CEO Message – January 11, 2023

Happy new year, and I hope that your 2023 is off to a good start.

2023 is already at lightning speed for econext. We were thankful to have the opportunity to take some time over the holidays to refresh and prepare, and hope you were able to do the same.

To say that the past few years have been a whirlwind for econext would be an understatement. From the oil price crisis in early 2020, to the onset of the pandemic, to intensifying global action on net zero and emissions reductions, to the rapid emergence of a new renewable energy industry through to the end of 2022 – the challenges and opportunities related to clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador have come fast and furious.

I wanted to take a moment to thank our staff, our Board of Directors, our funders, and all of our members and partners who have supported us through this time of great change. I am very proud that econext didn’t merely just survive – it was able to make some very tangible contributions to both environment and economy during this time. From timely policy guidance, to strategic research, to investment attraction – we’ve played a role in helping the province navigate some of its most pressing economic challenges and opportunities.

econext has come through the other side of the pandemic with stronger and more meaningful partnerships with governments, industries, academia, and communities. This has already resulted in new growth and diversification opportunities for our members.

We know that the vast majority of our members have had a similarly disruptive three years, and we hope that we have helped meet some of your needs throughout it all.

In 2023 we are looking to return to a state of normalized operations. We are well positioned to continue to make a difference in Newfoundland and Labrador in the four areas we identified in our comprehensive strategic planning efforts: the pursuit of net zero in our industries and our communities, clean energy and fuels, value from waste, and our cluster of expertise in environmental sensing, characterization, and monitoring. We have some exciting initiatives on the horizon which will help move the needle in each of these areas this year that we can’t wait to share with you.

We are getting back to basics with the hiring of a new Membership and Events Coordinator who will engage with all of our members on a one-on-one basis to make sure that we are doing all that we can to help you succeed. We will be returning to our series of workshops and training activities that have been so important in building ‘green economy’ capacity in our province. And we’ll be finding new ways to tell more of your success stories.

In 1992 the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association was founded. Just over 30 years later, we believe that 2023 will be a banner year for the organization. The econext team looks forward to chatting with each and every one of you in the weeks and months ahead.


// Kieran Hanley

Ocean Cleantech: Germany

In 2022 econext engaged in research to help identify opportunities for international business partnership in European markets for SMEs in Newfoundland and Labrador with expertise in ocean-focused environmental sensing, characterization, and monitoring.

Throughout a webinar series, markets with strengths related to clean ocean technologies were explored – with a focus on existing clusters and networks, key organizations, and research groups contributing to innovation in the blue/green economies. This included work centered on Germany.

Click here to view the webinar, or download the webinar script using the button below.

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Ocean Cleantech: UK

In 2022 econext engaged in research to help identify opportunities for international business partnership in European markets for SMEs in Newfoundland and Labrador with expertise in ocean-focused environmental sensing, characterization, and monitoring.

Throughout a webinar series, markets with strengths related to clean ocean technologies were explored – with a focus on existing clusters and networks, key organizations, and research groups contributing to innovation in the blue/green economies. This included work centered on the UK.

Click here to view the webinar, or download the webinar script using the button below.

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Ocean Cleantech: Ireland

In 2022 econext engaged in research to help identify opportunities for international business partnership in European markets for SMEs in Newfoundland and Labrador with expertise in ocean-focused environmental sensing, characterization, and monitoring.

Throughout a webinar series, markets with strengths related to clean ocean technologies were explored – with a focus on existing clusters and networks, key organizations, and research groups contributing to innovation in the blue/green economies. This included work centered on Ireland.

Click here to view the webinar, or download the webinar script using the button below.

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Climate Action in Newfoundland and Labrador Communities

econext engaged with 42 community stakeholders across the province to understand their climate action priorities. The purpose of the research was to help econext understand the current level of climate action taking place in communities throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as the future initiatives and projects that were being prioritized.

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Identifying Value from Waste Opportunities for Atlantic Canada

In 2022 econext worked with Springboard Atlantic Inc. to determine opportunities to identify value from waste across four primary resources sectors within Atlantic Canada including fisheries, aquaculture, forestry, and agriculture.

The intent of the project was to identify waste management challenges faced by these sectors and the potential role of research and development (R&D) in addressing these challenges by extracting value from waste streams.

The scope of work included extensive stakeholder engagement through interviews with industry, the preparation of a summary report on value from waste opportunities, the evaluation of potential challenges including the development of an evaluation matrix and prioritization of challenges, the drafting of potential “challenge” statements to guide potential Springboard engagement in R&D on behalf of industry, vetting of challenge statements with industry and institutions, and finalization of challenge statements.

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Feedback on the Federal Government’s Just Transition Discussion Paper

As the work of econext is cross-cutting through the province’s economy, it provides the organization with a unique and holistic perspective on the concepts of green jobs and the just transition specific to Newfoundland and Labrador. This document is a response to the Government of Canada’s discussion paper titled ‘People-Centred Just Transition’.

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Atlantic Canada’s Green Potential: Jobs and Skills Towards Clean Growth

econext, in partnership with the Maritimes Energy Association (MEA) and with support from the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), has released a report “Atlantic Canada’s Green Potential – Jobs and Skills Toward Clean Growth”. The report helps define what a ‘green job’ means in context of Atlantic Canada’s economy.

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Recommendations for a Newfoundland and Labrador Renewable Energy Plan

econext has submitted a series of 36 recommendations for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to consider in the development of a new renewable energy plan.

“Newfoundland and Labrador has what the world needs,” said Kieran Hanley, econext’s Executive Director. “We have a wealth of undeveloped renewable energy resources that can help sectors and nations meet their environmental objectives and commitments.”

Hanley said that up until now the options for development within the province have been limited, but the increasing demand for clean energy in both electricity grids and industrial activity – along with the prospect of using renewables for the production and export of clean fuels – “opens new doors for us”.

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Recommendations for the Development of an Environmental Procurement Policy in Newfoundland and Labrador

It is important to view procurement as a tool in fostering sustainable economic growth and development. The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is a significant purchaser, among the largest – if not the largest – in the province. Through the increased valuation of environmental sustainability, and by integrating environmental considerations in its procurement process, the provincial government can improve its own environmental performance and influence the demand for environmentally preferable goods and services in the process.

econext is appreciative of the opportunity to contribute to the development of new environmental procurement processes, a policy which it has been advocating for since 2016. The inclusion of environmental sustainability criteria within government procurement will lead to better environmental outcomes for the province and open the door for clean growth innovation.

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