the new technologies, processes, and industries that will be the foundation of our economy in the long term.

Kris Drodge (Marine Institute) and Dave Pinsent (World Energy GH2).

This sums up what people mean when they use the term ‘energy transition’. The individual that we are recognizing this afternoon has played a prominent role on both sides of the energy transition coin – from oil and gas to hydrogen.

The Net Zero Project was initiated in 2021 with the objective to define what actions were necessary to ensure success for Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore oil and gas industry within the context of the world’s pursuit of net zero by the year 2050. As the Policy Lead for this important project, our award winner helped identify key actions that needed to be explored for our industry to reach this objective. From the development of offshore wind farms to electrify offshore assets, to the adoption of carbon capture and storage technologies, to the creation of negative emissions carbon offset projects – our Industry Champion was vital in helping us understand what crucial steps needed to be taken from a policy and regulatory perspective to allow our province to realize and adopt these opportunities.

Having helped to address these matters, our award winner next set his sights on helping to build an entirely new clean energy industry. As the Environment and Sustainability Manager of World Energy GH2 our Industry Champion helped industry navigate the environmental assessment for a project which had no precedent on a global scale. To put this achievement into context, Newfoundland and Labrador had a moratorium on wind energy up until 2 years ago. Our award winner led the advancement of an EA in a dynamic environment where processes, guidelines, and regulations were being constructed in real time. The recent release of World Energy GH2’s project from environmental assessment is a testament to the effectiveness of his work.

In both of these cases – whether it be outlining net zero pathways for our province’s key industry, or being the trailblazer in establishing the norms for a brand new one – econext’s Industry Champion has had a significant and lasting effect on clean growth and the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador.

econext is privileged to present the Industry Champion Award to Dave Pinsent.

Green Bin Revive INC

Green Bin Revive is a first mover in the province, introducing ECO-WASH Bin cleaning systems. The bin cleaning procedure will take up to 15 seconds to specialize in the cleaning, deodorizing and sanitizing of trash bins or upon request recycle bins. Our mobile SB4-PTO trucks for cleaning residential garbage bins will ensure that the disposing of waste water will be done safely with the environment and people being top priority for generations to come.


Newfoundland and Labrador’s film and television industry is strong and growing. PictureNL, formally known as the Newfoundland and Labrador Film Development Corporation is the lead agency for the province for investments in film and television productions through its equity, tax credit and development programs. Through its five programs, the NLFDC offers local producers and outside producers/productions the support needed to help the province’s production sector to flourish.

PictureNL is the film commission for the province and welcomes enquiries about our filming locations, incentives, crew and any other details about shooting here. On average, over 70 percent of the funds used to make large‐scale film and television productions are leveraged from outside Newfoundland and Labrador. These national and international film and television specific investments are new money in the province’s economy that would go to production activity in other jurisdictions if not invested here.

2024-26 Board of Directors Candidates

econext‘s Board of Directors provide direction and support to the organization’s staff in their work to accelerate clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The following six (6) candidates, in alphabetical order by last name, have been nominated for a total of four (4) positions:

  • Jennifer Crane
  • Shem Evans
  • Krista Langthorne
  • Ashley Pike
  • Brian Taite
  • Alex Templeton

Nominee bios follow below.

Jennifer Crane

Business Development Manager, Corner Brook Port Corporation


Jennifer Crane is a distinguished professional with a passion for sustainable development and strategic leadership in the maritime industry. Jennifer’s academic journey began with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from Memorial University of Newfoundland, followed by a Master of Education (M.Ed) specializing in Post-Secondary Studies, and culminated in a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Leicester.

Throughout her career, Jennifer has seamlessly transitioned between roles in the public and non-profit sectors, demonstrating a remarkable versatility and dedication to community engagement. Her involvement in the non-profit sector has been marked by leadership positions on various boards of directors, where she has served as Chairperson and Vice-Chair, among other roles. This experience has endowed her with a profound understanding of board governance principles, strategic decision-making, and organizational leadership.

Jennifer’s commitment to professional development is further underscored by her Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership, which equips her with the skills necessary to be an active and effective member of any board. Her strategic acumen and collaborative approach have been instrumental in driving positive change and fostering sustainable growth within the organizations she has served.

