Clean Careers: Power-up Your Personal Brand

This event is now full.  Please contact to be added to the waitlist.

Are you a job-seeker who is ready to take your personal brand to the next level?

You’re invited to econext’s Clean Careers: Power-up Your Personal Brand event! Join us on Thu Aug 15 2024 at 9:00 AM at 235 Water St. (Second Floor) for a morning filled with valuable insights on creating and enhancing a personal brand. This session will include many interactive exercises that will help you learn how to stand out in a competitive job market.

WHEN: Thursday August 15, 2024 @ 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM NDT
WHERE: econext Office – 235 Water Street, Suite 200 (No Picnik Space on 2nd Floor)
COST: Free!

Trade Mission: WindEnergy Hamburg – September 24-27, 2024

econext is leading a delegation to WindEnergy Hamburg, taking place September 24 to 27 at the Hamburg Messe in Germany. The trade mission is in partnership with Marine Renewables Canada.

WindEnergy Hamburg is a premier global trade fair dedicated to the wind energy sector. The biennial event attracts a substantial number of participants, with over 1,400 exhibitors showcasing the latest advancements and innovations in the wind energy industry. It draws a diverse and international audience, with more than 35,000 attendees from around 100 countries. Spanning across a vast exhibition space of approximately 65,000 square meters, WindEnergy Hamburg serves as a critical platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and business development in the renewable energy sector.

There are two options for participation.

Option 1
Available only to companies based in NL
$850 + HST

  • Lead generation and matchmaking support pre-mission
  • One Conference pass per company (€194 value)
  • In-market networking event
  • Site tour
  • Mission preparation support
  • On the ground support from econext and MRC
  • Travel funding support pending eligibility

Option 2
$425 + HST

  • One Conference pass per company (€194 value)
  • In-market networking event
  • Site tour
  • Mission preparation support
  • On the ground support from econext and MRC
  • Travel funding support pending eligibility

A limited number of spaces are available for each option. To apply, please email Abbie Hodder at

RFP: Online Training Course Module Development

econext is seeking the services of a qualified vendor to build interactive and engaging online course modules with the following features: videos, case studies, presentations, and evaluation that would be used to educate small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) on important aspects of the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL).

The deadline for submissions is August 14, 2024. Questions and answers pertaining to the RFP will be posted on this page leading up to the deadline. The deadline for questions is August 9, 2024.

Download RFP

RFP: Analysis of Opportunities for Domestic Clean Fuels Use in Newfoundland and Labrador

The primary objective of this consultancy is to determine and evaluate the most promising clean fuels adoption opportunities across various sectors in NL. This will be achieved through an analysis of environmental benefits, economic impacts, and potential challenges associated with applications which will be pre-defined. For the purposes of this study, the term ‘clean fuels’ is inclusive of hydrogen and its derivatives and low-carbon biofuels.

The contact for this RFP is Colin Corbett, econext’s Director, Clean Energy Innovation who can be reached via email at Any questions posed and answers provided during the RFP process will be published on this page. The deadline for submissions is July 30, 2024.

Download RFP

Questions and Answers

In Section “Scope of Work”, econext outlines focus areas of NL’s economy for clean fuels adoption opportunities. Can you clarify what elements of the clean fuel value chain are under consideration in this scope? Would this include only the usage of clean fuels, or also consider production and distribution of clean fuels within NL?
Answer: Usage of clean fuels

In Section “Scope of Work”, Activity 1, econext outlines that the proponent will identify and engage “key informants”. Can you define what is meant by “key informants”? Would these be data sources such as public records, subscription-based data, industry or professional associations, local industries in NL, or some other informant?
Answer: The proponent will work with econext to identify and engage key informants (key stakeholders) for each of the focus areas.

