RFP – Used Tire Management Services in Newfoundland and Labrador

The Multi-Materials Stewardship Board (MMSB) is a provincial Crown agency responsible for developing, implementing, and managing waste diversion programs in Newfoundland and Labrador, inclusive of a Used Tire Management Program.

MMSB has released a Request for Proposals (RFP), Reference RFP#202122UTP, in seeking to establish a contract with qualified parties for used tire management services that provides end of life management of the continuous supply of used tires generated in the province.

The closing date for submissions is 4 p.m., NST, Wednesday, February 2, 2022.

A copy of the RFP can be obtained by contacting Glenda Melvin by email, gmelvin@mmsb.nl.ca, or phone (709) 753-0955.

econext and partners release new tool to help businesses attract and retain talent

econext and its industry partners have developed and released a new tool to help businesses in Newfoundland and Labrador attract and retain the talent and workers that they need to sustain their growth and succeed.

Learn about:

  • What competitive compensation and benefits look like;
  • Where to post your job openings;
  • Programs to help you hire new grads and professionals from outside of the country;
  • The importance of inclusively and diversity in the workplace;
  • How work environments, perks, and growth opportunities are factors for your employees;
  • and more!

Visit TechHires.ca to learn about the latest programs and resources that are readily available to you and your business to address your people needs!

Click to Visit TechHires.ca

Request for EOIs: Training & Professional Development Partnership with econext

In September 2021 econext launched its online professional development and training portal econext On-Demand (https://neia.myvirtualcampus.co/). econext On-Demand presents new opportunities for the provision of training and professional development for businesses, their employees, and environmental practitioners throughout econext’s broad provincial network.

econext is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from members interested in partnering with the association in the delivery of online training and professional development opportunities via the new On-Demand portal.

econext is interested in exploring training and professional development partnerships that fall into one of the following categories:

  • Helping business owners of all kinds improve their environmental sustainability and performance in the Newfoundland and Labrador context
  • Helping environmental professionals (both in the office and in the field) in industry improve and build on their competencies with new skills, ideas, and experiences
  • Helping industry professionals in non-environmental roles increase their capacity to view their work through an environmental lens
  • Introducing businesses and professionals to environmental sector competencies that can be more fully explored through further education and certification in subsequent instruction (independent of econext)

Proposed training and professional development opportunities can take the form of static presentations, real-time seminars, and/or sequential modular instruction. econext On-Demand has the capability to include interactive elements to evaluate and confirm learning (e.g., quizzes, embedded media). econext is open to considering hybrid programming, where portions of the training take place online in combination with practical or field-based instruction.


Responses to this Request for Expressions of Interest should include:

  • A description of the training or professional development proposed
  • A proposed revenue-sharing model for the delivery of the training or professional development with and through econext

econext can provide technical support, if required, to digitalize course content and record instruction on a cost-recovery basis.

EOIs responses should be in DOC and/or PDF format, and sent to Kieran Hanley, econext’s Executive Director, via email at kieran@econext.ca no later than January 21, 2022. Submissions should be succinct and not exceed three (3) pages. Questions from interested parties can be directed to the same address.

Webinar: Greening your business – Lessons on clean technology adoption in Atlantic Canada

Now available on-demand. Click the “register” button below to access.

Environmental sustainability is increasingly important for business viability. This is being driven by a combination of government policies to address climate change, supply chain requirements and investor, customer and employee preferences.

econext, in partnership with APEC with support from ACOA, engaged in research in 2021 with the objective to help Atlantic Canadian businesses understand the role that clean technology adoption can play in ensuring the sustainability and competitiveness of their business.

Join us for a free webinar highlighting the importance of adopting clean technology.

Date: December 14, 2021
Time: 10h30 NST

This session will feature a panel of speakers, including some businesses that have adopted clean technology. They’ll share what technology they adopted, their motivations for adopting, the benefits of adopting, and some of the lessons learned. APEC’s Fred Bergman will discuss why clean technology is important and some of the statistics on adoption. Lynn Adams, Director of Energy and Environment Policy, ACOA will discuss government supports for clean technology adoption.