Jennifer’s tenure at Memorial University’s Grenfell Campus provided a rich environment for cultivating enduring connections and relationships within academia and the business community. She reflects on this experience as a testament to the power of building meaningful connections and leveraging them to drive positive change and sustainable growth in her current endeavors.

In her current role as the Business Development Manager at Corner Brook Port Corporation, Jennifer leverages her diverse skill set to lead marketing and business development initiatives across key sectors, including Real Estate, Cruise Tourism, and Industrial Operations. Most recently Jennifer is deeply engaged in exploring renewable energy solutions for the Port of Corner Brook, recognizing the transformative potential of green technologies in shaping the port’s future.

In 2023, Jennifer attended the World Hydrogen Summit, where she gained invaluable insights into the latest developments in hydrogen technology and its application in the maritime sector. This experience strengthened Jennifer’s resolve to integrate renewable energy sources into the port’s operations and to explore further opportunities for emissions reduction within the region.

Looking ahead, Jennifer Crane’s vision for the Port of Corner Brook is centered on sustainability and strategic growth. Her top priority is to transition the port towards becoming a model of environmental stewardship within the industry. This includes implementing renewable energy solutions, optimizing energy efficiency, and reducing carbon footprint.

In line with this vision, Jennifer plans to attend the World Hydrogen Summit again this year, eager to stay at the forefront of advancements in renewable energy. She believes that by embracing sustainable practices, the Port of Corner Brook can not only thrive economically but also contribute positively to the environment and local community.

As Jennifer continues to chart new frontiers in renewable energy advocacy and business development, her unwavering commitment to excellence, coupled with her profound understanding of board governance and strategic leadership, sets her apart as a visionary leader poised to shape the future of the maritime sector.

Interest in econext’s Board of Directors:

As a member of Econext’s Board of Directors, my primary objective is to leverage my expertise in strategic management, leadership, and sustainable development to drive the organization towards its mission of fostering economic growth while prioritizing environmental conservation. I am committed to promoting innovative solutions that enable businesses to thrive in a manner that is both socially responsible and ecologically sustainable. By collaborating with fellow board members and stakeholders, I aim to steer Econext towards implementing impactful initiatives that not only enhance profitability but also contribute positively to the well-being of our planet and future generations. Additionally, I am passionate about integrating Western Newfoundland with Econext through collaboration and networking, fostering stronger ties between local businesses and the wider economic ecosystem. With a keen focus on fostering partnerships, advocating for policy changes, and championing sustainable practices, I aspire to play a pivotal role in guiding Econext towards becoming a catalyst for positive change in the global business landscape.

Shem Evans

Environmental Specialist and Project Manager, Hatch


Shem has over 16 years of experience in the environmental industry, with special focus within the heavy industrial construction sector. His background consists of a variety of onsite environmental management roles in large undertakings throughout Canada and abroad, often in remote locations, requiring an acute understanding of the regulatory framework across various jurisdictions. Shem is highly knowledgeable in best practices for the design and implementation of monitoring programs as well as mitigation measures to protect the environment during construction, operation, and decommissioning of various Projects. Notable projects that Shem has been a part of, include Vale’s ‘Long Harbour Nickel Processing Plant Project’ (2012-2014), Nalcor’s ‘Lower Churchill Project – Muskrat Falls’ Powerhouse and Spillway (2014-2017), Rio Tinto’s ‘Kemano Tunnel 2 Project’ (2018-2019) in British Colombia, and the City of Kingston’s ‘Wabaan Bridge’ (Third Crossing Project (2019-2022)), in Ontario. The former, consisted or a 1.2-kilometre bridge built within the Rideau Canal, a federally managed waterway, designated National Historic Site of Canada, as well as UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Shem’s working background also consists of various consultant roles, inclusive of coordinating environmental assessments, community engagement, and compliance permitting for different projects throughout Canada. With Hatch, Shem has supported and advised on the decommissioning of hydro dams, several remediation projects, the construction of mines, bridges, and harbour improvements, as well as renewable energy projects throughout Atlantic Canada. Shem recently led the Environmental Impact Assessment and registration of J.D. Irving, Limited’s ‘Brighton Mountain Wind Farm’, a proposed 350 MW wind farm located in central New Brunswick.

