Exploring the Relationship Between Immigration and Green Jobs

The objective of this project is to understand the relationship that may exist between ‘green jobs’ and immigration in the Newfoundland and Labrador context – and to identify opportunities for econext to achieve progress related to both simultaneously.

Click here to download the RFP.

Uncovering climate action opportunities within Newfoundland and Labrador communities

The objective of this research is to compile a list of climate action priorities that communities, municipalities, and regions in Newfoundland and Labrador have from which econext can draw upon in the future to assist in project development and investment attraction.

Click here to download the RFP.

EOI: Four-Season Greenhouse Construction

Issue Date: January 11, 2022
Closing Date: January 18, 2022 at 4:00:00pm NDT

econext is soliciting Expressions of Interest for the possible construction of a four-season greenhouse. The greenhouse is intended to be constructed generally following the attached drawings and specifications from the University of Minnesota. Some modifications may be necessary to accommodate solar panels and ground conditions on site.

econext is seeking a contractor who has experience with four-season greenhouses in the Newfoundland and Labrador context and can demonstrate successful completion and satisfied clients.

Interested parties are asked to submit a letter expressing their interest to work with econext to explore building the greenhouse.

Responses should contain the following information:

  • Company name and primary contact person.
  • Short company description with outline of experience building four-season greenhouses in Newfoundland and Labrador, including pictures or other project details if available.
  • Written confirmation of ability to provide insurance certificate and a letter of good standing with WorkplaceNL (actual documents will be requested from the successful applicant prior to finalizing an agreement).
  • Two references from previous clients, at least one of which must be a four-season greenhouse.

Click here to download the EOI file which includes design specifications.

Please submit the letter expression interest to Kieran Hanley, Executive Director of econext at kieran@econext.ca.

RFP – Scoping an Atlantic Hydrogen Strategy

OERA, on behalf of the Atlantic Hydrogen Alliance (AHA) is seeking proposals for the creation of a report that (1) reviews established hydrogen strategy creation methods, (2) includes a detailed scope of work and a potential outline of an Atlantic Canadian hydrogen strategy, and (3) recommends a stakeholder engagement framework. This work will support AHA’s goal of fostering the development of an economically viable clean hydrogen value chain that will enable the transition to a prosperous low-carbon economy in Atlantic Canada.

Click Here to Download the RFP



The Net Zero Project is a collaboration within the energy and environmental industries to drive economic growth, diversification, investment, and awareness through the lens of sustainability and the pursuit of net zero in Newfoundland and Labrador.

This project is a partnership between the Newfoundland and Labrador Oil and Gas Industries Association (Noia), econext, and the Newfoundland and Labrador Oil and Gas Corporation (OilCo).

Technical Lead

Reporting to the Project Manager, the Technical Lead will review, analyze, and make recommendations regarding initiatives that can be undertaken to improve the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions performance of the energy industry. The Technical Lead will provide guidance to industry stakeholders on the feasibility of the adoption and deployment of specific technologies and/or processes.

More Information

Economics Lead

Reporting to the Project Manager, the Economics Lead will review, analyze, and make recommendations regarding initiatives that can be undertaken to improve the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions performance of the energy industry. The Economics Lead will provide guidance to industry stakeholders on the economic feasibility of the adoption and deployment of specific technologies and/or processes. This will include economic modeling and cash flow analysis with consideration given to carbon pricing, fuel/energy consumption, etc. Substantial engagement with industry partners will be required to ensure that all variables are appropriately considered throughout analysis.

More Information

Strategic Partnerships Lead

Reporting to the Project Manager, the Strategic Partnerships Lead will engage public, private, and institutional partners to develop and advance strategic innovation / economic growth opportunities that align with The Net Zero Project’s objectives. The Strategic Partnerships Lead will actively assist stakeholders in identifying opportunities, building strategic partnerships, and attracting investment for their pursuit and implementation. The initiatives guided by the Strategic Partnerships Lead will contribute to increased research and development, innovation, and technology adoption in areas key to the province’s economic and environmental interests.

More Information

The new deadline to apply for all positions is January 7, 2022.

Municipal Climate Change Practitioners Networking Event

CLIMAtlantic is bringing together municipal climate change practitioners from throughout Atlantic Canada and we are hoping you’d be able to attend! Your perspectives would be greatly valued, and we hope you will benefit from a better understanding of how CLIMAtlantic can support your work. This will also be a networking space for practitioners to discuss their current work and needs, as well as meet fellow practitioners, set up supports, and get to know each other.

CLIMAtlantic facilitates access to data and information to support adaptation to climate change in Atlantic Canada through collaboration, networking, and partnership.