Click the link below for more information on the panelists and to register.

Click Here to Register

Annual Member Holiday Social 2021

econext, OceansAdvance and ACADA are excited to announce our annual member holiday social on December 15, 2021!

Join econext, OceansAdvance and ACADA staff, directors, members, Industry stakeholders and decision makers for an evening of food, drink, and networking at the Sheraton Hotel St. John’s in their Indoor Garden.

While the event is free, we are asking for a minimum $5.00 donation when registering that will be donated directly to Heavenly Creatures NL

Event Details

December 15, 2021
4:00 – 6:00 pm
Sheraton Hotel, St. John’s – Indoor Garden

Please note: To ensure the safety of participants from COVID-19, this event will strictly follow public health guidance in place at the time of the event. Space will be more limited than in the past and no exceptions will be made at the time of the event to accommodate entry should you not be registered in advance.


econext membership benefits

Membership Details

econext works one-on-one with its members to help them become more productive and competitive, help them pursue growth and funding opportunities, and help them become more environmentally sustainable in their operations. It represents the collective membership in its efforts to accelerate clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador.

How We Can Help:

econext engages its members one-on-one to help identify opportunities for growth and challenges to productivity, and work to connect them to the resources that exist to help them succeed.
We work with entrepreneurs, owners, and business development professionals to help them answer the following kinds of questions:

  • Are there funding or other supports available to help my business grow?
  • How can my business be more productive, and more competitive?
  • How can my business become more innovative?
  • What should my business’ next steps be in pursuing international business?
  • I want to start a new business… what opportunities are out there, and how I get started?

econext acts as a broker between its members, business development experts, and agencies that provide support and financing mechanisms.

Marketing support

econext members have access to experts in the marketing and communications technology field who can offer advice and insight on branding, strategic planning, website development and e-commerce, social campaigns, creative and design, and much more to help you effectively communicate in a targeted fashion and take advantage of the growing global interest in clean technology and environmental services. Contact us and we can set up a complementary 1-on-1 meeting with our professional partners.

econext also follows your social media activities and re-broadcasts your content through its own networks. Your firm is listed on econext’s member directory and is featured on our social media channels. Using our multiple newsletter channels, our website and by being able to access other econext members, we help advance your firms marketing and communications capabilities a significant amount.

Reduced Rates for econext Events and Training

econext members and their employees enjoy reduced rates at all of econext’s events including conferences, workshops, training courses, and more. Where your firm has training needs, econext can work with you to provide solutions either by finding and facilitating delivery of the appropriate programming, or by developing custom solutions to meet niche needs.


econext is at the centre of the province’s clean technology and environmental services sector – a network of entrepreneurs, environmental professionals, business owners, researchers, and policymakers that spans many industries and organizations in Newfoundland and Labrador. As a member of econext, your firm belongs to this exclusive group and can make the most of the associated networking opportunities.

Representation of Your Business Interests

Through our strong relationships with municipal, provincial, and federal governments as well as industry leaders, econext members have a voice with key decision-makers and in the public forum. Where your firm identifies issues or opportunities, econext advocates on your behalf to address challenges or barriers. Via econext’s Board of Directors, its committees, and regular direct membership engagements your firm also has direct input into the association’s policy and sector growth strategies.

International Business Representation

The internationalization of firms from Newfoundland and Labrador is a top priority for econext. The association supports its members in exploring new or expanding upon existing opportunities abroad – whether that be through export, joint venture / partnership, licensing technologies, accessing capital, etc.

econext has specific long-term programming around export to Caribbean markets and business development in Europe, but also works with its members one-on-one to assist them in:

  • Accessing sector and market relevant training and information
  • Making connections with other firms engaged in relative international business
  • Connecting with government officials, international trade officers, and others
  • Acquiring market intelligence and developing market/supply chain penetration strategies
  • Providing a series of supports in partnership with its broad network of local, national, and global partners

If you have any questions about membership benefits with econext, please contact us. We are always willing to chat about how we can best serve our members, so if there’s a benefit you think is missing, let us know!