Shem holds a master’s degree in environmental policy (2017) through Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN)-Grenfell Campus, with a program focus on policy development and planning, as well as environmental assessment. His research, centered around the transition to a sustainable food system in Newfoundland and Labrador, through holistic approaches to soil and crop cultivation, coupled with integrating technology and renewable energy systems into food production, to increase food sovereignty. Shem also was as a lecturer at MUN while undertaking his master’s program and received the distinction of ‘Fellow to the School of Graduate Studies’.

Shem also served on the board of directors for the Western Environment Centre (2016-2018), based out of Corner Brook on the islands west coast, where he helped to coordinate community composting and gardening programs throughout the region.

Interest in econext’s Board of Directors:

I am interested in becoming a member of the Board of Directors at econext, to assist members in the industrial shift towards a green economy. I’m passionate about our province’s future, its people, and the energy transition ahead of us. My experiences in assisting proponents towards decarbonization, environmental compliance, as well as engagement, gives me unique perspective to help members along their pathways to sustainability. I’m also particularly interested in increasing new connections between like-minded environmental interest groups and individuals throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. I would also like to strengthen existing relationships for collaboration throughout our Province to tackle our greatest challenges, towards clean growth.

Krista Langthorne

Director of Customer Relations and Energy Solutions, Newfoundland Power


Krista Langthorne, Director, Customer Relations and Energy Solutions, Newfoundland Power has been instrumental in driving transformative changes in energy efficiency and electrification for the Company, the industry and the province.

Actively engaging with customers, key stakeholders, and communities, Krista has played a key role in Newfoundland Power’s focus on sustainability and ongoing efforts to minimize environmental impacts. Under Krista’s leadership, the commitment to social and environmental responsibility has been strengthened. Her contributions have been recognized by the Globe and Mail Report on Business, naming her a Changemaker in 2021 among emerging leaders from across the country. She has also been published in the Canadian Energy Efficiency Outlook: A National Effort for Tackling Climate Change, a comprehensive overview of energy efficiency.

With over 12 years of experience, Krista has extensive knowledge and expertise in customer service, electrification, conservation, and demand management. Her proficiency encompasses energy technologies, project management, strategic planning, regulatory compliance, stakeholder engagement, and an in-depth understanding of industry trends and best practices in the energy sector. Krista is a leader who exemplifies creative thinking, collaboration, and a commitment to tangible results.

Krista oversees all areas of customer service delivery while prioritizing customer satisfaction. She led efforts to improve service delivery by implementing new technologies and processes to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and foster positive customer experiences.

Leading Energy Solutions includes providing strategic direction in developing, delivering, and evaluating cost-saving programs for customers, including programs to help them manage energy costs while contributing to least-cost electricity service delivery. She has been instrumental in developing and executing multiple five-year strategic plans for energy conservation, demand management, and electrification.

Krista has been at the forefront of advancing electric vehicle (EV) adoption. Her leadership and collaboration with businesses and policymakers have addressed funding gaps and enhanced customer awareness. She spearheaded the development of a $20M investment plan to kick-start EV adoption in the province and secured over $1M in funding for growth initiatives. In 2022, she was crucial in launching the takeCHARGE EV Charging Network, expanding the provincial charging infrastructure. As a result, drivers have saved over 58,000 litres of gasoline and approximately 125,000 kg of greenhouse gas emissions. Krista’s strategic efforts position her as a driving force behind innovation, contributing to the province’s transition to a sustainable energy future.

Krista joined Newfoundland Power in 2012 as Conservation Planner and served in several conservation and market analysis roles, including Manager, Conservation and Manager, Business Development. Krista holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Memorial University and completed the Advanced Diploma in Sustainable Energy and Building Technologies from Humber College in Toronto.

Active in various industry forums, Krista is a member of the St. John’s Environment and Sustainability Experts Panel and Electricity Canada’s Customer Council and Call Centre Network Committees. She has served on the Provincial Government’s Electrification Working Group, Fortis Transportation Electrification Committee, Fortis Innovation Network, and North American Alliance for Transportation Electrification.

An innovative changemaker who is always striving to find a better way of doing things, Krista Langthorne would bring invaluable insight, creativity, and leadership to the econext Board.