Date: January 12, 2022
Time: 10h30 – 12h30 NST

10:00am Welcome
10:10am Presentation of CLIMAtlantic and our work
10:20am Questions
10:35am Round of introductions
11:15am Breakout rooms to get to know each other a bit more
12:00pm Finish


Please fill out this registration form by Jan. 5, 2022: https://forms.gle/UnuDB1dtkFUf4Gd96. CLIMAtlantic will be in touch with the Zoom link closer to the date.

Please contact Sepehr Khosravi, Climate Services Specialist with CLIMAtlantic and econext, with your questions at sepehr.khosravi@climatlantic.ca.

RFP – Used Tire Management Services in Newfoundland and Labrador

The Multi-Materials Stewardship Board (MMSB) is a provincial Crown agency responsible for developing, implementing, and managing waste diversion programs in Newfoundland and Labrador, inclusive of a Used Tire Management Program.

MMSB has released a Request for Proposals (RFP), Reference RFP#202122UTP, in seeking to establish a contract with qualified parties for used tire management services that provides end of life management of the continuous supply of used tires generated in the province.

The closing date for submissions is 4 p.m., NST, Wednesday, February 2, 2022.

A copy of the RFP can be obtained by contacting Glenda Melvin by email, gmelvin@mmsb.nl.ca, or phone (709) 753-0955.

econext and partners release new tool to help businesses attract and retain talent

econext and its industry partners have developed and released a new tool to help businesses in Newfoundland and Labrador attract and retain the talent and workers that they need to sustain their growth and succeed.

Learn about:

  • What competitive compensation and benefits look like;
  • Where to post your job openings;
  • Programs to help you hire new grads and professionals from outside of the country;
  • The importance of inclusively and diversity in the workplace;
  • How work environments, perks, and growth opportunities are factors for your employees;
  • and more!

Visit TechHires.ca to learn about the latest programs and resources that are readily available to you and your business to address your people needs!

Click to Visit TechHires.ca

Request for EOIs: Training & Professional Development Partnership with econext

In September 2021 econext launched its online professional development and training portal econext On-Demand (https://neia.myvirtualcampus.co/). econext On-Demand presents new opportunities for the provision of training and professional development for businesses, their employees, and environmental practitioners throughout econext’s broad provincial network.

econext is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from members interested in partnering with the association in the delivery of online training and professional development opportunities via the new On-Demand portal.

econext is interested in exploring training and professional development partnerships that fall into one of the following categories:

  • Helping business owners of all kinds improve their environmental sustainability and performance in the Newfoundland and Labrador context
  • Helping environmental professionals (both in the office and in the field) in industry improve and build on their competencies with new skills, ideas, and experiences
  • Helping industry professionals in non-environmental roles increase their capacity to view their work through an environmental lens
  • Introducing businesses and professionals to environmental sector competencies that can be more fully explored through further education and certification in subsequent instruction (independent of econext)

Proposed training and professional development opportunities can take the form of static presentations, real-time seminars, and/or sequential modular instruction. econext On-Demand has the capability to include interactive elements to evaluate and confirm learning (e.g., quizzes, embedded media). econext is open to considering hybrid programming, where portions of the training take place online in combination with practical or field-based instruction.


Responses to this Request for Expressions of Interest should include:

  • A description of the training or professional development proposed
  • A proposed revenue-sharing model for the delivery of the training or professional development with and through econext

econext can provide technical support, if required, to digitalize course content and record instruction on a cost-recovery basis.

EOIs responses should be in DOC and/or PDF format, and sent to Kieran Hanley, econext’s Executive Director, via email at kieran@econext.ca no later than January 21, 2022. Submissions should be succinct and not exceed three (3) pages. Questions from interested parties can be directed to the same address.

Webinar: Greening your business – Lessons on clean technology adoption in Atlantic Canada

Now available on-demand. Click the “register” button below to access.

Environmental sustainability is increasingly important for business viability. This is being driven by a combination of government policies to address climate change, supply chain requirements and investor, customer and employee preferences.

econext, in partnership with APEC with support from ACOA, engaged in research in 2021 with the objective to help Atlantic Canadian businesses understand the role that clean technology adoption can play in ensuring the sustainability and competitiveness of their business.

Join us for a free webinar highlighting the importance of adopting clean technology.

Date: December 14, 2021
Time: 10h30 NST

This session will feature a panel of speakers, including some businesses that have adopted clean technology. They’ll share what technology they adopted, their motivations for adopting, the benefits of adopting, and some of the lessons learned. APEC’s Fred Bergman will discuss why clean technology is important and some of the statistics on adoption. Lynn Adams, Director of Energy and Environment Policy, ACOA will discuss government supports for clean technology adoption.

Click the link below for more information on the panelists and to register.

Click Here to Register