Recommendations for a Newfoundland and Labrador Renewable Energy Plan

econext has submitted a series of 36 recommendations for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to consider in the development of a new renewable energy plan.

“Newfoundland and Labrador has what the world needs,” said Kieran Hanley, econext’s Executive Director. “We have a wealth of undeveloped renewable energy resources that can help sectors and nations meet their environmental objectives and commitments.”

Hanley said that up until now the options for development within the province have been limited, but the increasing demand for clean energy in both electricity grids and industrial activity – along with the prospect of using renewables for the production and export of clean fuels – “opens new doors for us”.

Download PDF

econext submits renewable energy plan recommendations to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

For Immediate Release
November 18, 2021

econext has submitted a series of 36 recommendations for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to consider in the development of a new renewable energy plan.

“Newfoundland and Labrador has what the world needs,” said Kieran Hanley, econext’s Executive Director. “We have a wealth of undeveloped renewable energy resources that can help sectors and nations meet their environmental objectives and commitments.”

Hanley said that up until now the options for development within the province have been limited, but the increasing demand for clean energy in both electricity grids and industrial activity – along with the prospect of using renewables for the production and export of clean fuels – “opens new doors for us”.

Click here to download econext‘s recommendations.

“Discussions around concepts like net zero, energy transition, decarbonization, green jobs, and so on… are intensifying and accelerating rapidly worldwide,” said Hanley. “From hydro, to wind, to wave – we have excellent resources to offer, and so the simple question becomes: how do we get what we have to the people that need it?”

Hanley said that the economic growth and diversification potential for Newfoundland and Labrador associated with the growth of the renewable energy sector could not be understated. “We have before us an enormous opportunity to fundamentally change our economy,” said Hanley.

Following a series of meetings and engagements with renewable energy developers, suppliers, providers, and other stakeholders throughout October and November, one theme consistently emerged. “In order for Newfoundland and Labrador to meet its potential, we have to find ways for industry to get more involved in the planning and development of renewable energy” said Hanley, noting that how the province regulates the sector will need to change.

“Should we seize the moment, econext believes that the future is bright for Newfoundland and Labrador – but it will require vision and bold steps forward.” Hanley said he hopes that econext’s recommendations are valuable in helping the provincial government create that vision.

econext is an association of businesses that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador. econext works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at https://econext.ca.

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley, Executive Director, econext

Webinar: Blue and Green Opportunities in the Caribbean Basin

This webinar summarizes research undertaken by econext that explores the emerging blue and green opportunities in Caribbean markets that are specifically relevant to Atlantic Canadian capabilities. Presented by the study’s expert authors.

In 2020 econext commissioned a report with the objective to (1) provide an overview of current strategies and specific program and project development in the Caribbean pertaining to the blue and green economy, and (2) gain an understanding of how capabilities within Atlantic Canada might be applicable.

Join International Business Development Consultant Amber Mackereth, Dr. Angus Friday (Atlantean Inc.), Bill Chislett (MI International), and Marlene Power (MI International) who authored the report to present on their findings and provide relevant updates and developments in from 2020-21.

Access the webinar for free HERE

A copy of the full report can be accessed by contacting econext’s COO and International Business Manager, Abbie Hodder at Abbie@econext.ca

New Foresight “Pilot” Program

New Foresight Program Accelerates Path to Pilot

Emerging cleantech companies share a common challenge: securing pilot projects with potential customers. To help ventures overcome this obstacle, Foresight has launched the Pilot program. This four-week program helps cleantech ventures perfect their pilot pitch. The course includes:

  • Week 1: Building a business case, different pricing structures
  • Week 2: Developing a strong sales pitch, identifying pilot outcomes
  • Week 3: Technical risk IP issues
  • Week 4: Developing a technology scale-up plan, final pitch presentations

This is the latest initiative from Foresight’s Accelerator team, responding to a critical need. The biggest obstacles to working with industry are industry caution about risk and difficulty accessing the right people in industry, according to the recent Canada Cleantech Survey.

Enrolment has begun for the Pilot program for an early 2022 program start. Apply today.