Tides of Opportunity: GRi Simulations

The Tides of Opportunity video series stemmed from a number of in-person events and real-time demonstrations where both students and skilled professionals could learn directly from industry leaders about available and emerging ocean cleantech careers in Newfoundland and Labrador.

This video spotlights econext member GRi Simulations. GRi is focused on real-time simulation, modeling and visualization of critical marine activities using Digital Twin technologies to enhance the safety, security and productivity of marine systems and operations.

See the Full Series!

This project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Community Workforce Development program.

Tides of Opportunity: Whitecap Scientific Corporation

The Tides of Opportunity video series stemmed from a number of in-person events and real-time demonstrations where both students and skilled professionals could learn directly from industry leaders about available and emerging ocean cleantech careers in Newfoundland and Labrador.

This video spotlights Whitecap Scientific Corporation (@rov3d931). Whitecap offers real-time 3D mapping sensors for ROVs, allowing for accurate subsea visual inspections and operations. Whitecap has packaged this into a seamless format called ROV3D, making it simple for companies to add this to their workflow.

See the Full Series!

This project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Community Workforce Development program.

New approach to funding program will advance circular economy innovation in Newfoundland and Labrador

For Immediate Release
March 7, 2024

econext is congratulating the Multi Materials Stewardship Board (MMSB) on the re-launch of its Solid Waste Management Innovation Fund (SWMIF).

“Newfoundland and Labrador’s geography and demographics creates challenges for the management of waste,” said Kieran Hanley, CEO of econext. “Innovation is required to find new ways to address these challenges in effective and economical ways.”

The SWMIF offers financial support to innovators who are advancing sustainable waste management in Newfoundland and Labrador.

This year the program was increased from $15,000 to $50,000 in non-repayable funding for successful applicants. “This adjustment to the program will help to inspire and support bigger ideas,” said Hanley, noting that the innovative solutions developed in NL can be exportable to other jurisdictions facing similar challenges.

“It is important to look at these challenges as being green economy growth opportunities for our province,” said Hanley. “What’s good for the environment can also be good for business.”

More information on the SWMIF can be found at https://mmsb.nl.ca/funding-programs/swmif/.

econext is currently surveying commercial and industrial operators across to the province to understand how it can help them pursue innovative circular economy opportunities. “We are encouraging businesses in NL to tell us about their waste streams so that we can do better to help,” said Hanley. Business can fill out the short survey at https://econext.ca/econext-asking-nl-businesses-to-reach-out-about-their-solid-waste-streams/.

econext is an association that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador and works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at https://econext.ca.

Media Contact
Kieran Hanley

Clean energy industry momentum building in NL with World Energy GH2 and Government of Canada agreement

For Immediate Release
March 6, 2024

econext is highlighting a recent agreement between World Energy GH2 and the Government of Canada as an important step in the growth of Newfoundland and Labrador’s clean energy industry.

“World Energy GH2’s Project Nujio’qonik aims to be Canada’s first commercial-scale green hydrogen facility,” said Kieran Hanley, CEO of econext. “This agreement helps to cement confidence in the extraordinary opportunity this province has around clean energy.”

Last week Export Development Canada (EDC), on behalf of the Government of Canada, and World Energy GH2 signed definitive agreements in connection with a CA$128M credit facility to support the development of of the project through to its financial close of its long-term financing.

“We applaud EDC for using the tools that it has at its disposal to support clean energy development in Newfoundland and Labrador,” said Hanley. “With supports like these, our province will solidify Canada’s position as a leading supplier of clean energy and technology to the world.”

The Government of Canada’s news release can be found here. World Energy GH2’s news release can be found here.

econext is an association that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador and works on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at https://econext.ca.

Media Contact
Kieran Hanley

econext seeking NL companies interested in collaborative R&D with German partners

econext is encouraging businesses in Newfoundland and Labrador with an interest in pursuing collaborative research and development projects with German partners to get in touch.

A near-term opportunity to obtain funding for joint innovation is available through the “Canada-Germany 2024 to 2025 collaborative industrial research and development call for proposals”.

Working together, the Government of Canada and the Government of Germany aim to foster and support collaborative industrial research and development (R&D) projects with high potential for commercialization. This call for proposals is open to companies from Canada and Germany who wish to perform joint R&D leading to technology commercialization focused on developing innovative products, processes, or technology-based services in all technological and application areas which have strong market potential.

The deadline to register interest with the NRC-IRAP program is March 20, 2024 with a deadline for the submission of EOIs on April 3, 2024. More on this program can be found on its website at: https://nrc.canada.ca/en/irap/about/international/?action=view&id=176.

econext is looking to assist interested NL companies explore this program. In addition, econext is anticipating other opportunities for collaboration between NL and Germany and is keen to hear from businesses in NL with an interest. Please contact econext CEO Kieran Hanley with your interest at kieran@econext.ca.

