DEI Training Part 2: Microagressions

Join us for an exciting online event where we dive deep into the world of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The DEI Learning Series is your chance to expand your knowledge and gain valuable insights in the world of DEI.

Part 2: Microaggressions

Date: February 1, 2024
Time: 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Cost: Free

econext welcomes expert facilitators from the Women in Resource Development Corporation (WRDC) to provide this training. By attending this training, you’ll develop valuable skills to foster a more inclusive and equitable environment in your workplace.


This training enlightens participants about microaggressions and their occurrence in the workplace. It helps individuals recognize the importance of addressing microaggressions, understand their impact on individuals, and learn practical strategies to navigate them effectively – whether as a target, bystander, or even a microaggressor.

This is part 2 of a 3 part DEI training series offered by WRDC and econext. Missed the first one? Can’t make both upcoming sessions? Don’t sweat it! Attending all three sessions is encouraged however it is not required.

Register Here

Caribbean Business Opportunities Seminar

Hear from Trade Commissioners from Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, and the Caribbean Development Bank

Date: January 22, 2024
Time: 8:30am – 10:30am
Location: Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
Cost: Free

Register Now

Event Agenda

8:30 – Registration/Coffee

8:45 – Welcome and Introduction
Abbie Hodder, econext

9:00 – Market Overview and Business Opportunities in the Eastern Caribbean
Tammy Brathwaite, High Commission of Canada

9:15 – Doing Business with the Caribbean Development Bank
Christine P. Mohammed, Caribbean Development Bank

10:15 – Coffee Break

10:30 – One-on-Ones
Separate registration required – contact to register.

CEO Message – January 5, 2024

On behalf of econext, I would like to wish our members and partners a Happy New Year.

Our team is already off to the races on what is sure to be a big year for the green economy in Newfoundland and Labrador. I’d like to highlight a few of the things that we will be up to in Q1 of this year.

On the policy front we will busy putting our best foot forward in providing ideas for the provincial government’s development of new climate change action plans, and responding to the federal government’s planned emissions cap for the oil and gas industry (which, among other things, we believe has the potential to create new carbon offsets opportunities for our province). We are also in the beginning stages of exploring innovative approaches to regulatory frameworks to help enable efficient processes that are also highly effective in protecting the environment.

We have two ideathons in the works for the Winter across the province, and will be helping SMEs to understand why they should be thinking about ESG and how they can get started developing strategies through a new course that we have developed. We have two exciting webinars within the next two weeks – one on the 11th about Newfoundland and Labrador’s clean technology tax credit, and another on the 16th highlighting clean technologies coming from Iceland.

We are on the heels of facilitating a series of technology demonstrations of our members’ capabilities at The Launch, and will as a result have some exciting footage to share with the world about the cleantech expertise that Newfoundland and Labrador has as it relates to the ocean. Related to all of that, we are helping students explore careers in the green and blue economies and facilitating internships and co-op placements… contact us if you’re interested in hosting!

Meanwhile we are doing some exciting work related to skills and training for the clean energy industry, and finishing our work developing net zero pathways for our offshore oil and gas industry.

This is just the tip of iceberg of what we expect will be a banner year for econext; we have an incredible team in place which I know is going to have a very tangible impact on accelerating clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2024.

These folks are going to be busy and through 2023 we planted many seeds that we expect to sprout in the months ahead. Stay tuned.

Indeed, Newfoundland and Labrador’s clean growth future really began to take shape in 2023. Even since my last note in July, there has been a long list of developments that will help shape activity in the province 2024 and long after. From the release of critical minerals plans provincially and programming nationally, to the advancement of wind-to-hydrogen projects through the province’s crown lands process and the introduction federally of draft legislation for clean hydrogen tax credits, to the launch of a new provincial CCUS Innovation Challenge, to new bilateral energy agreements with other provinces and the federal government… Newfoundland and Labrador is not just well positioned to be a green leader – the train has left the station.

And this is just a sample of some of the developments this past Fall. The speed at which these things is happening can be difficult to keep track of – not to mention to understand how they may create opportunities for your business! econext is here to help. Are you a member and would like to meet with our team to help you explore or identify opportunities? Please get in touch. Whether you want to explore international markets, identify better uses for your waste streams, understand how you should be adapting to climate change, or see how you can become more productive and innovative – we’ve got someone on the team here who can help.

Lastly, but no less important, this year econext is committed to doing a better job of highlighting the successes of our members – either from a business or environmental perspective. So when you’ve accomplished something that you want to share, please send along your good news to us and we will do our part.

Wishing you a successful 2024,

// Kieran Hanley

Cleantech Innovation Webinar: Iceland and Newfoundland and Labrador

Join econext and the Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa for a webinar on January 16 to explore cleantech innovation collaboration opportunities between Newfoundland and Labrador and Iceland.

Building on the visit to St. John’s, NL by Iceland’s President and First Lady in May of 2023, this free webinar will feature presentations from a series of Icelandic cleantech and renewable energy companies and highlight an existing partnership between Iceland’s national power company and Newfoundland’s own Growler Energy.

Featuring presentations from:

Landsvirkjun is the National Power Company of Iceland and operates 18 power stations in Iceland concentrated on five main areas of operation.

Carbon Recycling International is the globally-recognixed leader in CO2 to methanol technology, operating at industrial scale since 2012.

IceWind develops robust vertical axis wind turbines, designed to withstand all weather conditions and be installed in even the most remote locations.

Carbfix provides a natural and permanent storage solution by turning CO2 into stone underground in less than two years.

Laki Power creates line-powered monitoring systems for overhead power lines, offering innovative solutions to some of today’s most pressing challenges faced by power grid operators.

The Iceland Renewable Energy Cluster is the cluster organization for the whole energy industry in Iceland, a joint platform for both public and private entities and institutions of the whole value chain.

