Oil spill readiness a concern for industry as it celebrates Oil & Gas Week

For Immediate Release:
February 13, 2013

ST. JOHN’S, NL – As government, business, and researchers celebrate Oil and Gas Week, the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) says the industry must address its oil spill preparedness.

“The oil and gas industry is a critical component of our province’s economy,” says Ted Lomond, Executive Director of NEIA. “It is also an industry that maintains a delicate balance between resource extraction and environmental impact. We must always be vigilant in ensuring we are doing everything we can to mitigate the impact on our environment.”

Lomond references the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development’s recent report which outlined possible gaps in oil spill response plans and capacity. “Oil and gas week presents an excellent opportunity for all levels of governance and the operators to ensure they coordinate their plans on improving our oil spill response strategies.”

There is considerable expertise in oil spill response and cleanup in Newfoundland and Labrador to draw upon, says Lomond. “The environmental sector, whether it be through research in our schools and colleges or the day-to-day business operations of our members, is well-equipped to meet this challenge.”

Lomond notes that many of NEIA’s members are intricately involved in the oil and gas industry. “From oil spill preparedness, to environmental consulting, to the operators themselves, the environmental sector is an important contributor to the province’s oil and gas industry.”

NEIA is a not-for-profit association of businesses that promotes the growth and development of the environmental industry in this province. It is Newfoundland and Labrador’s premier resource for the industry offering a diverse range of expert knowledge and services in the business of mitigating and minimizing environmental damage for the protection and enhancement of the environment for present and future generations. NEIA has over 140 members.

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Media Contact
Kieran Hanley: 709.237.8190

NEIA Moving on Up… Stairs

The Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association (NEIA) has moved its operations up a level – literally. Effective immediately, NEIA has moved its offices from the first floor of 90 O’Leary Avenue… to a brand new space on the second floor of 90 O’Leary Avenue.

As a result of NEIA’s move, staff phone numbers have changed. To get in touch with NEIA staff, please see our new contact information here. In an effort to reduce paper use, NEIA will no longer be using a fax number. Once we are settled in, we will take you on a virtual tour of our space.

With new surroundings and an environmental sector carrying great momentum, NEIA is looking forward to the possibilities of 2013.

Stay tuned for some exciting new initiatives for the environmental sector, and some new NEIA developments!