Call for Interest in econext’s Board of Directors

In April econext will elect its Board of Directors for 2023/24.

econext‘s Board of Directors provide direction and support to the organization’s staff in their work to accelerate clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador. There are a total of five (5) positions to be filled.

Interested individuals can contact econext’s CEO, Kieran Hanley, at for more information about the nomination process. Nominees will be asked to provide (1) a photo, (2) a biography – 500 words or less, and (3) a statement as to their objectives for serving as a member of econext‘s Board of Directors – 250 words of less.

econext Directors must represent a voting member of the organization’s membership in good standing.

The deadline for nominations is March 28, 2023. Voting for director positions shall take place online March 31 – April 7, 2023.

Offshore Wind Supply Chains – A Canada/Norway Webinar

Norwegian Offshore Wind is aiming to be the strongest supply chain for floating offshore wind worldwide. Atlantic Canada is home to a strong cluster of firms with environmental sensing, characterization, and monitoring SMEs and research institutions which have applicability in the offshore wind sector.

Join this webinar to understand supply chain strengths in both countries, to learn of the work of Norwegian Offshore Wind, and to get the latest news on advancements towards offshore wind in Canada.

Date: March 6, 2023
Time: 10:30am NST

Register Now!

In Partnership With:
econext, Norwegian Offshore Wind, Marine Renewables Canada

This project is made possible through the support of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency


As environmental professionals within a multidisciplinary global infrastructure company, we understand the connectivity in and among natural and man-made ecosystems. Our relationships with clients and communities, and the collaborations within our own organization, are all connected in much the same way. This perspective drives us to meet each challenge in the context of the big picture, and to deliver innovative Future Ready™ solutions informed by trends in climate, society, technology and resources.

WSP’s 14,000 environmental experts are passionate about delivering practical strategies to study, protect, enhance and restore the natural environment. We share resources and expertise globally and customize teams to address specific project needs at every stage of a project’s life cycle, from initial environmental impact assessment and socioeconomic studies through feasibility, construction, operation, project decommissioning and final reclamation.

EverWind NL

EverWind Fuels is a developer of Green Hydrogen and Green Fuels in Atlantic Canada.

econext is growing, and we need you to join our team!

We are at a special moment in Newfoundland and Labrador’s history. This province has before it the resources, expertise, and opportunities to make a global impact in the global fight against climate change.

We are at a special moment in Newfoundland and Labrador’s history. This province has before it the resources, expertise, and opportunities to make a global impact in the fight against climate change.

econext – an association of businesses working together to drive clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador – has a number of exciting projects and initiatives on the horizon to help the province take steps to realize those opportunities.

And we need your help!

From clean energy to clean technology, our work is going to require skills in project management, events coordination, community engagement, marketing and communications, and more. Our team needs to grow to meet the task at hand.

We are advertising for a number of open positions (see below), and anticipate more to come!

econext offers a hybrid working model to help its staff achieve the right work/life balance. When its staff are in the office, econext works out of a dynamic new co-working space in downtown St. John’s called NoPicnik. Here you’ll have the opportunity to work alongside not just the econext team, but a host of other businesses and organizations too!

Want to help build something special?

econext presents you with a unique opportunity to grow Newfoundland and Labrador’s green economy and make a lasting difference for our province.

Get on our radar by applying for one of the positions above!

– Kieran

econext asking members to help inform long-term clean fuels strategy for Newfoundland and Labrador

For Immediate Release
February 9, 2023

Newfoundland and Labrador is well positioned to become a global leader in clean fuels production:

  • NL has some of the best onshore and offshore wind resources in North America
  • NL has an abundance of hydroelectricity (developed and undeveloped) for base load and backup
  • NL has significant available and accessible crown land and fresh water
  • NL has a series of established industrial-focused ice-free deep seaports with land access to support development
  • NL is the closest point in North America to Europe and is on major shipping routes
  • NL has a robust energy sector supply chain with specialized expertise in areas such as: engineering; fabrication; marine transportation; logistics; safety; environmental monitoring; etc.
  • NL has a workforce with transferable skills and experience in large scale construction and energy projects.

A land nomination process in the Fall of 2022 resulted in 31 submissions from prospective onshore wind development projects within the province, many of which were focused on hydrogen production. A competition is currently underway for access to crown land for development in Newfoundland and Labrador, with proposals due March 3, 2023. Meanwhile, a clean diesel facility is under construction and the province has underutilized biomass resources available for development.

With a bright future for clean fuels production ahead for Newfoundland and Labrador, it is an ideal time to explore opportunities associated with clean fuels production that will emerge (beyond production). econext intends on developing a series of specific recommendations for decision makers, and is asking its members to help inform a discussion paper.

What are the medium to long-term opportunities that Newfoundland and Labrador can seize that relate to its emerging clean fuels industries?

Given domestic access to locally produced clean fuels, production infrastructure, supply chains and workforce, what additional opportunities exist in the medium to long-term for the province to expand the economic opportunity? This could include secondary processing, adjacent industrial development, value chain expansion, decarbonization initiatives, research and development activities, etc.

Members interested in sharing their ideas can contact econext CEO Kieran Hanley at In the coming weeks econext will produce a draft discussion paper which it will share with its members for review and feedback.

econext is a not-for-profit association of businesses that accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador, working on behalf of over 200 members to envision, support, and drive environmentally sustainable economic development within the province. More information about econext can be found at

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Media Contact:
Kieran Hanley

Webinar – CCUS in Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador – A Net Zero Project White Paper

The Net Zero Project was formed by Energy NL, econext and OilCo in early 2022 with a primary objective to ensure the long-term sustainable future of the Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore oil and gas industry by embracing and analyzing lower-emission pathways in line with broader provincial and national objectives of achieving net zero by 2050.

Building on the success of the Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Workshop in September 2022, the Net Zero Project is focusing on related action items and facilitating collaboration with various stakeholders in CCUS technology. Economic modeling, policy investigation, research into storage potential and technical feasibility analysis will help drive priorities in this regard. This area presents an opportunity for the development of, and investment attraction for, a major innovation project.

Date: February 15, 2023
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (NST)
Location: Online

This webinar will focus on those priorities as it introduces the White Paper Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Offshore Newfoundland and Labrador. Our Net Zero Project team will present key points within the paper and will take questions from the attendees following the online presentation. Following the webinar, the White Paper will be distributed to industry and interested stakeholders to encourage knowledge growth, industry awareness and to keep the momentum moving forward on this pathway to net zero.

Click Here to Register

Atlantic Canada Trade Mission to the Bahamas

Since 2014 econext (formerly NEIA) – with support from the Department of Industry, Energy and Technology (IET) and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) – has been helping Atlantic Canadian firms pursue international business opportunities in the Caribbean region.

Our Caribbean program is comprehensive, comprising in-depth market research, information sessions, customized firm-level supports, and the coordination of incoming and outgoing trade missions to markets. Our 2023 trade mission will see 9 organizations visit The Bahamas.

For more information, visit

Organizations participating in the Fall Trade Mission:

If you have any questions about the econext Trade Mission to The Bahamas please contact Abbie Hodder, econext‘s COO & Director of International Business, at