Tides of Opportunity: C-CORE

The Tides of Opportunity video series stemmed from a number of in-person events and real-time demonstrations where both students and skilled professionals could learn directly from industry leaders about available and emerging ocean cleantech careers in Newfoundland and Labrador.

This video spotlights econext member C-CORE. C-CORE is a Research & Development corporation that creates value by undertaking applied research and development, generating knowledge, developing technology solutions and driving innovation. They have unparalleled harsh environment expertise and world-leading capability in Remote Sensing, Ice Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering. C-CORE provides research-based advisory services and technology solutions to national and international clients in the natural resource, energy, security and transportation sectors.

See the Full Series!

This project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Community Workforce Development program.

Tides of Opportunity: Copsys Technologies Inc.

The Tides of Opportunity video series stemmed from a number of in-person events and real-time demonstrations where both students and skilled professionals could learn directly from industry leaders about available and emerging ocean cleantech careers in Newfoundland and Labrador.

This video spotlights econext member Copsys Technologies Inc. Copsys Intelligent Digital Skin (CIDS) is the first paint with feelings – able to remotely detect and accurately locate coating barrier failure in real time before corrosion can occur. This unique product helps with the prevention and early detection of corrosion under insulation: an intelligent digital skin, with the potential to be used in industries worldwide.

See the Full Series!

This project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Community Workforce Development program.

R&D Opportunity: Reality Capture and Digitization in Wind/Hydrogen

Do you have an innovative idea that you would like to explore that combines reality capture and/or digitization with the wind / hydrogen industry?

Get in touch with CNA’s Reality Capture and Digitization Technology Access Centre (TAC), which can provide:

  • Expertise to determine the technical and economic feasibility of new products, processes, and services
  • Short-term R&D and prototype development assistance
  • Access to cutting-edge technology
  • Impartial scientific, technical, and business guidance

Don’t miss out on the upcoming funding opportunity for Interactive Visits with the TAC network! For just $250, you can access 20 hours of innovation support!

Reach out to our Applied Research team (ar@cna.nl.ca) for assistance with the application process and to explore solutions tailored to your business needs.

Click for More Info

NL Delegation to the World Hydrogen 2024 Summit & Exhibition

The Department of Industry, Energy and Technology (IET) is pleased to announce that plans are underway for a Newfoundland and Labrador delegation to attend the World Hydrogen 2024 Summit & Exhibition associated events in Rotterdam, Netherlands (May 12-15).

The World Hydrogen 2024 Summit & Exhibition is the world’s largest hydrogen event dedicated to global hydrogen advancement and has become a leading global platform for hydrogen business development. Approximately 15,000 visitors and over 500 exhibiting companies from 130 countries participated in 2023, which tripled in size from 2022, and organizers are planning a further expansion in 2024.

All information pertaining to IET’s attendance is available here.

Registered delegates will receive:

  • Exhibition floor access
  • Support at the Newfoundland and Labrador booth
  • Invitations to industry networking events

Energy NL will also host a reception for delegates at the Rotterdam Marriott Hotel on the evening of Sunday, May 12. A sponsorship opportunity is available for this networking event. For information, please contact Mike Daly at mdaly@energynl.ca.

As well, Energy NL has a block of rooms held until February 26 at the Rotterdam Marriott Hotel available here.

  • The room block period is for May 12-14. Dates outside of this block require a separate booking.
  • Please note the seven-days prior cancellation policy.

Any questions on the accommodations can be directed to Robin Kieley at rkieley@energynl.ca.

For further information or to register, please contact Mary Lynn Granville at email: marylynngranville@gov.nl.ca or telephone: 709-729-0440.

Additional information on the Summit and Exhibition can be found here.

Coastal Matters Speaker Series: Green Transition Fund

Date: March 1, 2024
Time: 12:00pm – 1:30pm
Location: RA Pollett Building, 61 Riverside Drive, Corner Brook

Please join ACAP Humber Arm for its next Coastal Matter’s Speaker’s Series where we will learn more about the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Green Transition Fund.

This Coastal Matter’s session will take place 12noon – 1:30pm, Friday, March 1st in the Boardroom, 2nd Floor of RA Pollett Building, 61 Riverside Drive, Corner Brook. Guest speaker is Bruce Billard, Manager Green Transition, with the NL Department of Industry, Energy & Technology. While there is no registration fee please rsvp via email to info@acaphumberarm.com.

This session is offered in partnership with econext and OceansAdvance.

The Green Transition Fund
The Green Transition Fund provides financial support to businesses, organizations, post-secondary institutions, and industry associations to assist with the province’s transition to a green economy. The program will de-risk commercial and non-commercial activities that facilitate collaboration, investment, and industry growth required for the transition.
The Green Transition Fund targets the greening of commercial operations in traditional sectors and development of new opportunities related to the growth of a green economy. The program supports research and development projects related to green transition and green economy supply chain improvement. The program includes streams for projects led by Indigenous and rural proponents that are focused on a green economic transition.