Are the stakeholder workshops to be held virtually or in-person? If in-person, is any travel anticipated outside of St. John’s Metro for budgeting purposes?
Answer: The workshops will take place in person with the option for virtual attendees. Travel is anticipated outside of St. John’s Metro. econext will provide resources for any travel that is required for the workshops and respondents are not expected to budget for this

Can you provide more details on the logistics and organizational support to be provided by econext for the eight stakeholder workshops?
Answer: econext will coordinate the logistics (e.g.: where, when) and invitation lists for the workshops

Will econext provide any initial data or contacts for the key informants in each focus area, or is this the sole responsibility of the consultant?
Answer: The successful consultant will be provided with contacts and context for each of these focus areas, but will also be expected to bring their own experience, resources, and insights forward to complete the analysis

How will the workshops be structured, and what level of detail is expected in the presentations?
Answer: The successful consultant will be expected to conduct interactive workshops with stakeholder groups from each focus area with the dual intent of (1) ground-truthing preliminary/draft findings and (2) educating and creating awareness of the future opportunities that clean fuels adoption presents

Are there any preferred tools or frameworks for conducting the emission reductions and economic impact analyses, perhaps to align with existing reports
Answer: No

In Section “Terms and Conditions”, econext mentions “work being undertaken in Canada”. Can you clarify if this requirement means that all personnel the consultant selects to be engaged in this effort must be located in Canada? Is there any distinction between core personnel dedicated towards this study versus subject matter experts who may be consulted to provide support for this study.
Answer: This requirement does not mean all personnel a consultant selects to be engaged in this effort must be located in Canada

Is it permissible to have resources from the US work on this project?
Answer: Yes

It is mentioned that the response should not exceed four pages. We would like to know if the limit includes the suggested appendices or if they are to be added separately and do not count within the page limit?
Answer: Appendices can be in addition to the four page limit.

The RFP notes that ‘clean fuels’ include hydrogen and its derivatives and low-carbon biofuels. Considering the range of derivatives could impact costs significantly, can you provide a more comprehensive list of derivatives to be included (or excluded) in this analysis?
Answer: Derivatives of priority interest are Green Ammonia and Green Methanol, however, if the consultant sees value in other derivatives, please include.

What financial parameters are expected to be provided by informants (e.g., CAPEX, OPEX, Production Profiles, Commodity Price Decks, Cost of Alternatives)? Should these be deterministic values or ranges?
Answer: Other than the guidance provided in the RFP, we are relying on respondents to provide their proposed approach to the economic analysis to arrive at the best estimates reasonably possible.

The RFP mentions the provincial Wind-H2 Fiscal Framework. How is this framework intended to be tied into the demand analysis? Essentially, how far up the supply/demand chain should we go? Should we also consider the Federal fiscal framework?
Answer: Awareness of fiscal frameworks could be helpful context but may not necessarily factor into the economic analysis. It will be up to the consultant to determine how they will estimate fuel costs.

Are there any limits on appendices, page count, or other submission guidelines?
Answer: No.

Is the intent to have the workshops before or after the final report is issued. The draft schedule has them listed as after the delivery of the final report but the text has review of preliminary findings.
Answer: The eight (8) interactive workshops are intended to take place after the Final Report. The Consultant will work with econext to review ground-truthing outcomes upon workshop completion and determine if a report update is required.

Is Sustainable aviation fuel to be considered as one of the clean fuels?
Answer: Yes

RFP – MET II Construction Services – EverWind Fuels

Everwind NL Holdings Ltd. has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for all work required to deliver Construction Services for the Phase 2 Meteorological Tower Sites (the “Work”), as further described in the RFP Scope of Services.


Contact for questions and submission: Jan-Peter De Souza,, 709-351-3039.

Information Session

An information session will be held on June 24th (time TBD). Suppliers interested in bidding must provide a request to attend to by the 21st of June.


Deadline for proposal submissions is July 15, 2024, at 15:00 NST

EOI: Lead Generation and Pre-Mission Preparation for a Delegation to WindEnergy Hamburg

econext is planning to lead a delegation of businesses to WindEnergy Hamburg, taking place September 24 to 27, 2024 at the Hamburg Messe in Germany (pending funding approval).