Interest in econext’s Board of Directors:

As a candidate for econext’s Board of Directors, dedicated to accelerating clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador, my objectives include fostering environmentally sustainable development and supporting efforts to accelerate clean growth within the province. Drawing upon my expertise in energy efficiency, electrification, customer service, and the local energy sector, I aim to drive impactful initiatives that promote clean energy adoption and innovation and reduce carbon emissions. Through my comprehensive network, I strive to build positive connections for econext and its members, facilitating collaborations and partnerships that further our shared goals. Furthermore, with my technical expertise and experience, I aim to maximize the organization’s impact and effectiveness by fostering innovation.

My vision for serving on econext’s Board of Directors is to create a more sustainable and resilient future for Newfoundland and Labrador. Through collaborative leadership, strategic and creative thinking, and dedication to tangible results, I am eager to help steer the organization toward achieving its mission of transitioning to a low-carbon economy. Together, we can drive meaningful change and pave the way for a cleaner, greener future for the next generations.

Ashley Pike

Stakeholder and Policy Manager, Growler Energy


Ashley Pike has spent over 15 years in the energy sector in Newfoundland and Labrador.

She obtained her graduate and undergraduate degrees in Political Science from Memorial University. Her research focused on energy policy, intergovernmental relations, and natural resources, particularly as it relates to Newfoundland and Labrador.

She has held roles with both the federal and provincial governments in areas including resource and fiscal policy analysis, energy policy, electricity and alternative energy, energy efficiency and program management.

Ashley also spent several years at a public utility in the regulatory and business development groups. She participated in numerous regulatory filings and proceedings in these positions which has provided her with a solid understanding of the legislative and regulatory environment in this province.

Ashley is currently the Stakeholder and Policy Manager at Growler Energy, an independent power producer through partnerships on renewable energy projects. In this role, she is responsible for guiding and implementing policy initiatives, as well as collaborating with industry stakeholders to advance renewable energy developments. She was previously the Research and Business Development Manager which included collaboration with industry and academia, applied research and market development. Working at Growler Energy provides an opportunity to participate directly in the clean energy transition in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Ashley is active in a number of not-for-profit organizations, both locally and internationally. She is the co-lead of the Newfoundland and Labrador chapter of Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE). WiRE is an international organization with chapters throughout Europe, Africa, Asia and North America, dedicated to advancing the role and recognition of women and other underrepresented groups in the clean energy sector. Ashley also sits on the Board of Directors of the Perinatal Mental Health Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador, which works to advance the mental health and wellbeing of parents, children, and families in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Interest in econext’s Board of Directors:

I am very fortunate that I have been able to spend my career in Newfoundland and Labrador’s energy sector. I have gained valuable experience and knowledge which will enable me to support econext’s priorities and strategic vision for clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador.

I am confident that econext will continue to play a pivotal role in the clean energy transition in our province, and I would be honored to be part of this. If elected, I will bring genuine enthusiasm, passion and dedication, and will continue to advocate for a clean growth future in our province. Thank you for your consideration.

Brian Taite

SSHE Advisor – HMDC


Brian is an accomplished and dedicated health, safety, environment and regulatory professional with over 30 years’ experience in the energy, construction, and mining sectors. Brian has been a consultant to several major mining and energy companies, government agencies and private industry for emergency preparedness and response, incident investigation, risk assessment, regulatory compliance, auditing, HSE planning and technical integrity assurance.

Brian was educated at Memorial University and was admitted to the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics in 1992, Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering in 1994 and Master of Applied Science in Environmental Engineering in 1999. Brian has been associated with econext since the mid 1990’s having served on the econext board and various committees over the years.

Interest in econext’s Board of Directors:

This is a dynamic time for Newfoundland and Labrador with the advancement of wind and hydrogen energy, shirt to electric vehicles and progressing clean technology. Econext has played a significant role in many ways. Through helping our membership explore opportunities in development and global outreach to working with government in creating strategies to enable our province to accelerate our growth in clean sustainable economic development. The organization also in instrumental in helping to prepare our workforce for the greening economy.

