Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum | April 26-28, 2022

The time is now to light a fire under the energy transition in the Caribbean. The time is now to reconvene the regional energy market in-person at CREF 2022 in Miami.

The focus? On inspiring action by bringing the full ecosystem of policy-makers, regulators, utilities, investors, developers and financiers together in an environment which encourages the market to meet, originate and transact. Expect a cutting-edge agenda and a reconfigured meeting space all designed with one thought in mind: How do we get the energy transition over the finish line?

Some issues are perennial – the need for regulators to take the helm, for example, and the dearth of bankable projects – while others are new to the table. What role will Green Hydrogen come to play in the regional economy? Can we now scale up e-mobility programs and infrastructure across the region? Has Covid accelerated the shift to DG in the region? We’ll be tackling all this and much, much more over the course of CREF 2022.

Expect challenges to be resolved. Expect projects to be originated. Expect the market to be out in force. Expect CREF 2022 to make a difference. We invite you to join us.

Click here to learn more and to register

econext collaborates on Newfoundland and Labrador response to Offshore Renewables Energy Regulations initiative

The Offshore Renewable Energy Regulations (ORER) is an initiative led by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to develop modern safety and environmental protection regulations that will apply to exploration, construction, operation and decommissioning activities related to renewable energy projects and power lines in Canada’s offshore areas.

NRCan drafted a technical requirements paper to detail to government, stakeholder and Indigenous participants the proposed requirements that will form the basis of future regulations. The requirements are divided into the following Parts:

  • General Requirements
  • Site Assessment Activities Requirements
  • Transportation, Construction, Installation and Commissioning Activities Requirements
  • Operations and Maintenance Activities Requirements
  • Decommissioning, Repowering, and/or Life Extension Activities Requirements

NRCan was seeking feedback on these proposed requirements. econext, through The Net Zero Project collaboration, has submitted a response from the Newfoundland and Labrador perspective which can be downloaded here.

About The Net Zero Project

The Net Zero Project is a collaboration within the energy and environmental industries to drive economic growth, diversification, investment, and awareness through the lens of sustainability and the pursuit of net zero in Newfoundland and Labrador’s energy sector.

The initiative supports the development of clean growth strategies and projects in priority areas of Canada’s net zero journey as they relate to its offshore energy industry: carbon capture, utilization, and storage; electrification and renewable energy; and hydrogen.

The Net Zero Project was formed by econext, Noia, and the Oil and Gas Corporation of Newfoundland and Labrador. More information on the initiative can be found at

Genome Atlantic launches Small-Scale Climate Change Fund

Atlantic Canada faces unique and difficult challenges as climate change progresses. This targeted funding opportunity is intended to support short term, rapid initiatives which will advance identification, development and/or adoption of genomics tools that lead to solutions that help to combat climate change.

The goal for this program is to provide a foundation for Atlantic Canadian stakeholders to pursue subsequent larger scale Climate Change funding initiatives, such as Genome Canada’s anticipated flagship mission.

The Small-Scale Climate Change Fund is led by Genome Atlantic, in partnership with Research Nova Scotia.

Download the application form for more information on topic eligibility. If you are unsure if your proposed project is a fit, please reach out with questions to the address below.

Please note:

  • Project contributions can range from $5,000 to $20,000
  • Applications are due February 14th, 2022
  • Projects must be completed or at least be able to demonstrate preliminary results by May 31st, 2022

For more information or to apply, please contact Kristin Tweel (

CanExport SMEs is now accepting new applications for projects starting on fiscal year 2022-2023

Funding that helps your company grow into global markets

Small and medium sized companies may access up to $50,000 in funding to assist with international market development activities. We cover up to 50% of costs for export marketing of your products and services in international markets where you have little or no sales.

Learn More and Apply Here

MRC Webinar – Myth Busting Federal Procurement: Learn how to sell to the Government of Canada

Did you know that the Government of Canada buys approximately $22 billion worth of goods and services each year? Would you be surprised to learn that many of these contracts are awarded to small businesses in Canada?

On February 17th, Join Marine Renewables Canada and PAC to dispel some myths about selling to the federal government.

Let Procurement Assistance Canada (PAC) guide you through the procurement process so you can decide if selling to the Government of Canada is the right strategy for your business. You will learn:

  • how the government buys goods and services;
  • about the range of opportunities for marine, ocean and ocean-tech industries;
  • some tips and tricks to make it easier to find and bid on contracts; and
  • how to access resources, tools and free support available to small businesses.