The primary objectives of this consultancy are to 1) provide pre-mission preparation including high-level market/event intelligence; 2) to work with companies to pre-qualify leads and contacts; 3) program development for trade mission participants. It is anticipated that 10-15 firms/organizations shall take part in the delegation. Consultants are not responsible for delegate recruitment.

Response to the EOI are due on July 9, 2024. Click the button below to download the EOI for more information.

Download EOI

WEBINAR: Newfoundland and Labrador’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

Newfoundland and Labrador’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund is an application-based funding program that provides financial assistance to support projects that result in verifiable greenhouse gas reductions in industrial sectors across the province.

The industrial sector includes electricity generation, mining and quarrying, oil and gas, as well as manufacturing.

Valued at over $431,000, the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund was established under the Management of Greenhouse Gas Act and is funded solely by regulated industrial facilities. Under the Act, industry operators make payments to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to purchase credits to offset emissions.

Join econext, the CME, and Mining NL for a webinar with representatives from the Department of Environment and Climate Change where project eligibility will be outlined and questions answered.

Date: June 18, 2024
Time: at 9:00am NST

Click Here to Register

Further information on application eligibility and guidelines is available here. The deadline to apply is July 26, 2024.

Supporting Economic Growth and Prosperity in Atlantic Canada through Work-Integrated Learning

The Business + Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) is convening a free, virtual, lunchtime event about work-integrated learning (WIL) in Atlantic Canada. The session will include a conversation with regional post-secondary and industry leaders, including BHER members, about successful collaborations with local employers, best practices for connecting with diverse students, and trends, changes, and challenges they’re seeing in the region. It will also include a deep dive into Nova Scotia Community College’s successful Pathway to Stay program. Save the date. Come for the info. Stay for the audience Q&A.

Date: June 17, 2024
Time: 12:30PM – 1:45PM NDT

This event will be presented in English with French options.

Click to Register

econext Summer Social

Celebrate the Summer with econext!

Join us for the econext Summer Social on Thursday, July 18th, 2024 from 3:00pm – 5:00pm. This in-person event will take place at Piatto Pizzeria & Enoteca, 60 Elizabeth Avenue, St. John’s.

Connect with fellow professionals in the industry and enjoy a fun-filled afternoon of networking, refreshments and snacks. This is a great opportunity to expand your professional network and connect with the econext team. Be sure to RSVP by 4:00pm on Tuesday July 11th.

Interested in partnering with econext on this year’s Summer Social? Please reach out to our Manager of Industry and Community Engagement, Colin Heffernan, via e-mail at

Space is limited – don’t miss out on this exciting event! Register now and secure your spot. See you on July 18th!

Buy Tickets Now

Request for EOIs: Provision of Energy Efficiency Assessment Services

econext is requesting Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from qualified firms based in Newfoundland and Labrador with the ability to provide energy audit services to small and medium sized businesses in the province.

econext is supporting its members by facilitating access to services that help businesses quantify their environmental impacts. Armed with the results of these assessments, businesses in the province will be better positioned to fight climate change and improve their bottom lines.

The purpose of this request for EOIs is for econext to gain an understanding what energy efficiency assessment services are available locally so that it can encourage businesses across the province to avail of them.

Responses should include the following information:

  • Summary of services able to be provided;
  • Demonstrated experience in providing the services;
  • Standards or methodologies that are used or adhered to in the provision of services;
  • Cost structure/estimates for the provision of services. Estimates can be tiered based on expected variables from business to business (i.e., business size, number of business assets/locations, business type, complexity of task, etc.);
  • Any geographical restrictions to for the provision of services (i.e., available anywhere in the province versus only in specific areas); and
  • Any other information believed to be relevant by the respondent.

EOI responses being accepted until June 28, 2024. It is understood that there are many variables that can impact cost estimates; the intent of this request for EOIs is not to define exact costs but to understand what the range of costs are expected to be based on these variables. Responses should be in PDF format and be no longer than two standard pages. Responses can be sent to