If elected to serve on the Board of Directors I would work to continue the outstanding accomplishments of econext, to help our membership succeed in growth and innovation, and ultimately give back to our industry and our province with much pride and satisfaction.

Alex Templeton

Commercial Energy Manager, Nunacor Development Corporation


Alex is the current Chair of the Board of Directors of econext, and a long-standing volunteer with the association. He’s a partner with the Atlantic Canadian law firm McInnes Cooper, where he maintains a litigation and regulatory practice focused on administrative law, environmental law, privacy and access to information law, municipal law and commercial law. He routinely deals with matters involving regulatory compliance, contracts, insurance, negligence and professional liability. Most of Alex’s clients are private companies engaged in a variety of industry sectors (aquaculture, fisheries, oil and gas, energy, electricity, mining, telecommunications, insurance, construction) or public institutions (universities, colleges, municipalities, crown corporations). He’s an alumnus of Memorial University of Newfoundland (B.A.(Hons.), 2003) and the University of New Brunswick (LL.B, 2006). Alex is also an elected Bencher of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador, serving on the board directing the Society’ governance of the legal profession in the public interest.

Interest in econext’s Board of Directors:

There are so many reasons why I volunteer with econext. I believe econext plays an important role in brokering and enhancing relationships between private industry, public bodies, industry regulators and government, and that my modest efforts help the econext team perform this vital work. We’re living through an industrial transition where environmental imperatives are driving economic development in cleantech, value from waste, renewable energy, electrification, energy efficiency, clean fuels production, and the list goes on. It’s satisfying to look back over the past decade that I’ve been involved with the association and reflect on how our members have succeeded in this transitory context, how our membership has grown, how our team has developed, and how the green economy has truly come of age. I’m proud to have played a small part in that. The challenges as we carry forward in this sea change are diverse, and there’s no end to the issues that accelerating the green economy presents, but these are what also make the work rewarding. Thank you to econext for giving me a front row seat to witness this evolution, and I’d love to have the opportunity to continue to serve.

EOI: Trade Mission to WindEnergy Hamburg

econext is gauging interest from SMEs on attending the WindEnergy Hamburg event in Hamburg, Germany from September 24-27, 2024.

SMEs can indicate their interest using the form below. More information on the event can be found on its website here.

Career Connections – Renewable Energy

Unlock your career potential at Career Connections – your ultimate information hub for resources and support! Dive into a world of connections with industry leaders, and gain insights into career opportunities and post-secondary training. Join us for a dynamic experience where connections meet opportunities!


  • Ashley Gosse, WRDC
  • Ashley Pike, Women in Renewable Energy
  • Ogaga Johnson, econext
  • Stephanie Adey, Women in Science and Engineering NL

Date: Thursday May 2, 2024
Time: 2:00 – 3:30pm
Location: Online
Price: Free

Click to Register

econext helping NL Film and TV Productions Go Green

econext COO Abbie Hodder, Green Transition Fund Rep Bradley Throne, TakeChargeNL’s Peter Upshall, and econext Manager of Circular Economy Audrey Parnell in conversation.

For Immediate Release
April 18, 2024

On Friday April 12theconext supported the first ever workshop for the film and television industry that outlined opportunities, skills and knowledge for a greener sector in Newfoundland and Labrador

“The local film and television production industry is growing in our province”, said Manager of Industry and Community Engagement Colin Heffernan. “econext is eager to support its continued greening because environmental performance is going to be key to market competitiveness for these local companies.”

The workshop was organized by PictureNL, the provincial film commission, and held at the College of the North Atlantic Film and Television Campus in St. John’s. econext staff moderated and participated in a panel that examined funding opportunities for green initiatives in the film and TV sector, along with partners at TakechargeNL and the Green Transition Fund.

CEO of Picture NL Laura Churchill states “At PictureNL, we envision a future where sustainability and decarbonization in the film and television industry in this province thrives. The Bottom Line Impact – Financial Assistance for Greening Business and Sectors panel provided local production companies the information and connections they need to empower our industry and embrace greener practices.”

Panelists joined by (L – R) PictureNL CEO Laura Churchill, Greenspark Group’s Zena Harris, and presenters Mark Rabin and Alex Onwudiwe

The remainder of the workshop, curated by the Sustainable Entertainment Society, a green motion picture production consultancy, included hands-on skills development for production crew featuring new tech that replaces fuel-burning generators, and business development sessions focused on the downstream savings from switching to cleaner tech.

