ECO Canada

ECO Canada was founded in 1992 as a way to help nurture Canada’s burgeoning environmental sector. For over 20 years, we’ve studied the environmental labour market and examined ways to improve access for new graduates as well as those entering the industry mid-career.

The data we collect provides insights on green career trends, from top jobs to skills gaps to high-growth sectors. Governments, educators, youth and industry planners use our findings to make decisions and formulate strategy. Our research has also informed our development of the Environmental Professional Certification (EP) — an occupational standard for skills and training — as well as ongoing training and professional development for Canada’s EPs.

We impact the environmental sector every day:

  • Over 3,000 environmental professionals are proving their expertise with EP certification
  • 4 million visitors have used the ECO Job Board to find their dream environmental career
  • More than 9,000 professionals connect through our EP LinkedIn community

We’re dedicated to understanding and serving the needs of our country’s environmental professionals and employers from coast to coast.


To ensure an adequate supply of people with the demonstrated skills and knowledge required to meet the environmental human resource needs of the public and private sectors.


To build the world’s leading environmental workforce.



We will maintain independence in all areas of activity from funding to the development of policy positions.

Service & Quality

Our long-term success depends on our ability to provide value to industry, employers, and the workforce by ensuring high quality products and services.


The collective interest of our members are paramount over the individual needs of any particular member. By reflecting the collective interests of our members and stakeholders in our policy positions and activities, we will be contributing to achieving the broader needs of society.


The need to consider not only the protection of the environment, but also human health and quality of life of individuals and communities achieved through prosperity and an equitable participation of all, is a principle that underlie all our activities.

College of the North Atlantic – Corner Brook Campus

The Environmental Technology (Co-op) program, offered at the Corner Brook campus of the College of the North Atlantic, consists of five academic semesters, two six intercessions and two paid work terms. Work term students find placements within the province, nationally and internationally. Students in the Environmental Technology (Co-op) program receive multi-disciplinary training in engineering, environmental science, law, ethics and life sciences. Upon completion of this three-year program, students are eligible for transfer to UCCB to continue their studies towards a Bachelor of Technology degree.

The Corner Brook campus has undertaken a workforce development program wherein contract training can be delivered to industry to meet its immediate needs. The College also offers training in the areas of WHMIS, Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Small Boat Safety, Power Line Hazards, Indoor Air Quality and Environmental Site Assessments.

ALL-TECH Environmental Services Ltd.

ALL-TECH Environmental Services Limited is an Atlantic Canada owned and operated company with branch offices throughout the Atlantic Region. Since 1993, we have provided our clients with cost-effective solutions in both the environmental consulting sector and the occupational health and safety fields. Our working relationships with our clients are our most important asset — give us a call at 754-4146 to learn more.

We offer testing and more for:

  • Ambient Air
  • Environmental
  • Fungi & Mould
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Infection Control
  • Occupational Hygiene
  • Safety
  • Fume Hoods/ Biological Cabinets
  • Project Management
  • Training

When you have an issue that requires immediate assistance, ALL-TECH is available for you. The situations we are often faced with are ones that typically require immediate attention. There are times when a situation can seem serious but may not require emergency attention. We are always happy to discuss your situation and determine what actions are required.