Learn More and Register Here

U.S. Federal Procurement 101 for Canadian Companies

Wednesday, Feb 9 2022 12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Register for event

Host: Embassy of Canada, Washington DC – Trade Commissioner Service


Please join the Embassy of Canada in Washington, DC, and Actuparo’s Joseph Jordan for a webinar discussing the basics of U.S. federal civilian procurement as well as special considerations for Canadian companies looking to succeed in this market.

Topics include:

  • Overview of the US$650 billion U.S. federal marketplace
  • Rules and regulations governing U.S. federal procurement
  • What Canadian companies need to do to compete effectively for U.S. federal contracts

The webinar will conclude with a Q&A session. All attendees will receive an online copy of our complimentary new guide, “U.S. Public Procurement 101 for Canadian Companies.”

Who should attend: This webinar is for Canadian companies who are either interested in or currently selling to the U.S. federal procurement market. This program will be of particular interest to companies in the clean tech, information technology, and infrastructure sectors.

Hydrogen & CCS Symposium – Canada

In collaboration with the Canadian Embassy in Norway and the Norwegian Embassy in Ottawa, we are hosting a Virtual Energy Symposium with focus on the Hydrogen (H2) and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) value chains. The Symposium will include keynote speakers from Canada and Norway and showcase Norwegian technology and solutions providers.

15 February
09:00 – 12:00 (MST)
17:00 – 20:00 (CET)

16 February
09:00 – 11:55(MST)
17:00 – 19:55 (CET)


Please click here to view the program.


Norwegian and Canadian companies, research institutions and universities have over the last decades developed strong competence and experience in H2 and CCS technologies. These sectors are important parts of Norway’s decarbonization strategy.

There are many similarities between Norway and Canada, including an abundance of natural resources and closeness to the Artic. Both are fossil fuel rich countries committed to environmentally sustainable resource management and shifting to a net zero economy. There is a national push to further develop the CO2 value chains and CCUS as a solution to cutting GHG emissions. The Canadian government launched its Hydrogen Strategy in 2020 and a CCUS strategy is expected to be released this spring:

Since H2 and CCS are important focus areas for both Norway and Canada, with growing expertise and capabilities in both countries, collaboration in these areas would accelerate our respective decarbonization efforts.

Norwegian H2 & CCS brief

Norwegian industrial actors have produced and utilized hydrogen in large scale since 1927. Companies like Norsk Hydro developed their own electrolyser technologies that are today used all around the world.

Today, hydrogen technologies, solution providers and projects in Norway are emerging across the entire value chain, including;

  • Hydrogen/ammonia production
  • Industrial applications
  • Transport and Maritime
  • Hydrogen use in the energy system


Norway has extensive experience with CCS, both capture, transport, offshore storage and injection/monitoring with projects like Sleipner and Snøhvit having injected CO2 successfully for more than 2 decades.

In 2010 Norway established a large-scale carbon capture demonstration facility (Technology Centre Mongstad – TCM). Several new well-stream and post-combustion capture technologies have emerged from this facility.

In February 2021, Norway took FID on the Longship project capturing CO2 from industrial sources and transport and storage in Northern Lights project, the world’s first open-source CO2 transport and storage infrastructure. Through these initiative, a lot of technologies/solutions have emerged and ongoing R&D is high on the agenda.

Learn more and register here


Ocean Leaders Impact Program Guidelines – Call for Proposals

Canada’s Ocean Supercluster (OSC) has launched a second Canada-wide Call for Proposals under its Ocean Leaders Impact Program (OLIP). The program focuses on developing new opportunities and building on the experienced talent pool in Canada’s ocean economy. The Call will address important challenges in the innovation ecosystem by investing in projects that forge new partnerships, build on existing talent resources, and foster creative solutions that support small and medium-sized ocean enterprises (SMEs) as they grow.

The Ocean Leaders Impact Program Call for Proposals is designed for projects with a term ending by March 31, 2023. The OLIP Call is specifically targeting strategic opportunities that will attract experienced ocean talent and invest in current ocean leaders, partnering with projects that will:

  • Expand the highly skilled ocean talent pool through domestic recruitment efforts targeted outside the ocean economy;
  • Support ocean SMEs ability to secure senior leaders and specialized talents from international markets;
  • Focus on the near-term career advancement of employees with senior leadership potential with Canadian Ocean SMEs; and
  • Advance leadership opportunities for diverse and underrepresented groups.
  • The application process is now open, beginning with the Expression Interest (EOI) process. For consideration, organizations must submit a completed EOI by February 21, 2022, at 4 p.m. Atlantic time. 

The Ocean Supercluster will host a virtual information session on the Ocean Leaders Impact Program Call for Proposals on January 27, 2022, at 2 p.m. Atlantic time. To register, email

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Provincial Aerospace Ltd (PAL) Airline is looking to do a lot hiring in January – February, 2022

Click here to see the full listing