Laura with PictureNL sums it up, saying “It is evident that econext is an essential partner that can build relationships across industries to help achieve decarbonization and clean energy goals in our industry.”

PictureNL (formerly Newfoundland & Labrador Film Development Corporation – NLFDC) was established in 1997 as a Crown corporation of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. PictureNL was  created to grow the local screen industries of the province, both through the creation of local film and television productions for national and international markets, and as a destination for service productions to shoot in Newfoundland and Labrador locations.

econext is an association that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador and works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at

WEBINAR: Building an Intellectual Property Portfolio for CleanTech Companies

CleanTech is a growing industry with companies developing novel technologies and generating new intellectual property (IP). Safeguarding IP is critical to protect the investment that companies are making in R&D and emerging technology.

Join econext, Springboard Atlantic and IP-MEX Inc. to learn strategies for building a strong IP portfolio in CleanTech. Ray Novokowsky, former President and CEO of EcoVu, a clean/green tech company which previously specialized in the analysis and purification of water, will reveal the benefits that a strong IP portfolio brought to his business.

Learn how to increase your freedom-to-operate, and minimize the chances of patent infringement, while taking advantage of the incentives offered by various Patent Offices for sustainable technologies. Real life examples of successful IP programs will be presented.


Dr. Daisy Williams is an IP Lawyer with the Law Society of Ontario (LSO), and a Registered Patent and Trademark Agent with the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents (CPATA). Daisy holds a Ph.D. in Physics (Photonics), and has over a decade of experience working with technology companies.

Dr. Victoria Donnelly is a founder of IP-MEX Inc. and a registered Patent Agent in Canada and the US. She holds a Ph.D. in Math & Physics (Computational Physics), M.Sc. in Optics, and B.Eng. Victoria has over 25 years of IP experience in-house and in private practice, and has personally filed over 300 patent applications in various technology areas. Victoria also has 10 years of academic research experience as a University Professor.

Mr. Ray Novokowsky is the former President and CEO of EcoVu, a clean/green tech company which previously specialized in the analysis and purification of water.

About IP-MEX:

IP-MEX Inc. is an Intellectual Property firm in Ottawa that specializes in building strong IP portfolios for high tech companies and start-ups. Their team includes IP lawyers, registered patent and trademark agents, and patent engineers with advanced degrees in science and engineering – with decades of experience in the high tech industry.

Date: Tuesday May 14, 2024
Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm
Location: Online
Price: Free

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ATN Strategies

ATN Strategies (formerly Group ATN) is an applied research and consulting firm supporting organizations and governments with clear, evidence-based strategies that are place-based, future-focused and rooted in community.

Our unique approach to strategy development is not just about addressing challenges – it’s about strengthening communities and paving the way for a sustainable future in partnership with our clients.

Our strategies cut across many sectors and topics, with a focus on supporting those working to solve today’s many challenges at the global, regional and local level. From global energy transitions to local housing solutions, our strategies cut through the noise to identify clear paths to success with a focus on context-based recommendations informed by thorough research and meaningful engagement with the public, rightsholders, stakeholders and leaders.

Together with our partners within the m5 group of companies – MQO Research, m5 marketing and communications and m5 Public Affairs – our integrated approach ensures that our strategies are not only well-conceived, but also impeccably communicated.

Madsen Power Systems

Madsen is a family-owned and operated company based in Newfoundland and Labrador and has operations across Canada. We believe in more than just business; we believe in building values through community sustainability and inclusivity while offering innovative solutions that contribute to a carbon-neutral and resilient future.

With core industries spanning Marine, Energy, Mining, Construction, and the Industrial sectors, Madsen provides a wide range of products and solutions to meet almost every operational need or project requirement. Our specialized areas include Power Systems, Controls and Engineering, Emissions Testing, Equipment Sales and Service, Water Treatment and Chemicals, Asset Maintenance and Overhauls, and Project Management Services.

At Madsen, we empower our customers with solutions that address their unique needs, guiding them on a journey towards sustainability and success. Join us as we work together to shape a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come.