Growler Energy is a Newfoundland and Labrador based company focused on unlocking the unlimited potential of renewable resources and clean energy.

econext accelerates clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador, working on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development.


Date: January 16, 2024
Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm NST

Register Now!

Webinar Agenda

Welcome and Opening Remarks

  • econext (NL)
  • Embassy of Iceland in Ottawa (IS)

Renewable Energy

  • Landsvirkjun (IS) & Growler Energy (NL)
  • IceWind (IS)
  • Q&A

Clean Technology

  • Carbfix (IS)
  • Carbon Recycling International (IS)
  • Laki Power (IS)
  • Q&A

The Power of Cluster Collaboration

  • Iceland Renewable Energy Cluster (IS)

Closing Remarks

WEBINAR: Newfoundland and Labrador’s Green Technology Tax Credit

Are you interested in learning about the tax credit available for green technology in Newfoundland and Labrador? Tune in to our free webinar!

Date: Thursday January 11, 2024
Time: 10:30 – 11:30 AM NST
Cost: FREE!

econext welcomes Mark Hatfield from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Finance to chat about the green technology tax credit which was introduced in Budget 2022. The webinar will delve into a number of topics including qualified investments, eligibility, financial aspects of the tax credit, and the application process.

Register Now!

If you have any questions about this webinar, please contact Jenny Mallard by email at

Website Training


  • Login details
  • How the website is made
  • The difference between pages and posts
  • Adding a new post
  • The editor and basic code
  • The importance of categories
  • Special Fields
  • Feature Images
  • Format
  • Hard Coded and Harder to Change (design, menu)
  • Sticking to Pages and Posts
  • Great flexibility in how things are presented
  • Online and On-Demand

econext, Harris Centre, CLIMAtlantic partner on regional climate workshops throughout Newfoundland and Labrador

For Immediate Release
December 7, 2023

Throughout 2023, econext – in partnership with Memorial University’s Harris Centre and CLIMAtlantic – organized a series of regional climate workshops throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.

“Climate change is impacting communities across Newfoundland and Labrador, but depending on where you live and how your area has evolved, we all see it affecting us in different ways,” said Kieran Hanley, econext’s CEO. “These regional climate workshops are helping us to gain a better understanding of what is most important in specific areas of the province, which in turn will help us to do our work to advance adaptation efforts and grow Newfoundland and Labrador’s green economy.”

Workshops took place in Grand Falls-Windsor, Port Rexton, Trinity, Port aux Basques, Codroy Valley, and Pasadena between April and November 2023.

NL Climate Services Specialist Sepehr Khosravi – Courtesy of The Gazette

“We have only scratched the surface in terms of our province’s geography,” recognized Hanley. “We are keen to explore opportunities to host workshops in other areas in 2024 and would be happy to explore ideas with any region or community that expresses interest.”

econext regularly engages with municipalities and communities across the province to define climate change challenges and opportunities, helping in the pursuit of funding to address them,” said Hanley. The regional climate workshops will allow econext to identify specific initiatives that can be pursued on a regional basis and communicate them to other stakeholders who can help.

“We are grateful for our partnership with The Harris Centre and CLIMAtlantic for this initiative.”

econext approached the Harris Centre to organize, host and facilitate the workshops due to their long standing connections with communities and regions across the province. At each workshop CLIMAtlantic offered practical resources ranging from risk assessment to possible climate change adaptation options.

econext is an association of businesses that accelerate clean growth in Newfoundland and Labrador and work on behalf of over 200 members to foster environmentally sustainable economic development. More information can be found at

Media Contact:
Kieran Hanley

econext releases ocean cleantech webinar series to help SMEs identify international innovation partners in Germany, Ireland, and the UK

Through 2023 econext has released a series of webinars available via its Online & On-Demand platform focused on ocean-based clean technologies.

In the series, three markets with strengths related to clean ocean technologies are explored – Germany, Ireland, and the UK – with a focus on existing clusters and networks, key organizations, and research groups that are leading innovation in the blue/green economies.

Content is available for free in multiple formats; users can choose whether they wish to learn vie video, audio, and/or text.

SMEs in Atlantic Canada wishing to learn more about potential partners identified are encouraged to contact econext staff who can work on your behalf to facilitate an introduction.

Click Here to Access

econext Members Holiday Social

You’re Invited!

It’s that time of year again! econext cordially invites you to our annual Members Holiday Social!

Our social will be held on Tuesday December 5th, 2023 from 5:00 – 7:30 PM @ Gypsy Tea Room, located at 315 Water Street.

In lieu of a ticket cost, econext is raising funds for the Community Food Sharing Association. Donations can be made through the registration page on Eventbrite, linked below.

We are looking forward to hosting our membership, stakeholders and partners for some holiday cheer. Our networking events continue to provide amazing opportunities to meet new contributors in clean growth, chat with familiar faces, and enjoy some food and drink on us!

Register Now!

Interested in partnering with econext on this event? For more details, please contact Colin Heffernan, Manager of Industry and Community Engagement, by e-mail at

Webinar: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Training Part I – Unconscious Bias

Join us for an engaging and eye-opening online event on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 at 1:00 PM NST. In this session, we will delve into the world of unconscious bias and its impact on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Through interactive exercises and thought-provoking discussions, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how unconscious biases shape our perceptions and decisions.

econext welcomes expert facilitators from Women in Resource Development Corporation (WRDC) to provide this training. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your DEI knowledge and contribute to a more inclusive workplace. Register now and be part of the change!

This is the first of a three-part DEI training series offered by WRDC and econext. We would encourage you to attend all three sessions for maximum value, however it is not required.

For more information, please contact Jenny Mallard at

Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Time: 1:00pm NST
Location: Online

Register Now!